

赞居®iReloChina iVisaChina 2023-03-14


At present, in addition to tourist visa, other categories of South Korean visa have been basically open for application. For important business purposes or humanitarian reasons need to enter the South Korea urgently, can also apply for exemption from isolation.


Today, iVisaChina will talk about the business visa application for South Korea and how to apply for exemption from isolation.


Apply for a Business Visa


Applicants need to prepare

1. 填写申请表(扫描以下二维码,可以下载)

Fill in the application form (scan the following QR code and download it) 

2. 1张35*45mm,白底深色衣服的照片

1 photo of 35 * 45mm, dark clothes with white background

3. 护照原件

Original Passport

4. 身份证原件

Original ID card

5. 在职证明及出差证明原件。须记载申请人的职位,在职时间,工资,出差时间及目的,该证明出具负责人姓名及联系电话,加盖公司公章。

Original employment and business trip certificate. Applicant's position, working time, salary, travel time and purpose shall be recorded. The certificate shall be issued with the name and contact number of the person in charge and the company's official seal.

6. 在职认证材料原件(下列之一):

Original on-the-job certification materials (one of the following):

  1. 最近三个月的个人所得税完税证明

    Personal income tax payment certificate of the last three months

  2. 最近三个月的社会保险缴费凭证

    Social insurance payment certificate of the last three months

  3. 最近三个月的工资银行账户对账单

    Salary bank account statement for the last three months

7. 中方公司的营业执照复印件

Copy of business license of Chinese company

8. 中方与韩方公司的商务合同证明(同一集团免交)

Certificate of business contract between Chinese and Korean companies (exemption for the same group)

9. 健康申报表(扫描以下二维码,可以下载)

Health Declaration Form (scan the following QR code and download it)

10. 隔离同意书(扫描以下二维码,可以下载)

Isolation Consent Form(scan the following QR code and download it) 

11. 须在申请日之前48小时内接受医疗机构(上海领事馆指定医院)实施的检查,并提交记录相关检查内容的诊断或《核酸检测阴性确认书》。如果提交诊断书,必须注明是否有发热、咳嗽、怕冷、头痛、肌肉酸痛、肺炎等新冠肺炎相关症状;检查报告单是否医生签名盖章和开具日期;检查基本信息是否正确。

Must be inspected by a medical institution (hospital designated by the Shanghai Consulate) within 48 hours before the application date, submit the diagnosis of relevant examination contents recording or <negative confirmation of nucleic acid test>. If you submit a diagnosis, you must indicate whether you have fever, cough, coldness, headache, muscle aches, pneumonia and COVID-19 related symptoms; check whether the report sheet is signed and sealed by the doctor; check whether the basic information is correct.

12. 停留时间超过30日的,需要日程表:没有固定格式,写明出差时间,出差原因,在韩滞留地址,联系电话即可。

If you stay for more than 30 days, you need a schedule: there is no fixed format, indicating the time of business trip, the reason for business trip, the address of staying in Korea, and the contact number.


The Inviting Company Needs to Prepared

1. 邀请函

Invitation letter

2. 韩方事业者登录者证明

Certificate of Business Registration


3. 韩方纳税明细证明

Proof of Tax Payment details of the Korea Company


Apply for Exemption from Isolation


Korea company need to apply an official letter for exemption from isolation to the Ministry of industry, commerce and resources or small and medium-sized start-ups of the Ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Korea. If approved, the South Korean foreign ministry will inform the South Korean Consulate in China. Upon receipt of the official letter, the consulate will inform the applicant to submit materials for exemption from quarantine. The following are the relevant materials (the specific information shall be subject to the notification of the applicant by the Chinese embassy or consulate):

1. 护照及签证页(或者签证签发确认书)复印件

 Copies of passport and visa page (or Visa Grant Notice)

2. 免隔离申请表(含行程计划)

 Exemption from isolation Application Form (including activity plan)

3. 免隔离同意书

Exemption from isolation Application Consent

4. 韩国滞留地证明材料(酒店预定确认单等)

Proof of residence in Korea (hotel reservation confirmation sheet, etc.)

5. 机票预定确认单

Confirmation of flight reservation

6. 其他证明材料

Other supporting materials

7. 从中国出境前72小时内领馆指定医院的新冠病毒核酸检验阴性报告单原件(领取免隔离书时需要)。

The original negative report of nucleic acid test of COVID-19 from the hospital designated within 72 hours before leaving China (Submit on collection).


Exemption from isolation Application Form and Exemption from isolation Application Form can be downloaded by scanning the following QR code: 


List of hospitals designated by the South Korean Consulate in Shanghai


Matters Need Attention

1. 2020年4月5日前签发的短期签证,目前都是视为失效,如果需要前往韩国都必须重新办理签证。

Currently, the short-term visa issued before April 5, 2020 is considered invalid, you must apply for a new visa if you need to go to South Korea.

2. 从2020年7月1日开始,韩国签证都是签证签发确认书,签证不再贴在护照上。

From July 1, 2020, South Korean visa is Visa Grant Notice, and no longer be attached to passports.

3. 如果没有申请免隔离的申请人,到达韩国后,需要在机场指定的地点隔离14天,费用需自理。

If there are no applicants who apply for exemption from isolation, they need to be isolated at the designated place of the airport for 14 days after arriving in Korea, have to pay their own expenses.

4. 持有《免隔离确认书》入境的人员提前下载“自我诊断APP”。入境后在临时隔离点接受相关检查(滞留两天一夜以内,费用免费),结果阴性后免除隔离。

The entry personnel holding the ‘confirmation of exemption from isolation’ download the self-diagnosis app in advance. Relevant inspection at temporary isolation point after entry (stay within two days and one night, free of charge), when the results are negative, isolation is exempted.

5. 实际行程日期和访问内容若与免隔离书上写的内容不一致的情况下,必须得重新签发免隔离书。携带没有更新过的免隔离书入境时可能会被拒绝免隔离。

If the actual visit itinerary date and content are inconsistent with the  written in the certificate of exemption from isolation, it must be repeat issued. You may be refused quarantine exemption when you enter the country with an no updated certificate of exemption from isolation.

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