
University Guidance Counsellor’s Top Tips 升学指导顾问的重要提示

University offers are rolling in for our Year 13s. Among them, three high-value American scholarships and eight offers from leading British universities. University Guidance Counsellor Mr Jonathan Mellen gives us his top application tips.

我们13年级的学生已经陆续收到大学录取通知书。其中包括三项高含金量的美国奖学金和八项英国顶尖大学的奖学金。升学指导顾问Jonathan Mellen先生向我们介绍了他的最佳申请技巧。

Students are no longer accepted on academic merit alone. What other qualities make a student stand out?


This is particularly true for American universities where they take into account all manner of extracurricular interests as well as significant life events. There are typically three things that American universities look for in a student, and I encourage students to address these in their written statements:


1. Your record 你的成绩

This includes school grades, SAT results, letters of recommendation and your personal statement. It may also include outstanding athletic or musical achievements.


2. What you’ll contribute  你将会做出什么贡献

You need to show that you will make a positive contribution to college life. Have you organised a charity fundraiser, put on a school play or fought for change in your school or community? 


3. Your character  你的性格 

Have you had to overcome a significant challenge in your life such as an illness or bereavement? 


How can students craft strong application essays?


There’s no one-size-fits-all for these essays. For British universities, I suggest writing a personal statement that focuses on your subject. This might include what sparked your interest, how you have pursued that interest and future ambitions. For American applications, try to craft a story considering the points I mentioned above. 


To continue reading Mr Mellen’s tips, click “Read more” below.


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