
YCIS-BJ Parents’ Reflections on e-Learning | 北京耀中家长关于在线学习的反馈

YCIS Beijing eLearning has entered its third week. During this very different process in this very unusual time, we have seen our community work collaboratively to ensure learning continues. 


The School is very grateful for everyone’s understanding and support, especially parents. And to understand our parents’ experience with the new process, this week, we talked with two parents, Cindy Jenkins and Jen Yip, moms of kindergarten and Primary School learners.  We asked them to share their thoughts about eLearning, beginning with their experience with the method. 

学校非常感谢大家的理解和支持,尤其是家长们。为了了解我们的父母在这个全新过程中的经验,本周我们采访了两位家长,Cindy Jenkins和Jen Yip。她们分别是幼教部和小学部学生的妈妈。我们请她们分享对线上教学的想法,从她们的在线学习经验开始。

For both parents like many others, although familiar with virtual learning, they never thought they would have to use it with their children at this age before.


“We hadn’t used much eLearning before now, as my children are young. They were getting used to using apps and the computer with some educational games and shows, including RazKids for school, but they hadn’t engaged with the Seesaw platform themselves.” Cindy Jenkins stated. 

“以前我们很少使用在线学习,因为我的孩子们还小。他们开始慢慢习惯用应用程序和电脑来玩一些教育类游戏和节目,包括在学校内使用的RazKids,但他们自己并没有使用过Seesaw平台。” Cindy Jenkins说道。

For Jen Yip, Australian mom of two, eLearning was introduced to her through her studies and in her workplace, “However, this is the first time I am seeing online education for children.” asserts Jen.

对于两个孩子的母亲、来自澳大利亚的Jen Yip来说,她曾在上学期间和工作后使用过在线学习,“但这是我头一次看到儿童在线教育。”Jen断言到。

The platforms being used during this period are mostly familiar with parents, such as Seesaw, which teachers regularly post on; giving updates to parents on classroom activities, school notices and homework. In addition to Seesaw, Zoom has been introduced for conducting live classroom sessions.


The usage of this technology has also allowed for students to maintain contact with their classmates and teachers withstanding location and opposing time-zones. “Even though it starts late for us, as we are in the U.S. for now, both students really love to log on and keep that connection with their teachers and classmates. My Year 1 student always has a question to ask his teacher, who of course makes time to answer him on the call!”  added Cindy.


It is also important to appreciate the flexibility of many families who had to make varying adjustments based on their needs and different time zones. For the Yip family, the outbreak began at the heels of a holiday back home in Australia, which resulted in their schedule modifications including a reunion with old mates. 


“I temporarily enrolled my children in their old primary school. In that respect, they have their social and educational needs met outside of YCIS Beijing.” said Jen Yip. Although currently attending school, her children still connect with their YCIS Beijing classmates through Zoom sessions.

“我临时让孩子们上了他们原来的小学。在这方面,他们的社交和教育需求在北京耀中以外得到了满足。”Jen Yip说。虽然现在在这边上学,但她的儿子们仍然通过Zoom课程与他们在北京耀中的同学们保持联系。

The transition to eLearning has not come without challenges, as anticipated when change occurs. For Jen and her family, it has been striking about a balance “of living and studying in Australia but also trying to keep up with the school in Beijing. This is still a work in progress, particularly as YCIS’s eLearning approach is developing weekly.”. Fortunately, through communication with teachers at YCIS Beijing and in the children's other school, the family receives the support needed during this period.


For Cindy, whose youngest son is in ECE, she mentions that “It is hard to find a routine that works.”, especially with the time difference. She incorporates fun, creative and educational activities during the day in the US, thankfully they are able to catch up as “the live sessions help with that.” she reiterates.


From the students’ perspective, understandably they miss their friends, but they also appreciate why this time necessitates home and online learning. Below are comments by Primary School students 


“I think it’s pretty good… I mean, it would not be good to do this forever but I think it is good for now because it is better than actually being at school because that would be dangerous.” (Owen Yip, Y6)

“我认为挺好的……我的意思是,永远这样不是很好,但我认为现在这样做是对的,因为这比在学校更好,去学校会很危险。”(Owen Yip,6年级)

“I really like it because I get to meet up with my friends and see my teachers, and I get to do more stuff on the computer. But I still think face to face learning is better” (Eilise Yip, Y4)

“我真的很喜欢这样,因为我可以和我的朋友见面,看到我的老师,我可以在电脑上做更多的事情。但我仍然认为面对面的学习更好。”(Eilise Yip,4年级)

Cindy’s son had this reaction; The first time we did a live session with the K2 Monkey Room, my son jumped up and showed his brother: “Those are my teachers! My teachers are here!” (Sebastian Jenkins, K2)

Cindy的儿子有这种反应:我们第一次上幼教部2岁班猴子班的直播课程时,我儿子跳了起来,指给他兄弟看:“那些是我的老师!我的老师在这里!”(Sebastian Jenkin,幼教部2岁班)

This is a learning period for us all and by collaborating with sharing ideas and recommendations, we are a step closer to cracking the code in perfect eLearning practices!


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