
Supporting Your Child’s Transition in ECE 支持您的孩子在幼教部的过渡

The beginning of the school year in August, saw many new faces walking into Yew Chung International School of Beijing’ premises to join our Early Childhood Education Center - the most important years of a long academic journey for our youngest learners that will proceed into our Primary and Secondary Schools. 


Contrasting their older counterparts, many new ECE students walked into an unfamiliar environment, meeting new friends and spending the day with adults other than their caregivers and family members. Our ECE students’ first few weeks of schools entailed a multitude of first-time experiences that are generally very happy but can be distressing for them and their families. 


It has been eight weeks since our first day of school and we spoke to Maryanne Harper, ECE Co-ordinator about how the YCIS Beijing ECE team supports new students during the transition period to kindergarten. Below are the strategies she gave;

开学已经8周了,我们采访了幼教部主管Maryanne Harper女士,她阐述了北京耀中的幼教部团队是如何帮助新生们过渡到幼儿园的。以下是她提供的策略:

1. Clear, Consistent Routines


Children benefit from clear and consistent routines that are established in the first days and weeks of school. Children need a sense of to whom and where they belong. They need to know what happens next.


2. Play Time


Building relationships with each child is very important. Teachers talk, sing, play, dance and re-assure children throughout the day.


3. Our K2 Settling Programme


Our youngest children in K2 start their experience here with a gradual introduction. Our K2 Settling in Programme means that children attend for half days only until they feel safe and secure in these new settings.


To read more strategies to help your child settle well in ECE, click the “Read More” button below.


[TIPS FOR ECE] Tips for the Transition to Kindergarten 成功第一步:让孩子平稳过渡到幼儿园生活

[TRANSITION TO SECONDARY] The Transition to Secondary School 【教师之道】过渡到中学

[K4 GRADUATION] How Far They’ll Go: Our K4 Graduation  他们将走多远:我们的幼儿园4岁班毕业典礼

