
Attention! Double Tests Required Before Entry of China

赞居® iVisaChina 2023-03-14

Recently, the global COVID-19 epidemic situation has changed rapidly. Since October 29, the websites of Chinese embassies in the United States, France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Brazil, Switzerland, Australia, Russia, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries have issued notices requiring passengers to take nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests before boarding the flight.


In addition to requiring the nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests, the embassy also reminds those who depart from the country where the embassy is located and transit to China via a third country must undergo a second nucleic acid test and IgM anti-body test in the transit country, and there is a time limit for testing.


With the spread of the second wave of the global epidemic, China requires entry personnel to provide "double negative certificate", which means that the entry policy is further tightened.


For an easier understanding, iVisaChina makes a comparison here.

Before November 4, 2020

Starting from November 4, 2020 (subject to the local official release  time)

The test report should be  issued within 72 hours before boarding

The test report should be  issued within 48 hours before boarding

Take nucleic acid

Take nucleic acid and IgM  anti-body tests

Apply for a green health  code with the "HS" mark or a certified health declaration form

Apply for a green health  code with the "HS" mark or a certified health declaration form

No need nucleic acid test again  in transit country if the report within the valid time

Nucleic acid and IgM anti-body  tests needed again in transit country

No need to apply for a  health code or certified health declaration form again at the embassy or  consulate of the transit country

Need to apply for a health  code or certified health declaration form again at the embassy or consulate  of the transit country














Starting from November 4, 2020, passengers will go through the following steps:


Situation 1: direct flight to China (without transit through a third country)

  1. Complete nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests within 48 hours before boarding (please confirm with the local Chinese Embassy and consulate whether there is a designated testing agency).

  2. After obtaining the both negative certificates, apply for a green health code with the "HS" mark or a certified health declaration form as soon as possible according to the requirements of the relevant embassies and consulates.

  3. After the Chinese embassy or consulate has passed the application, it shall send the scanned copy of the certified health statement to the applicant by e-mail. The applicant must print and carry it.

  4. The airline will release the passengers with the health statement issued by the Chinese Embassy and consulate in the place of departure of the flight. Please take the flight within the validity period of the health statement, and cooperate with the airline to check when boarding.

  5. After entering China, quarantine shall be implemented according to local policies.

Situation 2: transfer back to China through a third country

  1. Take nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests within 48 hours before boarding at the place of departure.

  2. Apply for a green health code with the "HS" mark or a certified health declaration form at the place of departure.

  3. Take both tests a second time in their last transit country within 48 hours before boarding the plane to China.

  4. Apply from the Chinese Embassies/Consulates in the last transit country for green health codes with the "HS" mark or certified health declaration forms with their certificates of negative results of both tests.

  5. After entering China, quarantine shall be implemented according to local policies.


  1. 在登机前48小时内在指定检测机构完成核酸和血清IgM抗体检测(请与当地中国使领馆确认是否有指定的检测机构)

  2. 取得双阴性证明后,尽快按相关使领馆要求方式申领带“HS”标识的绿色健康码或健康状况声明书

  3. 中国使领馆审核通过后,以电子邮件方式将认证过的健康状况声明书扫描件发送给申请人。申请人须自行打印并随身携带。

  4. 执飞赴华直飞航班的航空公司将凭该航班起飞地中国使领馆核发的健康状况声明书验放乘客。请在健康状况声明书有效期内乘机,并在乘机时配合航空公司查验。

  5. 入境中国后,按当地政策实行隔离。


  1. 在起飞地做第一次核酸和血清IgM抗体各一次采样、检测(须获得48小时内“双阴性证明”)

  2. 在起飞地的中国使领馆申领带“HS”标识的绿色健康码或健康状况声明书

  3. 在中转地做第二次核酸和血清IgM抗体各一次采样、检测(须获得48小时内“双阴性证明”)

  4. 向中转地的使馆申请并获得带“HS”标识的绿色健康码或健康状况声明书

  5. 入境中国后,按当地政策实行隔离。

Depending on the actions taken by countries and regions during the epidemic, iVisaChina kindly remind here:

1. Pay attention to the timeliness of the test report, which is valid within 48 hours before boarding.

2. Consider the risks of transit:

  1. At present, the airport detection points in most countries and regions do not have the conditions of antibody detection.

  2. In some countries and regions, it takes a long time for testing agencies to issue reports, sometimes several days, can’t guarantee that transfer passengers will get testing reports on time.

  3. Most countries and regions no longer accept applications for health codes or health status declarations for passengers transiting to China via a third country.

  4. Many countries and regions still have entry bans and then can’t entry.

  5. There is a risk of being quarantined for 14 days in the transit country.

  6. Many service facilities such as hotels, restaurants, and supermarkets in international transit areas are unable to operate normally and cannot solve the problem of accommodation.

  7. Many hotels impose occupancy restrictions on passengers from high-risk areas.

介于各国及地区在疫情期间的举措, iVisaChina需要提醒大家:










If you choose to go to China via connecting flights, you need to test twice. As tests are not available in the transit zones of major airports in transit countries, please use caution when choosing to fly to China via connecting flights. Passengers are advised to consult the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in the transit country about the latest policies on nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests and entry requirements, and apply for a visa if necessary, to avoid getting stranded in the transit countries due to denial of entry or failure to get valid health code or health declaration form. In order to make it earlier to understand, iVisaChina lists the details of notices of some countries as follows for your reference.


The details of the notice of Chinese embassies in various countries requiring passengers to provide both nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests are as follows:


Chinese Embassy in the United States

n order to reduce cross-border transmission of COVID-19 and protect the health and safety of passengers, starting from 0:00 on November 6th, 2020 Pacific Time, all Chinese and foreign passengers bound for China will be required to take nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests and apply for a green health code with the "HS" mark or a certified health declaration form before boarding the flight. The specific requirements are as follows:



http://www.china-embassy.org/chn/lszj/zytz/t1827741.htm  Chinese

http://www.china-embassy.org/eng/notices/t1828184.htm   English

Chinese Embassy in France

Starting from November 6th, 2020, Chinese and foreign passengers flying from France to China must present the negative nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests within two days before boarding. In addition, France's Charles de Gaulle Airport will no longer provide testing for connecting passengers from October 30. The relevant notices are updated as follows:



http://www.amb-chine.fr/chn/sgxw/t1827885.htm  Chinese

http://www.amb-chine.fr/fra/zfzj/t1828301.htm   French

Chinese Embassy in the UK

In order to reduce cross-border transmission of Covid-19, starting from November 7th 2020, passengers from the UK to China, before boarding the flight, will be required to apply for a Certified Health Declaration Form (CHD Form) from the Chinese Embassy in the UK or Chinese Consulates-General in Manchester, Edinburgh and Belfast upon presentation of nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests (hereinafter referred to as "Tests") results.



http://www.chinese-embassy.org.uk/chn/gdxw/t1827662.htm  Chinese

http://www.chinese-embassy.org.uk/eng/lsfw/notice/t1828101.htm  English

Chinese Embassy in Germany

Starting from November 6th 2020, Chinese and foreign passengers flying from Germany to China must apply for the green health code or health status statement from the embassy or consulate in Germany by presenting the negative nucleic acid test and IgM anti-body tests collected in Germany 48 hours before boarding. Details as below:



http://de.china-embassy.org/chn/sgyw/t1828081.htm   Chinese

http://de.china-embassy.org/det/sgyw/t1828296.htm   German

Chinese Embassy in Italy

In order to reduce cross-border transmission of Covid-19, starting from November 4th 2020, passengers going to China via direct flights must take nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests within 48 hours before boarding. They must take the tests at a public or private medical institution recognized by the Italian government and then apply at the Chinese embassy in Italy or Consulate General in Milan and Florence for a green health code with the “HS” mark or a certified health declaration form with certificates of negative results of both tests.  



http://it.chineseembassy.org/chn/lstz/t1827654.htm   Chinese

http://it.chineseembassy.org/ita/lstz/t1827939.htm    Italian 

Chinese Embassy in Brazil

In order to reduce the risk of cross-border transmission of Covid-19 from November 5th 2020, all Chinese and foreign travelers flying from Brazil to China will be required to perform nucleic acid (PCR) and anti-body IgM for covid-19 within 48 hours before boarding. The specific requirements are as follows:



http://br.china-embassy.org/chn/sggg/t1828178.htm   Chinese

http://br.china-embassy.org/por/sghds/t1828451.htm   Portuguese

Chinese Embassy in Switzerland

In order to reduce cross-border transmission of Covid-19, starting from 20:00 on November 8th, 2020 at local time in Switzerland, all Chinese and foreign passengers who are to fly from Switzerland to China will be required to take nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests and then apply for a green health code with the "HS" mark or a certified health declaration form before boarding the flight. The specific requirements are as follows:



http://ch.chineseembassy.org/chn/zytz/t1827912.htm   Chinese    

http://ch.chineseembassy.org/ger/zytz/t1827919.htm   English

Chinese Embassy in Russia

In order to reduce cross-border transmission of Covid-19, starting from November 4th, 2020, all Chinese and foreign passengers who are to fly from Russia to China will be required to take nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests and then apply for a green health code with the "HS" mark or a certified health declaration form before boarding the flight. The specific requirements are as follows:



http://ru.china-embassy.org/chn/gdxw/t1827991.htm   Chinese  

http://ru.china-embassy.org/rus/gdxw/t1828001.htm    Russian

Chinese Embassy in New Zealand

In order to reduce cross-border transmission of Covid-19, starting from November 7th, 2020, all Chinese and foreign passengers who are to fly from New Zealand to China will be required to take nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests and then apply for a green health code with the "HS" mark or a certified health declaration form before boarding the flight.



http://nz.china-embassy.org/chn/zxgx/t1828201.htm  Chinese

http://nz.china-embassy.org/eng/zxgxs/t1828225.htm  English

Chinese Embassy in Malaysia

In order to reduce cross-border transmission of Covid-19, starting from November 8th, 2020, all Chinese and foreign passengers who are to fly from Malaysia to China will be required to take nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests and then apply for a green health code with the "HS" mark or a certified health declaration form before boarding the flight.



http://my.china-embassy.org/chn/zytz/t1827923.htm    Chinese

Chinese Embassy in Thailand

In order to reduce cross-border transmission of Covid-19, starting from November 6th, 2020, all Chinese and foreign passengers who are to fly from Thailand to China will be required to take nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests and then apply for a green health code with the "HS" mark or a certified health declaration form before boarding the flight.



http://www.chinaembassy.or.th/chn/sgxw/t1827752.htm  Chinese   

http://www.chinaembassy.or.th/eng/sgxw/t1827900.htm  English

For other policies about entry of China, feel free to contact with iVisaChina.


数据来源:Official websites of Chinese embassies in various countries 中国驻各国大使馆官网

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