
How to Keep Safe in the Workplace | 确保每个人在工作场所的安全: 第二部分

Security personnel and the SMD Department at the Yew Chung International School of Beijing have been working tirelessly since the beginning of the lockdown to ensure that the campus follows international standards endorsed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) that will guarantee the safety and health of students and staff alike once the school reopens. 


Since the lockdown, Delia Wang, Head of SMD and her department have been preparing our campus by performing daily disinfections, purchasing relevant equipment and, in the past week, by seeking professional services from a certified company in Beijing which will see to the thorough decontamination of all areas of our campus such as the Auditorium, Playground A, Learning Communities and Libraries to name a few.


According to the WHO, one of the most rudimentary steps to follow in preventing COVID-19 in the workplace is to “Make sure your workplaces are clean and hygienic” this can be done by ensuring that “surfaces (e.g. desks and tables) and objects (e.g. telephones, keyboards) are wiped with disinfectant regularly”, which is why Miss Wang and her team have intensified this process.


In addition to objects and surfaces, human contact also plays a significant role in the spread of COVID-19, hence the decision to continue remote work for a majority of our staff, whilst putting plans of actions for when everyone returns to campus. According to Sandy Li, YCIS Beijing’s Head of Human Resources, “Staff will need to provide their whereabouts and health codes in advance to seek approval before entering the school. When on campus, security guards will check if they are on the daily staff on campus list which will be provided by HR. Additionally, security guards will check the health codes and temperatures in the morning and noon. If anyone would’ve been found unwell, they will have to report it immediately.”

除了物体和物体表面,人类的接触在新冠病毒的传播中也扮演着重要的角色,因此我们决定大部分员工继续进行远程工作,同时为每个人返回校园制定行动计划。北京耀中的人力资源主管Sandy Li表示:“在入学前,工作人员需要提前提供他们的行程和健康码,以获得批准。”在校园,保安会检查他们是否在由人力资源部提供的每日校园员工名单上。此外,保安会在早上和中午检查健康码和体温。如果发现有人身体不适,他们必须立即报告。”

Since the announcement of the lockdown, our SMD Department with the support of our Senior Leadership Team has been committed to the preparation of campus for reopening, and now almost three months later, the staff is also doing the same. 


According to Lynne Huang, Senior School Office Officer, “after working from home for two months, I am looking forward to going back to school [when she returns]. I miss campus, my lovely colleagues, my familiar and friendly office.”, and “I have prepared masks and gloves. Apart from that, we are required to get health code with photo ready to show to the security.”.

学校的高级教务专员黄玲说:“在家工作两个月后,我期待着(当她回来时)回到学校。我想念我们的校园,我可爱的同事们,我熟悉和融洽的办公室“。另外 “我已经准备好了面具和手套。除此之外,我们还需要准备好带有照片的健康码,以便向安保人员展示。”

For Miss Huang’s colleague, Carol Li, she has decided to use an alternative way to get to campus once the lockdown is over. “In order to avoid contact with many people, I will ride the bike to school for about 40minutes” a trip that will count as her form of exercise each day. 

黄老师的同事,Carol Li,她决定在闭校结束后用另外一种方式上班。“为了避免和很多人接触,我会骑自行车去学校大约40分钟”,这段路程将被视为她的每日锻炼。

With a few people back at work in Beijing, it is important that we collectively take precautionary measures for our safety and that of others. To find out more about how you can workplace-ready during COVID-19, click here for some tips from WHO.


Transitioning Back to School | 准备重返校园

YCIS Beijing is Preparing for Reopening | 北京耀中正在为复课做准备

The School Office:  YCIS-BJ Front-liners  | 教务部:北京耀中的先驱者

