
心有正见 || 何德伦老师2017新年分享

何德伦老师 维安正念小站 2019-04-02

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主页君的前言:这分享来自于一位马来西亚的禅修者——何德伦先生,   他拥有30多年教授禅修的经验,并在德加尼亚禅师指导下修习四念处。何德伦老师分享在四念处修习当中的一些要点,无论对于初学者还是有多年禅修经验的人都有很大的助益。随喜他法布施的功德。善哉!   善哉!  善哉! 以下这篇是何德伦老师今年在缅甸禅修的经验分享。

In the scene of a retreat centre... This morning after breakfast a yogi friend accidentally inserted his room key on the wrong door. In the midst of trying to unlock the door, the yogi of that room came by from behind and reminded him it was the wrong one. He was quick to realize that and immediately said with a grin "new year, new door".


I met him later and asked him casually whether there's any new wisdom in this new year after his early sitting, and he paused for a moment and said in mandarin - new year with new sets of problems.


That's very true and yet there is always the practise of awareness to fall back to. As I came down from the staircase going to the kitchen to refill the hot water flask, a neighbouring house could be heard blasting out a loud music, probably ushering the new year. As I pass by a nun yogi, I express to her this - when the mind has Right View, there is always peace with whatever that is taking place. One just can't find any fault in the mind on those moments.

的确是这样的,但是我们总是可以回到觉知的练习中来。 我从楼梯下来去厨房给热水瓶灌水时,听到附近的一个房子里传来很大的音乐声,可能在庆祝新年。我遇见一个女众出家人,和她说,当心有正见的时候,无论发生什么,心中都会保持平静。你无法在心中找出这些时刻有任何错误。

The same goes back to the earlier scene where I noticed the mind did not judge the yogi for inserting the key on the wrong keyhole. There is such stark contrast from the past and now, with clear understanding that conditioning is just what it is. As such judgment cease to arise.


On this supposedly 1st day of 2017, I wish to take this blessed moment to wish all a loving journey of consistent awareness, as much as one can. And with a remembering phrase - when the mind has Right View, what is taking place is always what it is, perfect and good.


Blessed new year with blessed 


     何德伦导师已经教授禅修30余年,吸收了许多先贤智慧的教导与他自己多年的正念经验之旅。他通过课程、工作坊、周末静修的方式为禅修者提供了一种当代的禅修方式。他的独特风格教学和分享啟发反思和讨论。通过以正念+智慧为工具,他擅长引导禅修者深入通过修习正念+智慧, 理解自心的运作,从而带来自由和快乐。

    何德伦导师也是Clove&Clive的合办人,何德伦导师于2002年第一次与德加尼亚禅师会面,以后几乎每年都会前往缅甸雪吴敏中心禅修。在此之前,他是在马哈西尊者的传统下修习。他曾协助卡巴金博士编写两本书《Letting Everything Become Your Teacher》和《Arriving at your own door》。他编写了《爱的智慧》及一些供给团体结缘的书,定期更新博客“超越世间”http://illusiontoreality.com/。


思慧 || 何德伦老师分享(1)The Mind! The Mind! 心!心!

思慧 || 何德伦老师分享(2)压力和情绪

思慧 || 何德伦老师分享(3)趋向正确的理解Towards Right Understanding

思慧 || 何德伦老师分享(4)什么是禅修

思慧 || 何德伦老师分享(5)觉知的益处






