
Commemorating a Historic Foundation 纪念这一历史悠久的教育机构


The school year just passed marked the 85th anniversary of the Yew Chung Education Foundation (YCEF). The foundation dates back to 1932, when Madam Tsang Chor-hang opened the first Yew Chung kindergarten in Hong Kong – an early champion of the play-based approach to learning that is now widely practised in kindergartens around the world. 


Under the directorship of Dr Betty Chan, Madam Tsang’s daughter, the foundation has grown into one of the largest network of schools in the world. 34 campuses across China and the US provide education from kindergarten to Bachelor degree programmes.


To commemorate our significant history, in October last year YCIS Beijing took part in Founder’s Day celebrations. As has become recent tradition, the school linked up on live broadcast with all the other schools across the foundation. The feed is watched by more than 10,000 students and staff who, when their school is called, are given ten seconds to greet their sister schools. When YCIS Beijing’s turn came, students gave an elaborate performance featuring six Chinese tanggu drums and a choreographed card stunt revealing a picture of Madame Tsang Chor-hang.  Beijing’s performance garnered cheers and applause from all of the other school locations.


The rest of the day was filled with activities and games that give students a chance to win house points and bring about a sense of school spirit, community and connectedness that transcends year groups. 


To read more about the important day, click “Read more” below.


[ANNIVERSARY] YCEF 85th Anniversary Music Competition 耀中教育机构85周年音乐比赛

[FOUNDER'S DAY] 2016 Founder's Day Gallery

[ANNIVERSARY] A Night to Remember: The Seeds of Hope Charity Gala 盛大的夜晚:希望种子晚宴

