
IGCSE Awards Ceremony Honours Students 颁奖礼嘉奖学生

北京耀中国际学校 YCISBeijing 2019-05-17

Last week at Yew Chung International School of Beijing, Year 12 students were honoured for the completion of their International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) coursework during the previous two years. Coordinated by current Years 9-11 students, the auditorium was packed for an IGCSE Awards Ceremony featuring student performances, speeches, and awards presentations.

上周,北京耀中国际学校举办了国际普通中等教育证书课程(IGCSE)颁奖礼,嘉奖十二年级学生通过两年的刻苦学习、顺利获得课程结业。此次颁奖礼由目前的九至十一年级学生准备。现场的表演、演讲 以及颁奖仪式都充分地显示了学生们筹备活动的用心和精心。

Below, YCIS Beijing IGCSE Coordinator Lianne Yu shares more about the reasoning behind holding the event, as well as how this and other instances of positive reinforcement help to motivate students towards achieving top results.

下面IGCSE课程主管Lianne Yu老师将和大家分享举办此次颁奖礼的原因,以及这个颁奖礼和正向的榜样如何激励学生为取得优异成绩而努力。

The Value of a Ceremony


The IGCSE Awards Ceremony actually doesn’t need to happen. But teachers decided to do it in order to honour and highlight the conclusion to students’ work during the IGCSE Programme. After completing the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), students have a graduation ceremony and move on from YCIS Beijing. Yet when they finish the IGCSE Programme, even though they’ve not completed their Secondary education, they’ve still completed a programme. We wanted to celebrate that.


To learn more about the IGCSE Awards Ceremony and the YCIS Beijing Secondary Programme, please click “Read More 阅读原文” below.


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