
Learning Chinese, the eLearning Way! | 学习中文,在线学习!

Promoting and prioritizing bilingualism and language learning has not stopped at the Yew Chung International School of Beijing. During this period of virtual learning, Chinese language lessons have continued consistently for all skills levels and grades with the collaborative commitment from teachers and students. The subject framework has not changed principally, however, modifications appropriate for eLearning have been put in place.

The online lessons which are held every day for 30 minutes per lesson continue to incorporate all aspects of language learning such as reading, writing and speaking. Dr Rae Wang explained that “Our school does not want to replicate offline learning and limit how teachers conduct eLessons. We want to enlarge and maximize learning, by also incorporating classic reading and classic poetry she added. An example is the 24 Solar terms which are an important aspect of Chinese learning and are used by our teachers to give a feel of the world around us to students while learning virtually.


Some of the resources which have been of great help to teachers include the YCIS Education Foundation endorsed i-Learning platform, which Dr Rae considers a vital resource at the moment.  “The content [taught] was from textbooks, but it is not limited to that. All the learning activities were well-designed and are easy for teachers to conduct, and for children to use.” 


Additional resources include Ximalaya, the audio sharing app, the WeRead app (especially useful for secondary students) and an array of picture books for lower primary and younger learners. 


To read more about Dr Wang’s reflections on Chinese language learning online, click the “Read More” button below.


Celebrating our Chinese Language Learners | 中文学习者的庆祝活动

Building Confidence in our Chinese Language Speakers 建立学习中文的信心

Download our CNY Celebrations Photo Albums | 下载我们的春节庆祝活动相册

