
Preparing your Child for University 如何帮助孩子为大学做好准备

Last week Monday, the Yew Chung International School of Beijing held the first of many UGC Parent Workshops. The purpose of the workshop was to equip parents with resources and skills to support their children in preparation for university. Getting into an esteemed university is not only the responsibility and desire of many students, but their teachers and, most importantly, parents hope to see their children accepted to some of the world’s top universities.


The workshop was proof that it is never too early to prepare for your child’s university journey, as not only Secondary School parents were in attendance, but also parents with children still in Kindergarten and Primary School. During the workshop, parents received tips from our University Guidance Counselor, Jonathan Mellen and John Yi Liu, Regional Coordinator of all the YCIS and YWIES UGOs.

工作坊证明,越早为孩子的大学之旅做准备越好,其中不仅有中学部的家长参加,还有幼儿园和小学部的家长。在工作坊中,家长们从我们的大学升学顾问Jonathan Mellen和耀中及耀华大学升学指导区域协调主任John Yi Liu那里得到了一些建议。

Parents play an important role not only providing basic daily support to their children, but the academic, social and emotional support is as imperative. 


These are ways parents can support their children in different areas.


Academically: Parents should at all times keep abreast with their children’s interests, strengths and weaknesses academically. A way of doing this can be by keeping constant contact with teachers and tutors. It is also important for parents to ensure good grades in core subjects are maintained.


Socially: Because we are all part of a bigger social community. Parents are advised to encourage their children to think beyond themselves. Introducing the concept of global citizenship from a young age is vital as it prepares your child for a diverse larger community outside of theirs. “The universities are looking for global citizens with 21st-century skills that have clear goals that help society to develop.” said Jonathan.

社交方面:因为我们都是社会群体的成员,建议家长鼓励孩子站在更高的角度思考问题。在孩子小时候就向其灌输全球公民的概念是非常重要的,因为这可以让你的孩子为他们生活圈子之外的更大的多元文化社区做好准备。“大学青睐于招收具有21世纪技能的全球公民,因为他们有明确的帮助社会发展的目标。” Jonathan说。

Emotionally: How students handle different situations depends mainly on their emotional intelligence, a trait parents can play a role in developing. Ways in which parents can do this is by teaching your child to reflect on their emotions from a young age and teaching them to manage stressful situations. But most importantly, parents should monitor their children’s behavior.


To read more about how YCIS Beijing also helps students to prepare for university, click the “Read More” button below.


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