
前沿 | American Political Science Review(美国政治科学评论)2019.03

政治学人 政治学人 2020-11-04

本期政治学人国际化部推介《美国政治科学评论》(American Political Science Review)2019年第3期文章编译,以飨读者。欢迎关注与评论!注意:

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American Political Science Review(美国政治科学评论)创刊于1906年,是政治学最早的学术研究期刊。提供同行评审的文章和评论整个学科子领域的论文。IF:3.444




  1. Deliberative Democracy in an Unequal World: A Text-As-Data Study of South India’s Village Assemblies


  2. Establishing the Rule of Law in Weak and War-torn States: Evidence


  3. Wealth, Slave ownership, and Fighting for the Confederacy: An Empirical Study of the American Civil War


  4. Policy Ideology in European Mass Publics, 1981–2016


  5. Electoral Reform and Trade-Offs in Representation


  6. The Fingerprints of Fraud: Evidence from Mexico’s 1988 Presidential Election 


  7. Partisan Poll Watchers and Electoral Manipulation 


  8. Are Moderates Better Representatives than Extremists? A Theory of Indirect Representation


  9. Signaling with Reform: How the Threat of Corruption Prevents Informed Policy-making


  10. Imperial Politics, English Law, and the Strategic Foundations of Constitutional Review in America


  11. Making Offenders Vote: Democratic Expressivism and Compulsory Criminal Voting


  12. The Politics of Decolonial Interpretation: Tradition and Method in Contemporary Arab Thought


  13. Constructivism and the Logic of Political Representation


  14. Declaring and Diagnosing Research Designs




01 不平等世界中的协商民主:印度南部乡村议会的文本数据研究


Deliberative Democracy in an Unequal World: A Text-As-Data Study of South India’s Village Assemblies


RAMYA PARTHASARATHY, Stanford University





This paper opens the “black box” of real-world deliberation by using text-as-data methods on a corpus of transcripts from the constitutionally mandated gram sabhas, or village assemblies, of rural India. Drawing on normative theories of deliberation, we identify empirical standards for “good” deliberation based on one’s ability both to speak and to be heard, and use natural language processing methods to generate these measures. We first show that, even in the rural Indian context, these assemblies are not mere “talking shops,” but rather provide opportunities for citizens to challenge their elected officials, demand transparency, and provide information about local development needs. Second, we find that women are at a disadvantage relative to men; they are less likely to speak, set the agenda, and receive a relevant response from state officials. And finally, we show that quotas for women for village presidencies improve the likelihood that female citizens are heard.

02 在弱国和饱受战争蹂躏的国家建立法治:证据


Establishing the Rule of Law in Weak and War-torn States: Evidence


ROBERT A. BLAIR, Brown University

SABRINA M. KARIM, Cornell University

BENJAMIN S. MORSE, Massachusetts Institute of Technology



How to restore citizens’ trust and cooperation with the police in the wake of civil war? We report results from an experimental evaluation of the Liberian National Police’s (LNP) “Confidence Patrols” program, which deployed teams of newly retrained, better-equipped police officers on recurring patrols to rural communities across three Liberian counties over a period of 14 months. We find that the program increased knowledge of the police and Liberian law, enhanced security of property rights, and reduced the incidence of some types of crime, notably simple assault and domestic violence. The program did not, however, improve trust in the police, courts, or government more generally. We also observe higher rates of crime reporting in treatment communities, concentrated almost entirely among those who were disadvantaged under prevailing customary mechanisms of dispute resolution. We consider implications of these findings for post-conflict policing in Liberia and weak and war-torn states more generally.

03 财富、奴隶所有权与为邦联而战:美国内战的实证研究


Wealth, Slave ownership, and Fighting for the Confederacy: An Empirical Study of the American Civil War


ANDREW B. HALL, Stanford University

CONNOR HUFF, Harvard University

SHIRO KURIWAKI, Harvard University



How did personal wealth and slave ownership affect the likelihood Southerners fought for the Confederate Army in the American Civil War? On the one hand, wealthy Southerners had incentives to free-ride on poorer Southerners and avoid fighting; on the other hand, wealthy Southerners were disproportionately slave owners, and thus had more at stake in the outcome of the war. We assemble a dataset on roughly 3.9 million free citizens in the Confederacy and show that slave owners were more likely to fight than non-slave owners. We then exploit a randomized land lottery held in 1832 in Georgia. Households of lottery winners owned more slaves in 1850 and were more likely to have sons who fought in the Confederate Army. We conclude that slave ownership, in contrast to some other kinds of wealth, compelled Southerners to fight despite free-rider incentives because it raised their stakes in the war’s outcome.

04 1981-2016年欧洲公众的政策意识形态


Policy Ideology in European Mass Publics, 1981–2016


DEVIN CAUGHEY, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

TOM O’GRADY, University College London

CHRISTOPHER WARSHAW, George Washington University



Using new scaling methods and a comprehensive public opinion dataset, we develop the first survey based time-series–cross-sectional measures of policy ideology in European mass publics. Our dataset covers 27 countries and 36 years and contains nearly 2.7 million survey responses to 109 unique issue questions. Estimating an ordinal group-level IRT model in each of four issue domains, we obtain biennial estimates of the absolute economic conservatism, relative economic conservatism, social conservatism, and immigration conservatism of men and women in three age categories in each country. Aggregating the group-level estimates yields estimates of the average conservatism in national publics in each biennium between 1981–82 and 2015–16. The four measures exhibit contrasting cross-sectional cleavages and distinct temporal dynamics, illustrating the multidimensionality of mass ideology in Europe. Subjecting our measures to a series of validation tests, we show that the constructs they measure are distinct and substantively important and that they perform as well as or better than one-dimensional proxies for mass conservatism (left–right self-placement and median voter scores). We foresee many uses for these scores by scholars of public opinion, electoral behavior, representation, and policy feedback.

05 选举改革和代表权的权衡


Electoral Reform and Trade-Offs in Representation


MICHAEL BECHER, Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse

IRENE MENE´ NDEZ GONZA´ LEZ, University of Mannheim



We examine the effect of electoral institutions on two important features of representation that are often studied separately: policy responsiveness and the quality of legislators. Theoretically, we show that while a proportional electoral system is better than a majoritarian one at representing popular preferences in some contexts, this advantage can come at the price of undermining the selection of good politicians. To empirically assess the relevance of this trade-off, we analyze an unusually controlled electoral reform in Switzerland early in the twentieth century. To account for endogeneity, we exploit variation in the intensive margin of the reform, which introduced proportional representation, based on administrative constraints and data on voter preferences. A difference-in-difference analysis finds that higher reform intensity increases the policy congruence between legislators and the electorate and reduces legislative effort. Contemporary evidence from the European Parliament supports this conclusion.

06 控选的蛛丝马迹:关于1988年墨西哥总统选举的研究


FRANCISCO CANT´U, University of Houston


DEVIN CAUGHEY, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

TOM O’GRADY, University College London

CHRISTOPHER WARSHAW, George Washington University



This paper investigates the opportunities for non-democratic regimes to rely on fraud by documenting the alteration of vote tallies during the 1988 presidential election in Mexico. In particular, I study how the alteration of vote returns came after an electoral reform that centralized the vote-counting process. Using an original image database of the vote-tally sheets for that election and applying Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to analyze the sheets, I find evidence of blatant alterations in about a third of the tallies in the country. This empirical analysis shows that altered tallies were more prevalent in polling stations where the opposition was not present and in states controlled by governors with grassroots experience of managing the electoral operation. This research has implications for understanding the ways in which autocrats control elections as well as for introducing a new methodology to audit the integrity of vote tallies.

07 党派投票观察员和选举操纵


Partisan Poll Watchers and Electoral Manipulation


SERGIO J. ASCENCIO, New York University Abu Dhabi and University of New Mexico

MIGUEL R. RUEDA, Emory University


政党如何保护自己免受选举操纵?为了回答这个问题,我们研究了在选举违规现象普遍存在的情况下,投票站党代表的存在及其对选举结果的影响。利用墨西哥众议院的选举数据,我们发现政党代表的出席与该政党的选票份额之间存在着很强的正相关关系。有证据表明,这种相关性可以归因于政党代表对选举结果的影响。我们还建立了一个博弈模型,对给定区域内各方选择的代表水平进行了博弈,并对其参数进行了结构估计。我们发现,政党把他们的代表派到他们希望对手派代表去的地方。这一发现表明,即便代表们常常深受“违规 ”之害,他们对那些违规行为却仍发挥了主要的保护作用。

How do parties protect themselves from electoral manipulation? To answer this question, we study the drivers of polling station party representatives’ presence and their impact on electoral outcomes in an environment where electoral irregularities are common. Using election data from the Mexican Chamber of Deputies, we find a robust positive correlation between the presence of party representatives and that party’s vote share. The evidence suggests that this correlation can be attributed to party representatives influencing the electoral results. We also formulate a game theoretic model of the levels of representation chosen by parties in a given precinct and structurally estimate its parameters. We find that parties send their representatives where they expect their opponents to send their own. The finding suggests representatives play a primarily protective role, even when they are often involved in irregularities themselves.

08 温和派比极端主义者更有代表性吗?间接代表理论


Are Moderates Better Representatives than Extremists? A Theory of Indirect Representation


JOHN W. PATTY, Emory University




Few, if any, elected representatives are capable of unilaterally implementing their platforms. Rather, they choose between options generated by other actors and/or external events. We present a theory of voters’ preferences over representatives who will cast votes on their behalf, and show that in this setting voters’ preferences over candidates’ platforms will not look like voters’ preferences over policies. We demonstrate that these induced preferences for representation tend to favor more extreme representatives, and we present two models of electoral competition in which induced preferences over representatives lead to elite polarization.

09 改革的信号:腐败的威胁如何阻碍明智的决策


Signaling with Reform: How the Threat of Corruption Prevents Informed Policy-making


KEITH E. SCHNAKENBERG, Washington University

IAN R. TURNER, Yale University



Lobbying is a potential source of corruption but is also a valuable source of information for policy makers. We analyze a game-theoretic model that shows how the threat of corruption affects the incentives of non-corrupt politicians to enlist the help of lobbyists to make more informed decisions. Politicians face a dilemma because voters cannot always tell whether a politician allows access to lobbyists to solicit corruption or to seek information. Thus, a non-corrupt politician may deny access to lobbyists to signal that she is non-corrupt even though doing so impedes her ability to make good policy. This signaling may decrease the welfare of the voters depending on the value of the lost policy information relative to the value of screening out corrupt politicians.

10 帝国政治、英国法律以及美国宪法审查的战略基础


Imperial Politics, English Law, and the Strategic Foundations of Constitutional Review in America


SEAN GAILMARD, University of California, Berkeley



In the colonial period of American history, the British Crown reviewed, and sometimes nullified, acts of colonial assemblies for “repugnancy to the laws of England.” In this way, Crown review established external, legal constraints on American legislatures. I present a formal model to argue that Crown legislative review counteracted political pressure on imperial governors from colonial assemblies, to approve laws contrary to the empire’s interests. Optimal review in the model combines both legal and substantive considerations. This gives governors the strongest incentive to avoid royal reprisal by vetoing laws the Crown considered undesirable. Thus, review of legislation for consistency with higher law helped the Crown to grapple with agency problems in imperial governance, and ultimately achieve more (but still incomplete) centralized control over policy. I discuss the legacy of imperial legislative review for early American thinking about constitutional review of legislation by courts.

11 罪犯投票:民主表达主义和刑事强制投票


Making Offenders Vote: Democratic Expressivism and Compulsory Criminal Voting


ANDREI POAMA, Leiden University

TOM THEUNS, Utrecht University



Is criminal disenfranchisement compatible with a democratic political order? This article considers this question in light of a recently developed view that criminal disenfranchisement is justified because it expresses our commitment to democratic values. We call this view expressive disenfranchisement and refer to the general conception in which it is grounded as democratic expressivism. Contra supporters of expressive disenfranchisement, we argue that democratic expressivism does not offer a sound justification of criminal disenfranchisement. Additionally, we argue that, insofar as one really cares about answering serious criminal wrongs via an expression of democratic values, criminal disenfranchisement should be abandoned and replaced with a policy that temporarily obliges the relevant criminals to vote. Democratic expressivists should, in other words, move from supporting the disenfranchisement of serious offenders to endorsing a policy of compulsory criminal voting for a finite period of time.

12 非殖民主义解读政治:当代阿拉伯思想中的传统与方法


The Politics of Decolonial Interpretation: Tradition and Method in Contemporary Arab Thought


YASMEEN DAIFALLAH, University of California, Santa Cruz



What is the relationship between interpretive method sand decolonizing projects? Decolonial thinkers often invoke pre-colonial traditions in their efforts to fashion “national cultures”—modes of being, understanding, and self-expression specific to a de-colonizing collectivity’s experience. While the substantive contributions of precolonial traditions to decolonial thought have received well-deserved attention in postcolonial and comparative political theory, this paper focuses on the role that interpretive methods play in generating the emancipatory sensibilities envisioned by decolonial thinkers. It draws on the contemporary Moroccan philosopher Mohammed ‘AbedAl-Jabri’s interpretive method to show that its decolonial potential lies in its “reader-centric” approach. This approach is concerned with transforming its postcolonial reader’s relationship to precolonial traditions, and not only with establishing the truth of historical texts or making use of their insights in the present as is more common in political-theoretical modes of interpretation. It does so through a tripartite process of disconnection, reconnection, and praxis.

13 建构主义与政治代表的逻辑


Constructivism and the Logic of Political Representation


THOMAS FOSSEN, Leiden University



There are at least two politically salient senses of “representation” --acting-for-others and portraying-something-as-something. The difference is not just semantic but also logical: relations of representative agency are dyadic (x represents y), while portrayals are triadic (x represents y as z). I exploit this insight to disambiguate constructivism and to improve our theoretical vocabulary for analyzing political representation. I amend Saward’s claims-based approach on three points, introducing the“characterization” to correctly identify the elements of representational claims; explaining the “referent” in pragmatic, not metaphysical terms; and differentiating multiple forms of representational activity. This enables me to clarify how the represented can be both prior to representation and constituted by it, and to recover Pitkin’s idea that representatives ought to be “responsive” to the represented. These points are pertinent to debates about the role of representatives, the nature of representative democracy, and the dynamics of revolutionary movements.

14 声明和诊断研究设计


Declaring and Diagnosing Research Designs


GRAEME BLAIR, University of California, Los Angeles

JASPER COOPER, University of California, San Diego





Researchers need to select high-quality research designs and communicate those designs clearly to readers. Both tasks are difficult. We provide a framework for formally “declaring” the analytically relevant features of a research design in a demonstrably complete manner, with applications to qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research. The approach to design declaration we describe requires defining a model of the world (M), an inquiry(I), a data strategy(D), and an answer strategy(A). Declaration of these features in code provides sufficient information for researchers and readers to use Monte Carlo techniques to diagnose properties such as power, bias, accuracy of qualitative causal inferences, and other “diagnosands.” Ex ante declarations can be used to improve designs and facilitate preregistration, analysis, and reconciliation of intended and actual analyses. Expost declarations are useful for describing, sharing, reanalyzing, and critiquing existing designs. We provide open-source software, Declare Design, to implement the proposed approach.




前沿 | American Political Science Review(美国政治科学评论)2019.01

前沿|American Political Science Review(美国政治科学评论)2019.02

美国政治与特朗普专题:Perspectives on Politics Volume 17 - Issue 2


一审:郑   静

二审:宋   婷


