
Going Swimmingly! 7 Medals for our Swim Team 游泳!我们的游泳队勇夺7枚奖牌

YCISBeijing 2019-05-17

On Saturday 2nd of June, the YCIS Beijing Swim Team, The Scorpions, attended their last swimming competition of the season. The competition was fierce, with 10 Beijing International Schools taking part.


Our 16 Scorpions worked extremely hard to compete in 28 races over the course of the day. They showed great determination and team spirit, which paid off with some fantastic results. As a school, we won 9 of our heats, 5 bronze medals, 1 silver medal and 1 gold medal across individual and team events. A special congratulations to Alina Fu, Year 6, who secured gold.


“Our students represented the school brilliantly, both in and out of the water”, said Mr Matt McEwan, Head of PE at YCIS Beijing.

北京耀中体育部负责人Matt McEwan先生表示:“我们学生在赛场内外的出色表现为学校争了光。”

As our Swim Team and Co-Curricular swimming continue to grow with specialist training from Firepower Swimming Club, we will be scheduling many more competitions for the upcoming year. We look forward to sharing more brilliant results and introducing more future champions to the pool!


[TEACHER PROFILE] Matt McEwan: Gain Without Pain 为生活加点料

[PE] Why Physical Education Matters

[SWIMMING] Training the Body, Growing the Mind 锻炼身体,培养头脑

