

赞居®iReloChina iVisaChina 2023-03-14


On November 30, the "Fast Track" to facilitate business and other personnel exchanges between China and Japan was officially launched. This is a positive measure of both sides to promote bilateral personnel exchanges and support the resumption of work and production under the background of normalization of epidemic prevention and control. It is expected that more Chinese business personnel will travel to and from Japan for the purpose of short-term business trip.














On this basis, the Japanese embassies and consulates in China have also opened "Business Convenience Track" and "Permanent Resident Track" for visa applications. So what are the differences between the two applications, iVisaChina has prepared a table to help you to understand. 

Permanent  Residents Track

(Normal  Track)

Convenient Business Track

(Fast  Track)

Apply  for a visa

Submit  the "Pledge of Permanent Resident Track"

Submit  "Pledge of Business Convenience Track" and activity plan in Japan

On  arrival

No  need for nucleic acid testing within 72 hours

Need  to submit a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 72 hours and  inspection declaration form

After  entry

Isolation  for 14 days

Within  14 days, activities are allowed at the locations mentioned in the ‘activity  plan in Japan 


On the other hand, there are some changes when returning from Japan to China. From December, passengers entering China must directly apply for the "green health code" by presenting the double negative certificates of COVID-19 nucleic acid test and serum antibody test within 48 hours before boarding (the previous practice of boarding with paper certificate will not be applicable). In principle, in order to reduce the risk of travel infection, passengers must choose direct flights from Japan to China, otherwise they will not be able to obtain health codes.


How to Apply for Health Code

(一)中国籍乘客 Chinese passenger


After obtaining the double negative certificate, Chinese citizens should immediately pass the "Epidemic Prevention Health Code International Version" WeChat Program or the web version (https://hrhk.cs.mfa.gov.cn/H5/), select the corresponding double testing agency, declare personal information and upload double negative certificate. After being reviewed and approved by the Chinese Embassy or consulate in Japan, can obtain the green health code with the "HS" logo.

(二)外国籍乘客 Foreign passengers


After obtaining the double negative certificate, foreign passengers should immediately visit the web (https://hrhk.cs.mfa.gov.cn/H5/), or scan the below QR code, register and log in, and select the corresponding double testing agency, declare personal information and upload double negative certificate. After being reviewed and approved by the Chinese Embassy or consulate in Japan, can obtain the green health code with the “HS” logo.


As it takes time for the consulate to verify the health code, in order to ensure the smooth boarding of passengers, please upload the double negative certificate before 20:00 p.m. the day before the flight takes off.


For more information about entry and exit from Japan, feel free to contact with us.


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