
The Ferguson Family: The Active Bunch Ferguson家庭:活跃群体

Our community continues to grow and to welcome new families like the Ferguson Family who joined YCIS Beijing last week from the UK. Their children, Rocky and Max, joined Year 6 and Year 4 respectively, while Hannah is an editor and writer of children's books and David works in digital innovation.


We spoke to them about some of the activities they enjoy doing and what their highlights have been so far, living in Beijing. 


Please introduce yourselves

Hello! We are the Ferguson family from the UK. Max has just joined year 4 and Rocky, year 6. I'm Hannah (Wilson), a children's non-fiction editor and author. David works in digital innovation (he loves gadgets!). As a family, we like going for bike rides and walking in the countryside. David and I are rock climbers – we met at a climbing wall in London – so we're keen to check out the climbing scene in Beijing. The boys do climb a little, but Max prefers football and Rocky loves his skateboard!



What brought you to Beijing?

David's job has been transferred from the UK. A general love of travelling and different cultures pushed us to make the move happen. I (Hannah) lived in Singapore as a child, so I was keen to give my boys a similar experience of going to school in Asia.



What do you most enjoy about living in Beijing?

The energy of the city is great. We love just walking around and soaking up the atmosphere. The clash of the old and the new is so interesting. There's so much to do and the food is amazing.



How did you learn about YCIS Beijing?

I was searching the web for international schools and YCIS stood out.



Top 3 reasons why you chose YCIS Beijing?

The dual Chinese-Western teaching method, with a strong emphasis on language learning.

We love how the school appreciates the importance of creative subjects such as art and music, as well as sport. The central location next to a lovely park is a big plus, too!




To read more about the Ferguson family, click the “Read More” button below.


[FRIIA FAMILY] The Friia Family: Beijing Ducks and Max the Dog 耀中Friia家庭:篮球和狗狗

[PHYSICS AND FAMILY] Farah Sun: Physics and Family 孙发拉: 物理和家庭

[WELCOME BBQ] Download the Welcome BBQ Photo Album!  下载欢迎BBQ相册

