
北京课改版六年级英语上册Unit7 Lesson26微课视频 | MP3朗读 | 同步练习

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Now I know the sound

Now I know the sound

pl     place 地方  plane 飞机  plant 植物 play 玩  player 运动员           

 pleasure 快乐

pr     practice 练习  pretty 漂亮的  primary 初级的  professor 教授

The players get great pleasure in playing with the professors.


Primary school learners practice making pretty model planes.


Now I can read

Chinese years are named after twelve animals.They are Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.There are many different stories about the order of the twelve animals.One of them says: the Jade Emperor held a swimming race to choose animals for the names of the year.The rat was the fastest, and the other eleven animals followed him.So the Jade Emperor named the years in the order they finished the race.

Read and answer:

Why is the rat the first of the twelve animals?

中国年的命名前面都有一个动物的名称。它们分别是鼠 、牛、 虎、 兔、 龙 、蛇 、马、 羊、 猴、 鸡、 狗和猪。关于这十二种动物的排序有很多个传说。其中一个是这样说的, 玉皇大帝举办了一场游泳比赛来挑选年份命名的动物名称。老鼠是最快的, 其他十一种动物都在它后面。所以玉皇大帝就根据这场比赛的名名次来给年份命名。



Now I can write 

stamps   show  twelve   animal   started

I like to collect stamps.I started collecting them when I was 6 yeas old. I have a whole set of the twelve  birth-year animal stamps in my collection.M y grandma in Canada has the same set. Let me show you my stamps.



Lesson 26  同步练习

一、判断所给单词画线部分读音是 (T)否(F)相同。

(  ) 1. apple  hat  make

(  ) 2. tall  all  ball

(  ) 3. shop  dog  hot

(  ) 4. close  ox  go


(  ) 1. everything around us

(  ) 2. the cold season of a year

(  ) 3. frozen water

(  ) 4. something that we can't live without

(  ) 5. someone working on a farm

(  ) 6. white flakes falling from the sky in winter

(  ) 7. the hot season of a year

(  ) 8. a large area of water circled by land


(  ) 1. snow  A. degree  B. rain  C. weather

(  ) 2. farm  A. park  B. vacation  C. nature

(  ) 3. winter  A. season  B. cold  C. summer

(  ) 4. giraffe  A. fish  B. river  C. grassland

(  ) 5. visit  A. lucky  B. below  C. fall

(  ) 6. cold  A. hot  B. feet  C. without

(  ) 7. white  A. land  B. red  C. happy


五、仿照例子 ,写句子。


—How is the weather?

—Fine. It's shining.







We can't live without the sun.





六、阅读短文 ,判断正 (T)误(F)。

Water has no colour, no shape, no taste and no smell. Water is everywhere. It's in the ocean,in the sea, in the river and in the lake.

Water is useful. We use water to cook rice. We use water to wash clothes. We use water to

take showers. We use water to put out fires.

Water brings us happiness, too. We can swim in the lake and sea in summer. People in China

have the Dragon Boat Race(龙舟赛 ) in the river.

Water is so important. Nothing can live without it. We should keep our water clean and

protect(保护 ) our earth(地球 ).

(  ) 1. Water has no colour, no shape, no taste and no smell.

(  ) 2. People in Canada have the Dragon Boat Race in the river.

(  ) 3. Nothing can live without water.

(  ) 4. Water can't bring us happiness.

(  ) 5. We can use water to do many things.


一、 1. F 2. T  3. T  4. F

二、 1. H  2. B  3. E  4. G  5. F  6. D  7. A  8. C

三、 1. B  2. A  3. C  4. A  5. C  6. A  7. B

四、 1. B →is 2. A →can't 3. B →weekends 4. B →also 5. C →winter

五、 1. —How is the weather?

—Cold. It's snowing.

2. — How is the weather?

—Bad. It's raining.

3. Horses can't live without water.

4. Kate can't fly a kite without wind.

六、 1. T  2. F 3. T  4. F  5. T


