
Tips on How to Prepare Your Child for University 如何帮助孩子为大学做准备

It is never too early to prepare for your child’s university journey, and since we are now in the latter part of the school year, this means parents and secondary school students are beginning to ready themselves for the transition from secondary school to university. Many students have already received acceptances from leading universities in Hong Kong and England, many more are still awaiting their responses from more universities in America and Australia. 


Overwhelming as this period may be for some, there are various tools and resources available to support s`tudents with the easing of the process, whether it’s moving to another country or adjusting to life as a young adult.


Jonathan Mellen, YCIS Beijing University Guidance Counselor, elaborates on how parents can support their children leading up to life in university and shares the list of university acceptances thus far, universities students are due to interviews with and institutions applications have been submitted to.

北京耀中大学升学顾问Jonathan Mellen详细阐述了家长如何支持子女走向大学生活,并分享了目前为止的大学录取名单,需要进行面试的学生以及已经提交的大学申请。

Emotionally: How students handle different situations depends mainly on their emotional intelligence, a trait parents can play a role in developing. You can teach your child to journal and reach out to people they can trust to share their feelings.

情感方面: 人处理事情的方式方法主要是由其情商决定的,家长在孩子情商发展上也发挥着一定的作用。你可以教你的孩子通过写日记、接触信任的人来分享自身的感受。

Academically: You can help your child by monitoring their progress in school and helping them plan out their own academic schedule.

学业方面: 关注孩子在学校的学业进展,帮助他们制定自己的学习计划。

Socially: Because we are all part of a bigger social community. Parents are advised to encourage their children to think beyond themselves. Introducing the concept of global citizenship from a young age is vital as it prepares your child for a diverse larger community outside of theirs.

社交方面: 我们都是社会群体的一部分。我们建议父母要鼓励孩子要超越自我,注目更广阔的世界。在孩子小时候就引入全球公民意识的概念是至关重要的,因为它可以帮助你的孩子为加入一个更大、更多样化的社区做准备。

Physically: Teach your child the benefit of exercise on a daily basis. Joining an intramural sports team at university is advised; it will help them find new friends, get exercise and have an outlet for the challenges they will face. 

身体方面: 让孩子明白每天锻炼身体的好处。我们建议孩子在大学里可以加入一个校内运动队,这将帮助他们结交新的朋友、锻炼身体,并且在面临挑战时调整自己的情绪。

Below is a list of university students have so far been accepted to. The full list to follow at the beginning of the new school year.


According to Mr Mellen, “We have had a very successful graduating cohort thus far. We have had offers to the following institutions this year”:

据Mellen老师说,“到目前为止,我们已经有了一批非常成功的毕业生。今年我们已经收到了下列院校的录取通知” :

University of Warwick 


Newcastle University 


University of Leeds 


Hong Kong University 


Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 


To read more in detail about these tips and to view the full list of university acceptances, click the “Read More” link below.


[TACKLE TRANSITION] Valuable Tips to Tackle Transition 应对过渡期挑战的六个宝贵建议

[UNIVERSITY APPLICATIONS] Simplifying the University Application Process (英文版)

[MENTAL CHECKLIST] Taking the (Mental) Leap: A Checklist for Uni 迈出心理上的一大步:大学的心理清单

