
​【口语必杀技】Same here !

MrWongOlivia 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

same here (spoken)

Definition: Used to say that you feel the same way as someone else.



A: I'm craving for some pizza! 

B: Same here!

A: 我超想吃披萨。

B: 我也是!

更多关于 crave 的用法 ← 请点击这里

A: I'm tired, I'm gonna go to bed.

B: Same here.

A: 我累了,我要去睡觉了。

B: 我也是。

A: I get nervous everytime I talk to a hot girl.

B: Same here.

A: 我每次跟辣妹子说话我都很紧张。

B: 我也是。

The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

Hello, this is Mr.Wong speaking. A couple days ago as I was going out to get lunch, I noticed something - there are homeless people more than ever around my area. Every shopping center you go to, you always see homeless people either sleeping there or building their cardboard house, and the smell… woooo…. Don't get me started! It's just terrible due to their lack of hygiene. I asked one of the owners of the shopping center and he said, "Well, there's nothing I can do about it! I filed a restraining order(限制令), I even called the police, they came and took them away, but eventually they always come back. Why even the police are sick of 'em. I just don't know what to do!"

Another guy overheard our conversation and said, "Same here! We got that problem in our center as well, but what we did was throw away their things, and if they do it again, we trash it again! Sooner of later they'll leave and find another place to sleep! Now, that's a good idea." And..speaking of the phrase "same here", that's gonna be…, I mean…, that's gonna be our pharse of the day! Let's check it out!

更多关于 don't get me started 的用法 ← 请点击这里

更多关于 file 的用法 ← 请点击这里

更多关于 overhear 的用法 ← 请点击这里





Pig out 是什么意思呀?(口语必杀技)





Knock yourself out ! 竟然是这个意思!?



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