
The Friia Family: Beijing Ducks and Max the Dog 耀中Friia家庭:篮球和狗狗

With so many new families joining YCIS Beijing this year, we take a moment to talk to Elise Friia in Year 3, and her mum and dad Carey and Matt, who arrived in Beijing just one month ago.

今年有很多新家庭加入北京耀中,我们花了一点时间与3年级的Elise Friia以及一个月前抵达北京的妈妈Carey和爸爸Matt进行交谈。

Please introduce yourselves


We are the Friia family, from the United States. This summer we moved to Beijing where Matt is working as a strength and conditioning coach for the Beijing Ducks basketball team.


What do you most enjoy about living in Beijing?


In comparison to our previous homes in the States, there is just so much history here. We have loved visiting the hutongs and the Great Wall and learning about the local traditions. The way Beijing combines this incredible history and culture with modernity feels really unique.


What are you hoping to take with you from this experience of living abroad?


We really want Elise to develop an understanding of other cultures and ways of life. I’m glad that we are able to give Elise the opportunity to experience such diversity while she’s still young, and hope it will help her grow into an open-minded person. 


(To Elise) Is there anything you’re missing from home?


I miss my dog Max. He’s living in Wyoming with my Grandma. Max and I would play together all the time, and I really hope we can bring him over to Beijing one day.


To continue reading our interview with the Friias click “Read more” below.


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