
With E-Learning Comes E-xercise! Online Workouts To Stay Fit

Vivienne Rush Jingkids 2022-05-30


We might be stuck with the kids at home with online learning but that doesn’t give us a reason to slack off, too much anyway. Plus, the kids need to keep moving, maybe now more than ever (so as to keep our sanity!) So here are some great online exercise options, some for the whole family, to bring the workout straight to your living room!

Shona’s Online Dance & Fitness Classes

Shona is a Spanish dancer and choreographer with more than 15 years of experience performing for different artists, brands, and television programs. She worked in Spain, Portugal, Russia and is now based in China.

She has also taught various styles of dance for over 15 years to both adults and children. Right now, she is offering rumba flamenca, modern dance, and family hip hop dance classes online. If you’re simply looking to get fit, she is also offering a workout class every morning at 9.30am!


Fitness With Diva’s Online Workout Programs

Whether you’re in actual quarantine, pseudo-quarantine (like most of us), or have been agoraphobic your entire life, Diva‘s online fitness programs use little to no equipment and can be performed pretty much anywhere! A former professional dancer turned fitness trainer, Diva has fun dance workouts and strength training programs to suit different fitness goals.

When you buy her program, you’ll get access to online videos demonstrating all the moves at various intensities, a daily workout planner that schedules your rest days as well, and best of all, you’ll join her supportive WeChat community to hold yourself accountable and be inspired by others on their personal fitness journeys as well.

Taozi Tree Yoga

We love Taozi Tree Yoga, created with love by Theresa Parsonage and nurtured by the incredible community of Taozi Tree Yoga-certified teachers. They’ve been great at going with the flow and almost their entire class schedule is online now for our convenience. From hatha to vinyasa and ashtanga, you’ll find something to please your inner yogi. Plus, you might be thrilled to know they are still offering their special seasonal outdoor yoga classes such as Yoga by the River. Besides yoga classes, they also offer lifestyle and knowledge workshops such as “Plant-based Lifestyle” and “Traditional Chinese Medicine for Beginngers”. Scan to add Taozi Admin or follow Taozi Tree Yoga on WeChat to see their weekly class schedule.

Images: Unsplash, Courtesy of vendors

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