

Ken 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

rip someone off (phr v.)

Definition: To charge someone too much money for something = overcharge.


The taxi driver is trying to rip the tourist off. 


The large corporations are trying to rip their employees off by making them work overtime and underpay them.


rip-off (n.)

Definition: Something that is unreasonably expensive.


Whao, whao, whao man, that's a rip-off.

喂,喂,喂!抢劫吗?(意指: 价钱太贵)

The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

Have you ever had a meal which you thought it was so overpriced that it brought the lines: 「打刧」? Everyone on the ground! This is a stick-up! (俚语: 持枪抢劫) How would you say that in English? The answer to any kind of situations where people overcharge you, you use the term "rip off",  "rip off".

For example, when people try to charge you 100 RMB for a cup of coffee, then you say, "Whao, whao, whao man, that’s a rip-off." Or there're some cases when some immoral taxi drivers try to charge tourist $10 USD instead of 10 RMB for a taxi ride, then the taxi driver is trying to rip the tourist off. 

Sometimes, you could also hear it on the news that the large corporations are trying to rip their employees off by making them work overtime and underpay them. So anything to do with unfair treatment with regards to money. You could use the term: "rip off". 









Have come a long way 原来是这个意思啊!?【美音】

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Special Announcement !!!

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