
前沿 | American Political Science Review(美国政治科学评论)2019.01

政治学人 政治学人 2020-11-04

政治学人国际化部为大家带来了American Political Science Review(美国政治科学评论)2019年第1期中的研究论文(Research Paper)的部分编译,以飨读者。








American Political Science Review(美国政治科学评论)创刊于1906年,是政治学最早的学术研究期刊。提供同行评审的文章和评论整个学科子领域的论文。



最新目录(Research Paper)

  1. Legislative Staff and Representation in Congress


  2. Does Private Regulation Preempt Public Regulation?


  3. Does Party Trump Ideology? Disentangling Party and Ideology in America


  4. The Informational Theory of Legislative Committees: An Experimental Analysis


  5. Preventive Repression: Two Types of Moral Hazard


  6. The Countervailing Effects of Competition on Public Goods Provision: When Bargaining Inefficiencies Lead to Bad Outcomes


  7. Enhancing Electoral Equality: Can Education Compensate for Family Background Differences in Voting Participation?


  8. (Under What Conditions) Do Politicians Reward Their Supporters? Evidence from Kenya’s Constituencies Development Fund


  9. The Psychology of State Repression: Fear and Dissent Decisions in Zimbabwe


  10. The Credibility of Public and Private Signals: A Document-Based Approach


  11. From Isolation to Radicalization: Anti-Muslim Hostility and Support for ISIS in the West


  12. A Theopolitics Contra Political Theology: Martin Buber’s Biblical Critique of Carl Schmitt


  13. Candidate Entry and Political Polarization: An Experimental Study


  14. The Endurance of Politicians’ Values Over Four Decades: A Panel Study




01 国会职员与国会的代表性


Legislative Staff and Representation in Congress



  • MATTO MILDENBERGER University of California, Santa Barbara

  • LEAH C. STOKES University of California, Santa Barbara



Legislative staff link Members Of Congress And Their constituents,theoretically facilitating democratic representation. Yet,little research has examined whether Congressional staff actually recognize the preferences of their Members’ constituents. Using an original survey of senior US Congressional staffers, we show that staff systematically  mis-estimate constituent opinions. We then evaluate the sources of these misperceptions, using observational analyses and two survey experiments. Staffers who rely more heavily on conservative and business interest groups for policy information have more skewed perceptions of constituent opinion. Egocentric biases also shape staff perceptions. Our findings complicate assumptions that Congress represents constituent opinion, and help to explain why Congress often appears so unresponsive to ordinary citizens. We conclude that scholars should focus more closely on legislative aides as key actors in the policymaking process, both in the United States and across other advanced democracies.

02 公司管制:孰先孰后?


Does Private Regulation Preempt Public Regulation?


Neil Malhotra et al.



Previous research has emphasized corporate lobbying as a pathway through which businesses influence government policy. This article examines a less-studied mode of influence: private regulation, defined as voluntary efforts by firms to restrain their own behavior. We argue that firms can use modest private regulations as a political strategy to preempt more stringent public regulations. To test this hypothesis, we administered experiments to three groups that demand environmental regulations:voters, activists, and government officials. Our experiments revealed how each group responded to voluntary environmental programs (VEPs) by firms. Relatively modest VEPs dissuaded all three groups from seeking more draconian government regulations, a finding with important implications for social welfare. We observed these effects most strongly when all companies within an industry joined the voluntary effort. Our study documents an understudied source of corporate power, while also exposing the limits of private regulation as a strategy for influencing government policy.

03 政党胜过意识形态吗?理清美国的政党和意识形态


Does Party Trump Ideology? Disentangling Party and Ideology in America


  • MICHAEL BARBER Brigham Young University

  • JEREMY C. POPE Brigham Young University


人们保守(自由)是因为他们是共和党人(民主党人)吗? 或者正好相反:人们之所以是共和党人(民主党人),是因为他们是保守派(自由派)?虽然关于这个由来已久的问题已经有许多人回答,但验证答案却是困难的。因为这些概念在当下的美国几乎不可能被理清。意识形态和党派之争是高度相关的,而且随着时间的推移这对关系只会越来越紧密。然而,特朗普当选提供了一个难得的机会,让我们得以把政党依附和意识形态承诺两者区分开。通过一个研究设计——测试人们对特朗普总统的实际“保守”和“自由”政策声明的看法。我们发现知识水平低的受访者、强势的共和党人、支持特朗普的民众、以及自称是保守派的人,在接受特朗普的暗示时,最有可能表现得像党内忠诚分子一样——无论是自由派还是保守派。结果表明,在美国有大量忠诚于党的人,那些所谓的自我定义的保守主义者的说法是可疑的。群体忠诚要比任何意识形态原则都更能影响他们的看法。

Are people conservative (liberal) because they are Republicans (Democrats)? Or is it the reverse: people are Republicans (Democrats) because they are conservatives (liberals)? Though much has been said about this long-standing question, it is difficult to test because the concepts are nearly impossible to disentangle in modern America. Ideology and partisanship are highly correlated, only growing more so over time. However, the election of President Trump presents a unique opportunity to disentangle party attachment from ideological commitment. Using a research design that employs actual “conservative” and “liberal” policy statements from President Trump, we find that low-knowledge respondents, strong Republicans, Trump- approving respondents, and self-described conservatives are the most likely to behave like party loyalists by accepting the Trump cue—in either a liberal or conservative direction. These results suggest that there are a large number of party loyalists in the United States , that their claims to being a self-defined conservative are suspect, and that group loyalty is the stronger motivator of opinion than are any ideological principles.

04 立法委员会的信息理论:一个实验性的分析


The Informational Theory of Legislative Committees: An Experimental Analysis


  • MARCO BATTAGLINI Cornell University and EIEF

  • ERNEST K. LAI Lehigh University

  • WOOYOUNG LIM The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

  • JOSEPH TAO-YI WANG National Taiwan University


我们实验性地调查了立法委员会的信息理论(Gilligan and Krehbiel, 1989)。两个立法委员会的成员在替代性的立法规则下,提供了与某一立法决定的与政策相关的信息。在开放的规则下,立法机构可以自由做出任何决定,但是在有限制的规则下,立法机构必须在一个成员的提案和现实之间做出选择。我们发现即使存在偏差,委员会成员也会通过提供有用的信息改进立法机构的决定。我们获得的证据可以支撑以下两条附加的预测:外部人原则,根据更极端的偏差减少信息传播;另一个是分布原则,基于开放原则比基于有限的规则更具有分配的有效性。当偏差没有那么极端的时候,基于有限制的规则在信息上更加有效这一点,我们发现分布原则主导了限制规则(restrictive-rule)原则。总的来说,我们提供了实验性的证据支持Gilligan和Krehbiel的信息理论。

We experimentally investigate the informational theory of legislative committees (Gilligan and Krehbiel 1989). Two committee members provide policy-relevant information to a legislature under alternative legislative rules. Under the open rule, the legislature is free to make any decision; under the closed rule, the legislature chooses between a member’s proposal and a status quo. We find that even in the presence of biases, the committee members improve the legislature’s decision by providing useful information. We obtain evidence for two additional predictions: the outlier principle, according to which more extreme biases reduce the extent of information trans- mission; and the distributional principle, according to which the open rule is more distributionally efficient than the closed rule. When biases are less extreme, we find that the distributional principle dominates the restrictive-rule principle, according to which the closed rule is more informationally efficient. Overall, our findings provide experimental support for Gilligan and Krehbiel’s informational theory.

05 预防性镇压:道德风险的两种类型


Preventive Repression: Two Types of Moral Hazard


  • TIBERIU DRAGU New York University

  • ADAM PRZEWORSKI New York University



Authoritarian leaders maintain their grip on power primarily through preventive repression, routinely exercised by specialized security agencies with the aim of preventing any opponents from organizing and threatening their power. We develop a formal model to analyze the moral hazard problems inherent in the principal-agent relationship between rulers and their security agents in charge of preventive repression. The model distinguishes two types of moral hazard: “politics,” through which the security agents can exert political influence to increase their payoff by decreasing the ruler’s rents from power, and “corruption,” through which the agents can increase their payoff by engaging in rent-seeking activities that do not decrease the ruler’s rents from power. The surprising conclusion is that both the ruler and the security agent are better off when the only moral hazard problem available is politics rather than when the agent can choose between politics and corruption. We also show that the equilibrium probability of ruler’s survival in power is higher when politics is the only moral hazard available to the agent. These findings lead to our central conclusion that opportunities for corruption undermine authoritarian rule by distorting the incentives of the security agencies tasked with preventing potential threats to an authoritarian ruler’s grip on power.

06 公共物品供给竞争的抵消效应:谈判低效何时引发恶果?


The Countervailing Effects of Competition on Public Goods Provision:When Bargaining Inefficiencies Lead to Bad Outcomes


Jessica Gottlieb and Katrina Kosec



Political competition is widely recognized as amediator of public goods provision through its salutary effect on incumbents’ electoral incentives. We argue that political competition additionally mediates public goods provision by reducing the efficiency of legislative bargaining. These countervailing forces may produce a net negative effect in places with weak parties and low transparency—typical of many young democracies. We provide evidence of a robust negative relationship between political competition and local public goods using panel data from Mali. Tests of mechanisms corroborate our interpretation of this relationship as evidence of legislative bargaining inefficiencies. To explore the generalizability of these findings, we analyze cross-country panel data and show that political competition leads to better (worse) public goods provision under high (low) levels of party system institutionalization. The paper sheds light on why political competition is only selectively beneficial, and underscores the importance of considering both the electoral and legislative arenas.


07 增强选举公平:教育是否可以弥补投票参与中家庭背景的差异?


Enhancing Electoral Equality: Can Education Compensate for Family Background Differences in Voting Participation?


  • KARL-OSKAR LINDGREN Uppsala University

  • SVEN OSKARSSON Uppsala University

  • MIKAEL PERSSON University of Gothenburg


文献记录表明,相较于来自于高社会地位的家庭,源自低社会地位家庭的个人其投票率更低。本文检验了教育改革是否可以帮助减小这个差距。我们通过研究瑞典在1990年代改革高中教育的试验为基础,基于居住在不同城市或者出声在不同年份的个人在教育所得(educational attainment)这个外生变量上有了提升,建立了因果关系。和近期研究中运用置信度识别(credible identification)的策略一样,我们无法发现一个在统计上显著地教育对政治参与度的平均影响。尽管如此,我们在基于前人研究的基础上,发现了教育改革可以减小来自不同社会背景的个体的投票率水平,尤其是提升那些来自低社会阶层的居民。这个结果与近期的论证教育在部分程度上可以从政治角度提升边缘群体的情况相匹配。

It is well documented that voter turnout is lower among persons who grow up in families from a low socioeconomic status compared with persons from high-status families. This paper examines whether reforms in education can help reduce this gap. We establish causality by exploiting a pilot scheme preceding a large reform of Swedish upper secondary education in the early 1990s, which gave rise to exogenous variation in educational attainment between individuals living in different municipalities or born in different years. Similar to recent studies employing credible identification strategies, we fail to find a statistically significant average effect of education on political participation. We move past previous studies, however, and show that the reform nevertheless contributed to narrowing the voting gap between indi- viduals of different social backgrounds by raising turnout among those from low socioeconomic status households. The results thus square well with other recent studies arguing that education is particularly important for uplifting politically marginalized groups.

08 (在什么情况下)政客会奖励他们的支持者?来自肯尼亚选举发展基金会的证据


(Under What Conditions) Do Politicians Reward Their Supporters? Evidence from Kenya’s Constituencies Development Fund


J. Andrew. Harris   Daniel N. Posner



We leverage innovative spatial modeling techniques and data on the precise geo-locations of more than 32,000 Constituency Development Fund (CDF) projects in Kenya to test whether Members of Parliament (MPs) reward their supporters. We find only weak evidence that MPs channel projects disproportionately to areas inhabited by their political allies, once we control for other factors that affect where projects are placed, such as population density, poverty rates, ethnic demographics, and distance to paved roads. Notwithstanding this result, we find evidence for cross-constituency variation in political targeting, driven in large part by the spatial segregation of the MP’s supporters and opponents. Our findings challenge the conventional wisdom about the centrality of clientelistic transfers in Africa and underscore how local conditions generate particular incentives and opportunities for the strategic allocation of political goods. We also highlight the benefits and challenges of analyzing allocations at the project level rather than aggregated to the administrative unit.

09 国家压迫的心理:津巴布韦公民的恐惧和异议决策


The Psychology of State Repression: Fear and Dissent Decisions in Zimbabwe


Davis,LAUREN E. YOUNG University of California



Many authoritarian regimes use frightening acts of repression to suppress dissent. Theory from psychology suggests that emotions should affect how citizens perceive and process information about repression risk and ultimately whether or not they dissent. I test the effects of emotions on dissent in autocracy by running a lab-in-the-field experiment with 671 opposition supporters in Zimbabwe that randomly assigns some participants to an exercise that induces a mild state of fear, whereas others complete a neutral placebo. The fear treatment significantly reduces hypothetical and behavioral measures of dissent by substantively large amounts. It also increases pessimism about parameters that enter into the dissent decision as well as risk aversion. These results show that emotions interact in important ways with strategic considerations. Fear may be a powerful component of how unpopular autocrats exclude large portions of their populations from mobilizing for regime change.

10 公共和私人信号的可信度:一种文本分析方法


The Credibility of Public and Private Signals: A Document-Based Approach


Azusa Katagiri;Eric Min



Crisis bargaining literature has predominantly used formal and qualitative methods to debate the relative efficacy of actions, public words, and private words. These approaches have overlooked the reality that policymakers are bombarded with information and struggle to adduce actual signals from endless noise. Material actions are therefore more effective than any diplomatic communication in shaping elites’ perceptions. Moreover, while ostensibly “costless,” private messages provide a more precise communication channel than public and “costly” pronouncements. Over 18,000 declassified documents from the Berlin Crisis of 1958–63 reflecting private statements, public statements, and White House evaluations of Soviet resolve are digitized and processed using statistical learning techniques to assess these claims. The results indicate that material actions have greater influence on the White House than either public or private statements; that public statements are noisier than private statements; and that private statements have a larger effect on evaluations of resolve than public statements.

11 从孤立到激进:西方反穆斯林的敌意核对ISIS的支持


(Under What Conditions) Do Politicians Reward Their Supporters? Evidence from Kenya’s Constituencies Development Fund


J. Andrew. Harris   Daniel N. Posner



We leverage innovative spatial modeling techniques and data on the precise geo-locations of more than 32,000 Constituency Development Fund (CDF) projects in Kenya to test whether Members of Parliament (MPs) reward their supporters. We find only weak evidence that MPs channel projects disproportionately to areas inhabited by their political allies, once we control for other factors that affect where projects are placed, such as population density, poverty rates, ethnic demographics, and distance to paved roads. Notwithstanding this result, we find evidence for cross-constituency variation in political targeting, driven in large part by the spatial segregation of the MP’s supporters and opponents. Our findings challenge the conventional wisdom about the centrality of clientelistic transfers in Africa and underscore how local conditions generate particular incentives and opportunities for the strategic allocation of political goods. We also highlight the benefits and challenges of analyzing allocations at the project level rather than aggregated to the administrative unit.

12 神学政治的对立:政治神学——马丁·布伯对卡尔·斯密特的圣经批判


A Theopolitics Contra Political Theology: Martin Buber’s Biblical Critique of Carl Schmitt


CHARLES H. T. LESCH Vanderbilt University



This article recovers Martin Buber’s important but neglected critique of Carl Schmitt’s political theology. Because Buber is known primarily as an ethicist and scholar of Judaism, his attack on Schmitt has been largely overlooked. Yet as I reveal through a close reading of his Biblical commentaries, a concern about the dangers of political theology threads through decades of his work. Divine sovereignty, Buber argues, is absolute and inimitable; no human ruler can claim the legitimate power reserved to God. Buber’s response is to uncover what he sees as Judaism’s earliest political theory: a “theopolitics,” where human beings, mutually subject to divine kingship, practice non-domination. But Buber, I show, did not seek to directly revive this religious vision. Instead, he sought to incorporate the spirit of theopolitics, as embodied by Israel’s prophets, into modern society. The result is a new and significant perspective on liberal democracy and political theology.  

13 候选人的产生和政治极化:一项实验研究


Candidate Entry and Political Polarization: An Experimental Study


  • JENS GROßER Florida State University

  • THOMAS R. PALFREY California Institute of Technology


本文报告了一项实验结果,该实验基于公民候选人模型(citizen–candidate model),其中被试者拥有有关理想化观点的独有信息。在所有的干预组,作者都观察到了低效的政治极化;也就是说,持有极端理想观点的公民与那些中庸公民相比,成为候选人的频率更高。其次,当选民利用意识形态党派标签获得关于候选人理想观点的方向性信息时,那些极端化的公民成为候选人的频率就更少了。尽管如此,这种方向性信息是福利增强的,因为更低的进入成本和更充分的选民信息超过了政治极化带来的低效率。第三,进入率随着团体规模扩大和进入成本上升而下降。进入博弈中独特的对称贝叶斯均衡的切点对的特性揭示了这些发现。从数量上看,当理论进入率高(低)时,我们观察到的进入太少(太多)。logit随机最优反应均衡则揭示了进入率中这一观察性偏差的一般模式。

We report the results of a laboratory experiment based on a citizen–candidate model with private information about ideal points. Inefficient political polarization is observed in all treatments; that is, citizens with extreme ideal points enter as candidates more often than moderate citizens. Second, less entry occurs, with even greater polarization, when voters have directional information about candidates’ ideal points, using ideological party labels. Nonetheless, this directional information is welfare enhancing because the inefficiency from greater polarization is outweighed by lower entry expenses and better voter information. Third, entry rates are decreasing in group size and the entry cost. These findings are all implied by properties of the unique symmetric Bayesian equilibrium cut point pair of the entry game. Quantitatively, we observe too little (too much) entry when the theoretical entry rates are high (low). This general pattern of observed biases in entry rates is implied by logit quantal response equilibrium.

14 四十年来政客价值观的耐性分析:一项定群追踪研究

题目: The  Endurance of Politicians’ Values Over Four Decades: A Panel Study


  • DONALD D. SEARING University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • WILLIAM G. JACOBY Michigan State University

  • ANDREW H. TYNER Princeton University



How much do the political values of politicians endure throughout their careers? And how might the endurance be explained? This paper uses a unique longitudinal data set to examine the persistence of political values among national politicians: members of the British House of Commons, who completed Rokeach-type value ranking instruments during 1971–73 and again 40 years later in 2012–16. The findings show remarkable stability and provide strong support for the persistence hypothesis which predicts that politicians develop crystallised value systems by their early thirties and largely maintain those values into retirement. This is consistent with the view that rapid changes in aggregate party ideologies have more to do with new views among new waves of recruits than with conversions among old members.


