

赞居®iReloChina iVisaChina 2023-03-14


On November 8, 2021, the United States will terminate the previous travel restrictions on the suspension of personnel entering the United States from 33 countries such as Brazil, China, India, Iran, Ireland, Schengen, South Africa and UK. Chinese tourists with valid visas and vaccinated approved by the U.S. government (including F-student visa, B-business travel visa, H-work visa and other visas) can fly directly to the United States.


The U.S. embassies and consulates in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenyang have opened the interview quota of B visa on November 9. This should be a signal for the United States to restart B visa in China.


Are you familiar with the B visa interview? Today, iReloChina will talk about matters needing attention during the US visa interview.


The B-1/B-2 visitor visa is for people traveling to the United States temporarily for business (B-1) or for pleasure or medical treatment (B-2). Generally, the B-1 visa is for travelers consulting with business associates; attending scientific, educational, professional, or business conventions/conferences; settling an estate; or negotiating contracts. The B-2 visa is for travel that is recreational in nature, including tourism; visits with friends or relatives; medical treatment; and activities of a fraternal, social, or service nature. Often, the B-1 and B-2 visas are combinedand issued as one visa: the B-1/B-2.


How to prepare for interview?

  • 诚实填写相关申请表

    Fill in the relevant application form honestly.

  • 带好全部材料:除了必备的材料外,赞居建议您,跟此次行程有关的材料多带为好。另外,回国约束力也是非常重要的,户口本、结婚证、财力证明都是不可缺的材料。

    Bring all documents: in addition to the necessary documents, iReloChina recommends that you bring more documents related to this trip. And the binding force of returning China is also very important: Household register, marriage certificate and financial proof are indispensable documents.

  • 熟悉自己填写的DS-160表格和所准备的每项材料,你所有材料和你面签的表述必须是一致的。

    Be familiar with the DS-160 form which you filled in and each document prepared. All your documents must be consistent with the statements of your interview.

  • 按约定时间到达签证处

    Arrive at the visa office on time.

  • 注意自己的言行举止,得体的穿着和打扮也非常重要,这是给签证官留下第一好印象,也是最为直观的感触。

    It is also very important to pay attention to your words and deeds, and dress appropriately, which will be the first good impression to the visa officer.

  • 在与签证官对话中,语气平稳、语速适中、表达流利。

    In the dialogue with the visa officer, the tone isstable, the speed is moderate and the expression is fluent.


According to everyone's situation, the visa officer will also selectively ask some questions. Four principles need to be mastered in the interview.

  • 不问不说。只回答领事提出的问题,争取回答清楚,简捷明确。但不要主动回答领事没有提到的问题。

    Only answer the questions posed by the consul.

  • 不问不给。回答问题的时候,要主动提交相应的证明材料。只提供领事要求的材料,不要主动提供任何领事没有要求的材料。

    Only submit the documents required by the consul.

  • 问谁谁答。如果是团队一起签证,领事有选择地问一些团员问题。通常,问谁问题谁来回答,不要抢答,更不要问张李答。

    Only answer on your own behalf, even it is a team visa.

  • 据实回答。这是最重要的诀窍。绝不要猜测领事希望什么样的答案,只是照实回答就是了。也不要交头接耳向别人求救,询问别人如何回答。

    Answer honestly. This is the most important trick.


Finally, here is the quirements for entry into the United States after November 8.

  • 赴美前14日:

    14 days before going to the United States

完成全部剂量的新冠疫苗接种,(国药或科兴)按照2针接种即可,开具疫苗接种证明。Complete the vaccination of COVID-19 vaccine (Sinopharm or Sinovac) according to 2 shots, and get the vaccination certificate.


  • 赴美前7日:

    7 days before going to the United States


EVUS renewal registration is required for holding U.S. ten years B-visa.


  • 赴美前72小时:

    72 hours before going to the United States


Nucleic acid detection are required,and get an English certificate.


  • 到达美国后:

    After arriving in the United States


It is recommended to be tested for covid-19 virus after 3-5 days and comply with the state and local recommendations or requirements.


With the restart of B visa,the number of visa applicants will certainly increase sharply. iReloChina suggests that you postpone your trip if not necessary, keep your attention to iReloChina, and learn more about the updated information.





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