
Meet Our Passionate Violin Virtuoso! 与我们活力四射的小提琴演奏家的会面

2017-05-26 Greg Eiselt YCISBeijing

For more than a decade, violin has been an essential piece of the YCIS Beijing’s Lower Primary School education thanks to its proven benefits in enhancing student brain development, hand-eye coordination, and discipline. Beyond these benefits, however, many students at YCIS Beijing discover a lifelong love of music, choosing to continue their musical studies even after their last group concert in Year 3.


Chen An Lee, a current Year 8 student, began her YCIS Beijing career in Year 1, when she was first exposed to the school’s violin programme. Nurturing her interest in the instrument, the programme allowed her initial interest to blossom into a true passion. Below, Chen An discusses her experience with her favorite instrument and how playing the violin has helped her grow as a person.


When did you first discover your passion for music?


In Year 1, even though I wasn’t that good when I first started playing, I thought the violin was really cool. I loved that they were teaching us this instrument instead of the piano (it feels like everyone plays the piano). The violin teachers said I was pretty good for my age, so they invited me to perform as part of a concert for Seeds of Hope. This was a great experience and really inspired me to continue practicing and learning the instrument.


How do you feel being involved in music has helped you grow as a person? What have you learned through this experience?


Before I learnt the violin I was really, really shy. I wouldn’t want to do things or perform in front of people, including concerts. I would be constantly cringing when performing. After a few concerts, however, I got the hang of it and now I’m less shy around people and more confident in what I’m playing. It’s helped me when I present in class too.


I also feel like I work with other people better. I used to be really independent and introverted, but now working with others, which is definitely thanks to my experience with the orchestra.


Read Chen An’s full reflection on her violin career, and her plans for the future, by tapping “Read more” below!


[VIDEO] Check Out Our Youngest Violin Protégés! 见证YCIS最小的小提琴演奏家

[PERFORMANCE] Secondary School's Music and Drama Celebration 中学部音乐戏剧节

[TEACHER PROFILE] Violin Virtuoso Cindy Guo

