
Deborah Qu: Becoming a Better Me 成为更好的自己

北京耀中国际学校 YCISBeijing 2019-05-17

In this week’s edition of Student Blogs, we speak with one of the Yew Chung International School of Beijing student body’s most active members, Deborah Qu. Originally from California, Deborah has spent the past year at YCIS Beijing, where she’s quickly assimilated into the tight-knit and supportive school community.

这一期的学生博客,我们将为大家介绍北京耀中国际学校最活跃的成员Deborah Qu。Deborah 来自美国加利福尼亚,已在北京耀中国际学校学习一年。在这里,她很快就融入到了这个紧密联系的、支持性的学校社区。

Below, Deborah shares stories about her time in Beijing, her tips on coping with stress, and how her teachers have guided and supported her throughout her career at YCIS Beijing.


Please Introduce Yourself.


Three years ago, Deborah and her family packed up their home in California and moved around the world, landing in Beijing where Deborah soon enrolled as a Year 11 student at YCIS Beijing.


Despite the stress and challenges of moving to a new country in the middle of Secondary school, Deborah’s impressions of her new school have been positive.


“I quite like the tight-knit community,” Deborah explains.  “I like how the teachers actually care about the students. And because you’re in such small classes, students aren’t scared to speak up and ask the teachers questions. In that way, teacher-student relationships are also very close.”

“我挺喜欢这个紧密联系的社区的。” Deborah 进一步解释道:“我喜欢老师真的很关心学生。因为你是在一个小班,学生敢于说话,敢于问老师问题。这样,师生关系非常紧密和融洽。”

To read more of Deborah’s interview, please click “Read More 阅读原文” below.


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