
Taking the (Mental) Leap: A Checklist for Uni 迈出心理上的一大步:大学的心理清单

A big congratulations to all of the seniors of YCIS Beijing who will graduate on June 6, 2019. Even though the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) results are not available until July, we are pleased to announce that our students have already received more than 40 offers from top universities around the world, in places such as the United States, Canada, the UK, Australia, Hong Kong and Beijing. The hard work and dedication of our students and teachers has paid off, and we are looking forward to the future as our students prepare for life at university.


 Mental Packing List


On the subject of preparing for university, this week we have asked our University Guidance Counsellor, Jonathan Mellen, to share tips to help students mentally prepare for the big leap out of the nest and into university. We’ve listed a few of his tips below:

关于为大学生活做好准备的问题,本周我们邀请我们的升学指导顾问Jonathan Mellen分享一些提示,帮助学生做好心理准备,大步迈入大学生活。以下列出了他的一些提示:

1. Growth Mindset: Keep an open mind and know you will face unforeseen challenges. Don’t fear this, but be prepared to try to learn from every challenge and set back. These challenges can become opportunities for personal and intellectual growth.


2. Flexible Attitude: Entering university will be in many ways like entering an entirely new world. You will encounter new cultures, norms and ways of doing things. It’s important that you come prepared to compromise, this will help minimise conflict, culture shock and frustration.


3. Moderate Expectations: Manage your expectations. University will be a big, exciting change, but it might not live up to all of your hopes. Try to avoid mentally mapping your college experience before you have even started classes. It’s impossible to know what the next few years will hold, and it’s advisable to take things as they come.


To read the rest of Jonathan’s awesome tips and download a list of YCIS Beijing’s university acceptances so far, click “Read more” below.


[UNI TIPS] Preparing for University: Top 10 Tips  为申请大学做准备的十大提示

[PACKING LIST] University Packing Tips for International Students 国际学生申请大学装箱技巧

[UGC] University Guidance Counsellor’s Top Tips  升学指导顾问的重要提示

