
The Jenkins': On the Quest for New Experiences Jenkins家庭:寻求新的经历

-The Jenkins' Family moved to Beijing in August and joined the YCIS Beijing community for its renowned bilingual programme and the positive atmosphere amongst other reasons. The time in the Capital has been adventure-filled for the family of four. This week, we spoke to the Jenkins' and got to know them better, and learned what they have enjoyed about living in Beijing so far.


Please introduce yourselves. 请介绍一下自己。

We are Dan (dad), Cindy (mom), Malcolm (5 years, Y1), and Bashy (3 years, K2) Jenkins. We moved here last summer after living in California and Florida.

我们是Jenkins家的Dan、 Cindy、Malcolm(5岁,就读于一年级),和Bashy(3岁,就读于二岁班)。我们曾经居住于加利福尼亚和佛罗里达,于去年夏天搬到这里。

What brought you to Beijing? 你们为什么搬来北京?

Dan is the Creative Director for part of the Universal Studios Park and Resort they're building. I (Cindy) worked as a Writer and Communications Strategist in the US, and I am currently writing two non-fiction books.


What are the top 3 reasons why you chose YCIS Beijing’s Early Childhood Education (ECE)? 您选择北京耀中幼儿教育部(ECE)的三个最重要的原因是什么?

The immersive bilingual programme was absolutely our top reason. In ECE, it is just part of their day and interactions. As the younger children who speak Chinese develop their vocabulary, our son can learn along with them. 


YCIS Beijing gave us the best overall positive feeling in their ECE and Primary programme, especially when we saw their play areas. The Early Childhood Education Center still feels part of the larger school and our younger son would really like the energy of the older kids.  All the children seemed engaged and interested in every activity. Every Teacher, Administrator and Ayi impressed us when we saw how they interacted with students and each other.


That library! Not just the student’s accessibility to it, but the fact that parents can also check out books. I love it so much that I volunteer there now every week to re-shelve books. I joke it’s the calmest part of my week!


To read about how the YCIS Beijing ECE has positively impacted Bashy, click the “Read More” button below.


To register for the ECE Info Session, please click here.


[INFO SESSION] Join our ECE Info Session!

[FERGUSON FAMILY] The Ferguson Family: The Active Bunch Ferguson家庭:活跃群体

[TRANSITION TO ECE] Supporting Your Child’s Transition in ECE 支持您的孩子在幼教部的过渡

