
Global Graduates: Our Year 13 University Offers 13年级的大学录取通知书

YCISBeijing 2019-05-17

The IBDP exams have come to a close and the Year 13s are off campus enjoying some hard-earned rest. In Summer Term, we prepare to say farewell to our final year group who are about to embark on an exciting new chapter at university. 


This year, they have received a suite of outstanding offers from some of the world’s best ranked universities. This is in recognition of their academic strength, interests and hard work, but it is also with thanks to the dedication of Dr Susan Wiltshire, our University Guidance Counsellor, and Ms Prachi Gupta, Y12-13 Learning Community Leader. 

今年,他们收到了来自世界一流大学的录取通知书。这是对他们的学术实力、兴趣和辛勤工作的认可,同时也要感谢我们的大学辅导员Susan Wiltshire博士和12-13年级学习社区负责人Prachi Gupta女士的辛勤奉献。

Among them is Vani Gupta, who has been offered an $80K scholarship to the University of British Columbia to read Behavioural Neuroscience. There is also Li Yong Wong, who will be studying Graphic Design at The New School: Parsons School of Design in New York. Dr Wiltshire explains “Li Yong decided he wanted to apply for Graphic Design despite not having studied Visual Arts for IBDP. To improve his chances, Ms Gupta and I encouraged him to do his Extended Essay in Visual Arts and he independently put together an outstanding portfolio of artworks”.

其中Vani Gupta,她拿到了不列颠哥伦比亚大学80,000美元的奖学金,攻读行为神经学专业;黄力扬,他将在纽约帕森斯设计学院攻读平面设计专业。Wiltshire博士解释说:“尽管没有在国际文凭课程学过视觉艺术,但力扬还是决定申请平面设计专业。为了提高他的录取机会,Gupta女士和我鼓励他在视觉艺术方面做扩展论文,并且他独立创作了一个杰出的艺术作品集“。

With many of our students preparing to live in new countries for the first time, our Year 13s truly embody the mission of YCIS Beijing to raise Global Citizens. We wish them much success and happiness at university and beyond.


To read the full conversation with Dr Wiltshire and Ms Gupta, and for the full list of university offers, click “Read more” below.


[STUDENT PROFILE] Josh Perrett: IBDP and Beyond 国际文凭课程和未来

[STUDENT PROFILE] Vani Gupta: The Superlative Senior 最佳的毕业班学生 

[FINDING THE BEST FIT] University Fair: How to Choose the Best Fit School 如何选择最合适的学校

