国际顶刊 |《英国政治科学杂志》第52卷(2022年)第3期
本期国际化部为大家带来了British Journal of Political Science(BJPS,《英国政治科学杂志》)2022年第52卷第3期文章编译。
British Journal of Political Science(BJPS,《英国政治科学杂志》)是一份基础广泛的杂志,旨在涵盖广泛的国家和专业领域的发展。该刊发表的论文来自政治科学的所有领域(包括政治理论、政治行为、公共政策和国际关系)以及相关学科(社会学、社会心理学、经济学和哲学)。凭借50多年来建立的声誉,该刊被广泛认为是其领域内的首要期刊之一。该刊在《科睿唯安2021年期刊引用报告》(Clarivate JCR2021)中JIF=5.615,在187种政治科学类(Political Science-SSCI)期刊中排名第11(Q1)。
Immigrant Political Representation and Local Ethnic Concentration: Evidence from a Swedish Refugee Placement Program
Does Immigration Produce a Public Backlash or Public Acceptance? Time-Series, Cross-Sectional Evidence from Thirty European Democracies
A New Electorate? Explaining the Party Preferences of Immigrant-Origin Voters at the 2017 Bundestag Election
Against the Flow: Differentiating Between Public Opposition to the Immigration Stock and Flow
The Effects of Dehumanizing Attitudes about Black People on Whites’ Voting Decisions
The Super-Predator Effect: How Negative Targeted Messages Demobilize Black Voters
Did Terrorism Affect Voting in the Brexit Referendum?
Leader Nationalism, Ethnic Identity, and Terrorist Violence
Democratizing the Party: The Effects of Primary Election Reforms in Ghana
How Does Uncertainty Affect Voters’ Preferences?
Deliberative Distortions? Homogenization, Polarization, and Domination in Small Group Discussions
Feminism as Epic Theory
Rethinking Women’s Interests: An Inductive and Intersectional Approach to Defining Women’s Policy Priorities
Pronoun Usage as a Measure of Power Personalization: A General Theory with Evidence from the Chinese-Speaking World
Taxing the Tails in a Global Economy: How Electoral, Party and Wage Bargaining Systems Interact to Determine the Taxes Paid by the Poor and Rich
Are Policy Analogies Persuasive? The Household Budget Analogy and Public Support for Austerity
When Does Income Inequality Cause Polarization?
Winning Hearts and Minds for Rebel Rulers: Foreign Aid and Military Contestation in Syria
Foreign Aid and Soft Power: Great Power Competition in Africa in the Early Twenty-first Century
Violence Militarization and Perceptions of Law Enforcement in the Developing World: Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment in Mexico
01 移民的政治代表性和当地的族裔集中度:以瑞典难民安置计划为例
Immigrant Political Representation and Local Ethnic Concentration: Evidence from a Swedish Refugee Placement Program
Karl-Oskar Lindgren, Michael D. Nicholson, Sven Oskarsson
This study leverages population registry data from Sweden to examine whether immigrants who live in areas with a high concentration of ethnic minorities are more or less likely to be nominated for political office. It exploits a refugee placement program in place in Sweden during the late 1980s and early 1990s that restricted refugees’ opportunities to freely choose their place of residence. The article presents evidence that immigrants who live in areas with a high ethnic density are less likely to be nominated for political office. The findings have important implications for local integration policies as well as refugee placement policies, as many countries consider local context when resettling refugees.
02 移民引起公众抵制还是公众接受?时间序列下30个欧洲民主国家的典型证据
Does Immigration Produce a Public Backlash or Public Acceptance? Time-Series, Cross-Sectional Evidence from Thirty European Democracies
Christopher Claassen1 and Lauren McLaren
After decades of relatively high inflows of foreign nationals, immigration is now at the center of substantial political divisions in most European countries and has been implicated in one of the most vexing developments in European politics, the rise of the xenophobic right. However, it is not clear whether high levels of immigration actually do cause a public backlash, or whether publics become habituated to, and supportive of, immigration. This study tests these backlash and habituation theories using novel measures of immigration mood and immigration concern produced by combining over 4,000 opinion datapoints across twenty-nine years and thirty countries. The authors find evidence of a public backlash in the short to medium run, where mood turns negative and concern about immigration rises. Yet the study also finds evidence of a longer-run process of habituation that cancels out the backlash effect within one (concern) to three (mood) decades.
03 新选民?解释2017年联邦议院选举中移民选民的政党偏好
A New Electorate? Explaining the Party Preferences of Immigrant-Origin Voters at the 2017 Bundestag Election
Achim Goerres, Sabrina Jasmin Mayer and Dennis Christopher Spies
移民现在在许多西方国家的选民中构成了一个规模庞大且迅速增长的群体,但对其政党偏好的分析仍然有限。从理论上讲,移民的政党偏好可以用标准的选举理论和针对移民的特定方法来解释。在本文中,我们使用德国的最新数据对这两种分析视角进行了严格测试。将密歇根模型(Michigan model)及其三个中心解释变量——政党认同、问题取向和候选人评价——应用于移民和本土选民的政党偏好,我们发现,这个标准模型可以很好地解释这两个群体。相比之下,我们没有发现最突出的移民特定变量的直接影响,而且这些变量也没有对密歇根变量进行有意义的调节。然而,我们发现这些变量对政治态度和信仰的存在有很强的形成性影响:在德国生活的时间更长、德国身份感更强、受歧视经历更少的移民对密歇根模型主要解释变量项目的无反应显著减少。
Immigrants now constitute a sizeable and rapidly growing group among many Western countries’ electorates, but analyses of their party preferences remain limited. Theoretically, immigrants’ party preferences might be explained with both standard electoral theories and immigrant-specific approaches. In this article, we rigorously test both perspectives against each other using the most recent data from Germany. Applying the Michigan model, with its three central explanatory variables–party identification, issue orientations and candidate evaluations–to the party preferences of immigrant-origin and native voters, we find that this standard model can explain both groups well. In contrast, we find no direct effects of the most prominent immigrant-specific variables, and neither do these meaningfully moderate the Michigan variables. However, we find strong formative effects on the presence of political attitudes and beliefs: immigrants with a longer time spent in Germany, a stronger German identity and less experience of discrimination report significantly fewer item non-responses for the Michigan model’s main explanatory variables.
04 反对移民流:区分公众对移民存量和移民流的不同反对态度
Against the Flow: Differentiating Between Public Opposition to the Immigration Stock and Flow
Yotam Margalit and Omer Solodoch
Vast research on immigration lumps together native citizens’ attitudes toward two different groups: the immigrant stock of non-naturalized resident aliens, and the immigrant flow, that is, the future arrival of foreigners seeking to enter and live in the country. Does popular opposition to immigration distinguish between the two, and if so, how? This article analyzes theoretically the reasons the stock and flow might induce different views among natives, and presents experimental evidence from the United States showing that natives are systematically more accepting of the former. The analysis indicates that this ‘stock premium’ partly stems from a sense of moral obligation toward people residing in the country. Replicating two widely cited experiments, the study shows that the stock–flow distinction has important implications for the interpretation of earlier findings on immigration attitudes, and for understanding voter preferences regarding policies designed to curtail immigration.
05 对黑人的非人性态度对白人投票决定的影响
The Effects of Dehumanizing Attitudes about Black People on Whites’ Voting Decisions
Ashley Jardina, Spencer Piston
Political scientists have long noted the key role racial attitudes can play in electoral politics. However, the 2016 election of Donald Trump raises questions about prevailing theories of racial attitudes and their political effects. While existing research focuses on ‘cultural’ or ‘modern’ forms of racial prejudice, this article argues that a sizeable portion of White Americans, disturbingly, dehumanize Black people: that is, they view Black people as less than fully human. Unsurprisingly, given the blatant racism of Donald Trump’s campaign, this study also demonstrates that dehumanizing attitudes toward Black people are more strongly associated with support for Trump than with support for other candidates in the 2016 Republican primary. The authors also find evidence that dehumanizing attitudes toward Black people bolstered Donald Trump’s vote share among Whites in the 2016 presidential election. Finally, dehumanizing attitudes are negatively associated with Whites’ evaluations of Barack Obama, even after holding standard measures of racial prejudice constant. These findings suggest that a fundamental form of racism – dehumanizing attitudes toward Black people – can powerfully shape candidate evaluations and voting decisions in the twenty-first century.
06 超级掠夺者效应:负面定向信息如何遣散黑人选民
The Super-Predator Effect: How Negative Targeted Messages Demobilize Black Voters
Christopher Stout, Keith Baker
This article assesses whether messages that are framed to denigrate a politician or political entity in the eyes of a particular group – defined here as negative targeted messages – decreases Blacks’ enthusiasm to vote. It also explores why such messages are effective at demobilizing Black voters. Using a survey experiment implemented on a nationally representative sample, the authors find that Blacks are less enthusiastic about voting when presented with evidence of racism within their preferred political party. Whites and Latinxs do not respond similarly to the same stimulus. The findings also demonstrate evidence that the effectiveness of negative targeted messages towards Blacks is driven by the treatment’s ability to alter perceptions of party empathy. Overall, the results suggest that targeted negative messages can be effective at depressing Black turnout. However, parties may be able to counter this negative messaging with evidence of outreach to minority communities to demonstrate a greater sense of empathy.
07 恐怖主义是否影响了英国脱欧公投?
Did Terrorism Affect Voting in the Brexit Referendum?
Vincenzo Bove, Georgios Efthyvoulou, Harry Pickard
This article contributes to the recent research on Brexit and public opinion formation by contending that the determinants of the referendum results should be evaluated against the background of wider public security concerns. The British public has long regarded terrorism as a top concern, more so than in any other European country. Terrorist attacks on UK soil raised voters’ awareness of security issues and their saliency in the context of the EU referendum. The study finds that locations affected by terrorist violence in their proximity exhibit an increase in the share of pro-Remain votes, particularly those that experienced more sensational attacks. Using individual-level data, the results show that in the aftermath of terrorist attacks, citizens are more likely to reconsider the security risks involved in leaving the EU.
08 领袖民族主义、种族认同和恐怖主义暴力
Leader Nationalism, Ethnic Identity, and Terrorist Violence
Seung-Whan Choi
Whether or not nationalism fuels terrorist violence by ethnic groups is an important yet underexplored research question. This study offers a theoretical argument, empirical analysis and a case study. When political leaders such as presidents and prime ministers use nationalism to shore up legitimacy, they threaten the existence of disfavored ethnic groups. In turn, those groups are more likely to respond with terrorist attacks. The author tests this argument using a sample of 766 ethnic groups across 163 countries from 1970 to 2009. The multilevel mixed-effects negative binomial regression results provide evidence that leader nationalism is a significant driver of ethnic terrorism. The detrimental effect of nationalism remains the same after using a generalized method of moments method to account for possible reverse causality. A case study of Sinhalese nationalist leaders versus Tamil Tigers also supports the nationalism and terrorism nexus.
09 政党民主化:加纳初选改革的影响
Democratizing the Party: The Effects of Primary Election Reforms in Ghana
Nahomi Ichino and Noah L. Nathan
The recent expansion of the primary electorate by one of Ghana’s major parties offers a rare opportunity to assess the effects of franchise extensions in contemporary new democracies. Using an original dataset on candidate entry and nominations, this article shows that expanding the primary electorate opened paths to office for politicians from social groups that were previously excluded, such as women and ethnic groups outside the party’s core national coalition. The authors propose that democratizing candidate selection has two consequences in patronage-oriented political systems: vote buying will become a less effective strategy and the electorate will become more diverse. These changes, in turn, affect the types of politicians who seek and win legislative nominations. This suggests that a simple shift in who votes in intraparty primaries can be a key institutional mechanism for improving the descriptive representation of women and other under-represented groups.
10 不确定性是如何影响选民的偏好的?
How Does Uncertainty Affect Voters’ Preferences?
Love Christensen
Rational voters care about outcomes, while parties campaign on policy proposals, the outcomes of which are never perfectly known. Can parties exploit this uncertainty to shape public opinion? This article presents a spatial preference model for policy proposals with uncertain outcomes. It reports the results of a large pre-registered survey experiment that involved presenting respondents with predictions about the effects of three policy proposals. The findings show that respondents update their attitudes to the proposals as their beliefs about outcomes change, and that parties are no less able to influence beliefs than nonpartisan experts. Contrary to previous research, respondents discount outcome uncertainty by giving equal weight to conflicting optimistic and pessimistic predictions. The study shows that parties can shape public opinion by influencing voter beliefs, and that voters are not repelled by the uncertainty inherent in conflicting information.
11 审议扭曲?小组讨论中的同质化、极化与支配
Deliberative Distortions? Homogenization, Polarization, and Domination in Small Group Discussions
Robert C. Luskin , Gaurav Sood, James S. Fishkin and Kyu S. Hahn
Deliberation is widely believed to enhance democracy by helping to refine the ‘public will’, moving its participants’ policy attitudes closer to their ‘full-consideration’ policy attitudes – those they would hypothetically hold with unlimited information, to which they gave unlimited reflection. Yet there have also been claims that the social dynamics involved generally ‘homogenize’ attitudes (decreasing their variance), ‘polarize’ them (moving their means toward the nearer extreme), or engender ‘domination’ (moving their overall means toward those of the attitudes held by the socially advantaged) – attitude changes that may often be away from the participants’ full-consideration attitudes and may thus distort rather than refine the public will. This article uses 2,601 group-issue pairs in twenty-one Deliberative Polls to examine these claims. Reassuringly, the results show no routine or strong homogenization, polarization, or domination. What little pattern there is suggests some faint homogenization, but also some faint moderation (as opposed to polarization) and opposition (as opposed to domination)–all as is to be expected when the outside-world forces shaping pre-deliberation attitudes are slightly more centrifugal than centripetal. The authors lay out a theoretical basis for these expectations and interpretations and probe the study’s results, highlighting, among other things, deliberation’s role in undoing outside world effects on pre-deliberation attitudes and the observed homogenization’s, polarization’s, and domination’s dependence on deliberative design.
12 作为史诗理论的女权主义
Feminism as Epic Theory
Kate M. Phelan
谢尔顿·沃林(Sheldon Wolin)确定了政治理论中的一个特殊传统,他称之为“史诗理论”。他解释说,史诗理论相当于政治理论中库恩提出的科学革命。本文将史诗理论与科学革命进行类比,以表明女性主义是一个最真实意义上的史诗理论,这一点沃林并没有完全理解。之所以如此,有两个原因。首先,女权主义是一个整体的理论。其次,它与其说是一项发现,不如说是一项世界发明。作者试图解释女权主义在其不可能存在的情况下的存在,并展示女权主义所代表的巨大成就。
Sheldon Wolin identifies a particular tradition within political theory that he calls ‘epic theory’. Epic theory, he explains, is political theory’s equivalent of the Kuhnian scientific revolution. This article takes up the analogy between epic theory and scientific revolution to show that feminism is an epic theory in the truest sense of the term, a sense not fully grasped by Wolin. It is so for two reasons. First, it is a theory of the whole. Second, it is less a discovery than an invention of the world. The author seeks to account for the existence of feminism in the face of its impossibility, and to demonstrate the magnitude of the achievement that feminism represents.
13 反思妇女利益:界定妇女政策优先事项的归纳和交叉方法
Rethinking Women’s Interests: An Inductive and Intersectional Approach to Defining Women’s Policy Priorities
Tevfik Murat Yildirim
Much of the vast literature on the substantive representation of women takes as its point of departure important a priori assumptions about the nature of women as a group. Calling for a rethink of many of those assumptions, a recent body of work recommends an inductive approach to defining women’s interests. In line with this view, this article draws on a recently constructed dataset that codes nearly a million Americans’ policy priorities over the past 75 years to explore what constitutes women’s interests and whether gender differences in priorities cut across partisan and racial divisions. The results suggest there are consistent gender gaps across a large number of policy categories, with women showing particular concern for policy areas traditionally associated with issues of ‘women’s interests’. While in many policy areas women were more likely to share policy priorities with other women than with their male counterparts of the same race or partisan background, the results also document considerable heterogeneity among women in various policy areas, which has major policy implications for the representation of women’s interests.
14 度量权力个性化的代词使用:一个具有中文世界证据的一般理论
Pronoun Usage as a Measure of Power Personalization: A General Theory with Evidence from the Chinese-Speaking World
Amy H. Liu
How can the growing personalization of power be identified and measured ex ante? Extant measures in the authoritarian literature have traditionally focused on institutional constraints and more recently on individual behaviour – such as purging opposition members from (and packing allies into) government bodies. This article offers a different strategy that examines leaders’ individual rhetoric. It focuses on patterns of pronoun usage for the first person. The author argues that as leaders personalize power, they are less likely to use ‘I’ (a pronoun linked to credit claiming and blame minimizing) and more likely to use ‘we’ (the leader speaks for – or with – the populace). To test this argument, the study focuses on all major, scheduled speeches by all chief executives in the entire Chinese-speaking world – that is, China and Singapore– since independence. It finds a robust pattern between first-person pronouns and political constraints. To ensure the results are not driven by the Chinese sample, the rhetoric of four other political leaders is considered: Albania’s Hoxha, North Korea’s Kim Il Sung, Hungary’s Orbán and Ecuador’s Correa. The implications of this project suggest that how leaders talk can provide insights into how they perceive their rule.
15 在全球经济中对尾部征税:选举、政党和工资谈判系统如何相互作用以决定穷人和富人的纳税
Taxing the Tails in a Global Economy: How Electoral, Party and Wage Bargaining Systems Interact to Determine the Taxes Paid by the Poor and Rich
Jude C. Hays
A prominent line of research on electoral systems and income redistribution argues that proportional representation (PR) leads to tax-and-transfer policies that benefit the poor at the expense of the rich. This is because PR produces encompassing center-left coalitions that protect the poor and middle classes. Yet countries with PR electoral systems tend to rely heavily on consumption taxes and tax profits lightly, both of which are inconsistent with this expectation. Both policies are regressive and seem to benefit the rich at the expense of the poor. This article argues that PR electoral institutions, when combined with trichotomous multi-partism, are not as hostile to the rich as commonly believed, and that it is important to understand how electoral and party systems interact with labor market institutions in order to explain the puzzling pattern of taxation that is observed. The author develops a theoretical model and evaluates its empirical implications for a world in which production has become multinational.
16 政策类比有说服力吗?家庭预算类比与公众对紧缩政策的支持
Are Policy Analogies Persuasive? The Household Budget Analogy and Public Support for Austerity
Lucy Barnes and Timothy Hicks
Public opinion on complex policy questions is shaped by the ways in which elites simplify the issues. Given the prevalence of metaphor and analogy as tools for cognitive problem solving, the deployment of analogies is often proposed as a tool for this kind of influence. For instance, a prominent explanation for the acceptance of austerity is that voters understand government deficits through an analogy to household borrowing. Indeed, there are theoretical reasons to think the household finance analogy represents a most likely case for the causal influence of analogical reasoning on policy preferences. This article examines this best-case scenario using original survey data from the United Kingdom. It reports observational and experimental analyses that find no evidence of causation running from the household analogy to preferences over the government budget. Rather, endorsement of the analogy is invoked ex post to justify support for fiscal consolidation.
17 收入不平等何时导致极化?
When Does Income Inequality Cause Polarization?
Jacob R. Gunderson
Scholars have long been concerned with the implications of income inequality for democracy. Conventional wisdom suggests that high income inequality is associated with political parties taking polarized positions as the left advocates for increased redistribution while the right aims to entrench the position of economic elites. This article argues that the connection between party positions and income inequality depends on how party bases are sorted by income and the issue content of national elections. It uses data from European national elections from 1996 to 2016 to show that income inequality has a positive relationship with party polarization on economic issues when partisans are sorted with respect to income and when economic issues are relatively salient in elections. When these factors are weak, however, the author finds no relationship between income inequality and polarization.
18 为反对派统治者赢得人心:叙利亚的外国援助和军事竞赛
Winning Hearts and Minds for Rebel Rulers: Foreign Aid and Military Contestation in Syria
Allison Carnegie, Kimberly Howe, Adam G. Lichtenheld, Dipali Mukhopadhyay
A primary objective of foreign aid in conflict zones is to help political actors win citizens’ ‘hearts and minds’. Previous studies have focused on assistance provided to state actors; however, this article examines aid’s impact on rebel governance. It argues that aid only bolsters opinions of rebel governors where military control is uncontested. In contested areas, rebels lose credibility if they cannot offer protection, and they have difficulty delivering – and receiving credit for – services in insecure environments crowded with competitors. Using novel data from the Syrian civil war, this article shows that aid improves opinions of opposition councils in uncontested areas but not in communities experiencing intra-rebel conflict. It also explores the underlying mechanisms using in-depth interviews with residents of Aleppo City and Saraqeb. The findings reveal a more nuanced relationship among aid, military competition and governance than prior studies have suggested, which has implications for both scholars and policy makers.
19 对外援助和软实力:二十一世纪初大国在非洲的竞争
Foreign Aid and Soft Power: Great Power Competition in Africa in the Early Twenty-first Century
Robert A. Blair , Robert Marty and Philip Roessler
Is foreign aid an effective instrument of soft power? Does it generate affinity for donor countries and the values they espouse? This article answers these questions in the context of Chinese aid to Africa and the competing aid regime of the United States. The study combines data on thirty-eight African countries from Afrobarometer, AidData, and the Aid Information Management Systems of African finance and planning ministries. The authors use spatial difference-in-differences to isolate the causal effects of Chinese and US aid. The study finds that Chinese aid to Africa does not increase (and may in fact reduce) beneficiaries’ support for China. By contrast, US aid appears to increase support for the United States and to strengthen recipients’ commitment to liberal democratic values, such as the belief in the importance of elections. Chinese aid does not appear to weaken this commitment, and may strengthen it. The study also finds that Chinese aid increases support for the UK, France and other former colonial powers. These findings advance our understanding of the conditions under which competing aid regimes generate soft power and facilitate the transmission of political principles and ideals.
20 发展中国家的暴力军事化和执法观念:来自墨西哥联合实验的证据
Violence Militarization and Perceptions of Law Enforcement in the Developing World: Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment in Mexico
Gustavo Flores-Macías, Jessica Zarkin
Although a growing body of research suggests that the constabularization of the military for domestic policing is counterproductive, this increasingly prevalent policy has nonetheless enjoyed widespread support in the developing world. This study advances our understanding of the consequences of militarization for perceptions of law enforcement: whether visual features shape perceptions of effectiveness, respect for civil liberties, proclivity for corruption and acceptance of militarization in one’s own neighborhood. Based on a nationally representative, image-based, conjoint experiment conducted in Mexico, the authors find that military weapons and uniforms enhance perceptions of effectiveness and respect for civil liberties, and that the effect of military uniform becomes greater with increased military presence. The study also finds that gender shapes perceptions of civil liberties and corruption, but detects no effect for skin color. The findings suggest that a central feature of militarization linked to greater violence – military weapons – is paradoxically a key factor explaining favorable attitudes, and that women can play a crucial role in improving perceptions of law enforcement.
翻 译:石寒冰、李璐雅、郭见田
校 对:冯天卓、郭见田、刘依云
编辑:焦 磊