
Valuable Tips to Tackle Transition 应对过渡期挑战的六个宝贵建议

Rachel George, School Counsellor at Yew Chung International School of Beijing shares six valuable tips on how parents can aid their children in dealing with transition.

Rachel George,北京耀中国际学校的学校顾问,分享了关于父母如何帮助孩子适应过渡期的六条宝贵建议。

Due to the transient nature of Beijing’s international community, many students and adults can experience a feeling of anxiety caused by the transition. A transition can often be overwhelming for all involved, as it usually occurs whether we are prepared for it or not.


From when a child starts a new school or a family moves to a new city – which can be referred to as major or unpredictable transition; To predictable or minor transition such as everyday activities like picking up toys or getting up in the morning, all form part of transition as experienced by many of us.


Below are some of the tips Rachel has shared with us:



1. Participate in your child’s school life

Parent participation in transition activities is strongly associated with children’s self-confidence, liking of the school and overall happiness. Getting involved in the various opportunities offered to become part of your child’s school’s life and understand the school culture. This can be in a form of parent workshops, parent classrooms, open days or student/parent activities. All these work towards establishing a sense of community and connectedness with the student’s new environment.  

1. 参与孩子的学校生活


2. Attend Transition Programmes

Due to the transient nature of an international school setting, transition is a normal part of every students’ daily lives and many international schools provide well-designed transition programmes to assist parents by providing tools they can utilize to lessen the effects of transition. Get in touch with your school counselor to find out more about the programme offered at your school.

2. 参加过渡课程


3. Provide buddies or mentors

Check if your school has a Student Ambassador programme. This is very common in many international schools where new students are usually provided with a buddy or mentor to help them settle in their new environment. This mentor can be someone from the same grade as the new student or with similar interests as the new student.



Click the “Read More” button below to read all of Rachel’s valuable tips. 


[ECE TRANSITION] Tips for the Transition to Kindergarten 成功第一步:让孩子平稳过渡到幼儿园生活

[PARENT WORKSHOPS] Parent Workshop: Beating School Anxiety  家长工作坊:战胜上学焦虑

[BEATING ANXIETY] Tips for Beating Anxiety  打败焦虑的提示

