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miRNA-seq atac-seq chip-seq
所以我联系到他,问他想要什么样的奖励。结果他想要MeRIP-Seq/m6A-seq教程,额,其实呢,我昨天就在《生信技能树》发布过教程:新的ngs流程该如何学习(以CUT&Tag 数据处理为例子),提到了我自己是不太可能去把所有的ngs流程全部录制视频的,只能说是更好的传达学习方法给到大家。
其实如果你看过我表观组学,比如《ChIP-seq数据分析》 和 《ATAC-seq数据分析》 就会发现其实这个m6A数据处理大同小异的,当然了,肯定是会有一些细微差异是需要注意的。
2020三月发表的:MoAIMS: efficient software for detection of enriched regions of MeRIP-Seq
model-based analysis and inference of MeRIP-Seq (MoAIMS) https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12859-020-3430-0
2019年12月发表的:RADAR: differential analysis of MeRIP-seq data with a random effect model
we present a novel approach to perform RNA methylAtion Differential Analysis in R (RADAR) for MeRIP-seq data. https://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-019-1915-9
2020年4月发表的:Limits in the detection of m6A changes using MeRIP/m6A-seq
Detection of peaks across replicates, experiments, and cell types https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-63355-3
MeRIP-Seq: Meyer K. D., Saletore Y., Zumbo P., Elemento O., Mason C. E., et al. (2012) Comprehensive analysis of mRNA methylation reveals enrichment in 3' UTRs and near stop codons. Cell 149: 1635-1646 m6A-Seq:Dominissini D. et al. (2012) Topology of the human and mouse m6A RNA methylomes revealed by m6A-seq. Nature 485: 201-206
He lab m6A-seq_analysis_workflow
无非就是hisat2的比对,拿到bam文件后就可以直接call peaks,拿到bed格式的peaks坐标文件后就各种下游分析,基因注释或者motif查找,以及部分可视化:
比较特殊的是:R package MeRIPtools for peak calling. homer软件的findMotifs.pl 程序,针对bedtools getfasta拿到的peaks坐标附件序列文件 可视化,差异分析,功能注释,类比于其它表观组学
发表在2020年11月的文章:LncRNA DILA1 inhibits Cyclin D1 degradation and contributes to tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer