
[GALLERY] YCIS Beijing's End of Year Concerts 北京耀中国际学校学年末音乐会

2017-06-23 Greg Eiselt YCISBeijing

Last week, the YCIS Beijing community was serenaded with a trio of wonderful music concerts, ranging from our smallest Primary School students in Year 1 to our accomplished Year 12 students finishing their first year of IBDP. 


Featuring an eclectic mix of instruments and performances, from traditional orchestras and jazz bands, to the student-led CHROMA rock band, to dance medleys, to Chinese drumming, this year’s concerts were a fitting end-of-year celebration of our students’ dedication to music and the performing arts.


Daniel Pearton, Head of Performing Arts, spoke on behalf of the entire department to congratulate all the musicians and dancers on the product of their hard work:

Daniel Pearton,表演艺术部主管,代表整个部门向所有音乐和舞蹈表演者和对他们努力工作的成果表示祝贺:

This year’s concerts were once again a great success, showcasing the work that takes place in our performing arts classrooms. Each semester our PA department offers multiple performance opportunities for the students at YCIS Beijing, including these end of year concerts, which allowed students from Year 1 to Year 12 the opportunity to gain experience performing in front of an audience.

今年的音乐会又一次取得了巨大的成功,也充分展示了我们表演艺术课堂上的作品。 每学期在北京耀中国际学校,表演艺术部都为学生们提供多种多样的展现机会,包括这些年末音乐会,允许学生们从一至十二年级都有机会获得在观众面前表演的经历。

A special thank you to Annette Atkins, Lianne Yu, Anne Dwyer, Cindy Guo and Aili Ai, who all played an important roles in bringing the concerts to life. Thanks also to our Chinese drumming Artist in Residence, Wang Laoshi, who taught our Year 3 students for 8 weeks leading up to the concerts!

特别要感谢Annette Atkins, Lianne Yu, Anne Dwyer, Cindy Guo 和 Aili Ai, 他们所有人为音乐会的举办发挥了重要的作用,将音乐带到我们的生活中。也感谢我们中国鼓的驻校艺术家,王老师,她指导我们三年级学生们为期八周的时间,中国鼓节目也将音乐会推向了高潮。

Congratulations to all of our students on their moving performances!


Learn more about the Performing Arts at YCIS Beijing by tapping "Read more" below!


[VIDEO] YCIS Beijing Performing Arts in Action 北京耀中表演艺术部在行动

[CHROMA] YCIS Beijing's Hottest Student Band 北京耀中国际学校最热辣的乐队

[STUDENT BLOG] Meet Our Passionate Violin Virtuoso! 与我们活力四射的小提琴演奏家的会面

