
Artists' Impressions: Y11 Students Published in INKBEAT 艺术家的印象

北京耀中国际学校 YCISBeijing 2019-05-17

In this week's edition of the Yew Chung International School of Beijing Student Blog, we're delighted to highlight the achievements of Year 11 students Amy Yin and Sydney Lee, both of whom were recently published in INKBEAT Youth Journal - a literary magazine that celebrates the writing and art of students in the Beijing area. Sydney's artwork was featured on the cover, while Amy had a short story published.

在这一期的北京耀中国际学校的学生博客中,我们将和大家分享十一年级学生Amy Yin 和 Sydney Lee所取得的成绩。他们最近在墨搏 (Inkbeat) 青年杂志中发表了文章。这个杂志专门刊登北京学生的文章及艺术作品。Sydney的艺术作品在封面刊登,Amy发表了一篇短文。

In speaking with both girls, they share more about their first memories of living in Beijing, what inspires their artworks, and tips for other students who would like to develop their own creativity through the arts.


A Tight-Knit Community 紧密联系的社区

Though Amy and Sydney didn't grow up in China, and both transferred to YCIS Beijing from other schools in Hong Kong and the US, they share the same feeling about the closeness of the student community.


"It's pretty great," Amy says. "It's not too large, which is good because it's tight-knit. Everyone's welcoming and polite to each other."

"这个学校特别好。学校不是很大,却联系紧密,这很好。每个人都很好客,对每个人都很有礼貌。"Amy 说道。

Sydney shares a similar opinion: "Because our students are so close, it makes it easier for every member of the community to get to know each other better and do our own thing without being afraid of being judged."


To read more of Amy and Sydney's interview, please click "Read More" below.


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