
Secondary Talent Show 中学才艺比拼

北京耀中国际学校 YCISBeijing 2019-05-17


When asked what is most rewarding about working at Yew Chung International School of Beijing, Matt McEwan, Head of Physical Education, said that he is continually amazed and impressed by his students’ achievements in activities outside of his classroom. Watching students excel in academic and artistic endeavours allows him to understand his students even more fully, and to appreciate the incredible depth and range of the school’s student body.

当我们问体育主管Matt McEwan是什么让他觉得在北京耀中国际学校工作最富有成就感时,他说学生们课外活动所取得成绩让他们感到很惊喜。看着学生们在学术以及艺术上的优秀表现,让他们更全面地了解学生,以及了解学校教育理念的深度和宽度。

Last week, YCIS Beijing held its annual Secondary Talent Show consisting of student performances in dancing, singing, piano composition, artistic light manipulations, and rock band performances. At the end of the event, the winners were announced as Tracy Li (Most Proficient), Zhao Yi (Most Original), and rock band Hotplay (Most Entertaining).

上周,北京耀中国际学校举办了一年一度的中学才艺比拼。学生们载歌载舞、作曲、有艺术地控制灯光、乐队表演等。最后,Tracy Li获得最精湛的才艺奖,Zhao Yi 获得原创奖以及Hotplay乐队获得最有趣的表演奖。

Throughout the students’ performances, sitting midway up in the auditorium amidst a group of cheering staff and students was Mr McEwan, who, after the show concluded remarked with an excited smile, “They never fail to impress.”


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