【口语必杀技】It's your dime!
It's your dime
Definition: Appended to an opinion about a purchase decision.(= whatever you do with your money is fine by me.)
I highly recommend this laptop, but it's your dime.
Hey, it's your dime! if you think it's worth it, then buy it!
The intro
(Listening Comprehension)
Hey, what's up peeps? It's Mr.Wong speaking. See, I told you it was quick, the weekend baby
My friend went on a shopping spree and wanted to buy everything. He saw this Samsung(三星) phone that was going for 650 bucks, but it's an old generation phone. I told him to hold off(先不要买) on it because a new model is coming soon. And no matter what I say, he still wants that phone
更多关于 that's a steal 的用法 ← 请点击这里
【听力】Everything Wrong with Wireless Chargers
Knock yourself out ! 竟然是这个意思!?
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