
The Road to CIS Accreditation | CIS认证之路

Since 2010, Yew Chung International School of Beijing has been a member of the Council of International Schools (CIS), an organization that ensures that hundreds of international schools around the world adhere to the highest standards when it comes to education and the operation of schools. On the week of 11th – 15th November, we had a visit from the CIS evaluation team assigned to our school to verify that we have met the requirements set by the organization.

自2010年以来,北京耀中国际学校一直是国际学校理事会(CIS)的成员之一。CIS是一个确保全球数百所国际学校在教育和学校运营方面遵守最高标准的组织。11月11 - 15日的那一周, CIS评估小组莅临我校,考察我们是否达到了组织的要求。

The accreditation process “is about transparency and your school showing itself to be open about its processes as well as showing alignment with standards that are used in other schools around the world”, explained Sharee Hebert, YCIS Beijing Accreditation Coordinator and Secondary Mathematics teacher.

认证协调员兼中学数学教师Sharee Hebert女士解释说,认证过程“是关于透明度以及你的学校对其流程的开放度,同时要与世界上其他学校使用的标准保持一致”。

The eight domains set by CIS focused on areas such as “our mission and vision, governance, curriculum, teaching and assessing for learning, child protection and wellbeing, staffing, facilities, and home and community partnerships” said Sharee. Within these domains are standards that the school aligns to, with 20 of them being core standards that each school has to meet (at minimum) to receive accreditation.


Before they left, the team met with all staff to give general feedback for us to reflect on while we wait for the completion of their report and the decision of CIS regarding our accreditation status. The Chairperson said "We saw the very strong relationships that are here in the school, whether it's you with each other or with students or with parents. And the general impression of people being happy."


With regards to the bilingual focus of our school, she said, "we saw incredible outcomes for the students because of this, exceptional language abilities coming through at different levels and we did see a strong worker co-teaching methodology taking place in classes".

关于我们学校的双语教学,她说: “我们看到学生们取得了令人难以置信的成果,因为不同水平的学生有着不同的语言能力,我们也确实看到了一种强大的合作教学方法。”

The final report will be released in a couple of months, and because this is an ongoing process, we will be required to submit an annual report as well, based on the committee's recommendations. 


To read more about the evaluation process, click the “Read More” button below.


[IGCSE ACCREDITATION] Celebrating 10 Years of IGCSE Accreditation

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