
[VIDEO] YCIS Beijing Performing Arts in Action 北京耀中表演艺术部在行动

2017-06-16 Greg Eiselt YCISBeijing

Photo credit: Little Star Magazine

At YCIS Beijing, we believe that Music and the Performing Arts are critical to every child’s learning journey. From the moment they enter our Early Childhood Education Programme and all the way through to Secondary School, a child is offered a myriad of opportunities. These opportunities range from orchestra or violin programmes, to school musicals, to drama festivals, to school band performances. 


Head of Performing Arts Daniel Pearton spoke on the importance of these programmes for a child’s development at any age:


The Performing Arts Programme is a key component to what makes the YCIS Beijing experience so unique. 


Photo credit: Little Star Magazine

From the school’s initial founding, music has been one of the centrepieces and points of distinction that our students talk about – even long after graduation. Beyond the benefit and joy that comes from the activity, learning a musical instrument at a young age also allows students to engage their literacy and numeracy skills to a higher level. 


Studying an instrument also imbues our students with important life skills that they can carry beyond the practice room and performance floor, including greater perseverance, improved concentration, and increased confidence.


Drama and dance programmes at YCIS Beijing build student confidence and help them to develop important skills that are transferable to all other areas of their schooling. 


At higher levels, students learn not only about drama skills and drama as an art form, but also improve their presentation skills, benefitting them in any future profession. 


The individualized attention that students receive in their Performing Arts classes is a microcosm of YCIS Beijing’s mission to foster creativity in students and enable them to find their individual passions.


We’ve just released a brand new video highlighting all of the great programmes available for students here at YCIS Beijing, which you can view below:



Interested in seeing the campus yourself? Tap “Read more” below to get in touch with one of our friendly Admissions officers today!


[CHROMA] YCIS Beijing's Hottest Student Band 北京耀中国际学校最热辣的乐队

[STUDENT BLOG] Meet Our Passionate Violin Virtuoso! 与我们活力四射的小提琴演奏家的会面

[VIDEO] Check Out Our Youngest Violin Protégés! 见证YCIS最小的小提琴演奏家

