

Ken 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

go out of one's way (to do something)


1. Literally, to travel somewhere by an indirect or circuitous route.

2. To make more effort than is required or expected (to help or benefit someone else)

1. 专程去做某事

2. (为了帮助别人或朋友而)特别费心去做某事、不怕麻烦地去做某事、专程去帮别人做某事

Ken, unless you happen to go pass the chocolate shop, otherwise, don’t go out of your way to get it.

Ken, 除非你刚巧路过那家巧克力店,不然的话就不要专程去买了。

Are you sure you want to go out of your way to deliver this package? Doing so will add 20 minutes onto our drive.


David is a really nice guy, he often goes out of his way to help his friends.

David 人很好,每次帮朋友都特别费心。

You need to thank Monica - she really went out of her way to get you this job interview.

你真的要谢谢 Monica,她特意去帮你安排到这次面试机会的。

The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

I was in Malaysia for 4 days a few weeks ago, and before I left, a colleague of mine said to me, "there is a certain brand of chocolate which could only be bought in Malaysia." She said to me in Cantonese, "啊Ken, 唔洗专登去买㗎喇, 经过先买比我啦." It means 路过才买吧, 不用专程去买. Of course I did 专程去买 because err.... because she was quite good looking. Now, how do you say that in English? The expression is "don’t go out of your way to get it." So my friend would say to me, "Ken, unless you happen to go pass the chocolate shop, otherwise, don’t go out of your way to get it."

You could also apply this expression in other situations. For example, David is a really nice guy, he often goes out of his way to help his friends. But just be careful, if you find yourself always going out of your way to help your friends but neglecting your own needs, you might be suffering from something called the “nice guy syndrome”.









Have come a long way 原来是这个意思啊!?【美音】

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Special Announcement !!!

Ken和他几位朋友开了一条英语会话练习热缐. 你可能会被接驳到和Ken, Jenny或Calvin 对话. 快致电 +86755 84365262吧! 这是一个完全免费的活动, 主要为认识新朋友!

Ken and his friends have set up an English speaking hotline for you to practice your spoken English. Either Ken, Jenny or Calvin would pick up your call and speak English with you. You could speak with us about anything. We are talkative people! If you get stuck, we all speak a little Mandarin. Call us now on: +86755 84365262. This is a free service, we just want to make more friends! 

