
[STUDENT BLOG] Graduation Reflections

2016-07-18 YCISBeijing

In today’s Student Blog: Graduation Edition, Tiffany Choi shares how YCIS Beijing broadened her perspectives and influenced her decision to pursue a career in design.

My Name is Tiffany Choi, I have been studying in Yew Chung for 5 years. YCIS Beijing provided me with a lot of great and new experiences that I have never had before. I feel that these experiences have made me really grow as person.

How would you describe your time at YCIS Beijing?

Attending YCIS Beijing has given me a big advantage. Without studying in an international school, I would not have had the opportunity to meet so many great people from different countries and I definitely would not have been able to communicate with them. Thankfully, YCIS Beijing has given me that opportunity. I am sure that having the ability to communicate with people with different cultures will help me in my future career. I always wanted to major in design, but I did not have many opportunities to design things. However, YCIS Beijing allowed me to participate in designing musical stages and props. I am really proud that I was able to learn how to design before going to university and have gained new skill.

How are you feeling now that you've graduated from high school?

I am feeling three emotions at the same time. I am quite sad about the fact that I will be leaving China, YCIS Beijing, and my friends. But then, I am excited about the fact that I am finally graduating and will attend university very soon. I am also worried about the changes that I will be facing in the future.

Tap Read More below to read Tiffany's full student blog!

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