
李超雄 Arx Lee丨布米的冒险旅途 Bumi 's Adventure Journey

Sun Can SHMADNESS 2022-01-23

The connection between the artist and the audience is often based on their shared experience of dilemmas and many works of art in history that talk about pain. It is true that the sense of pain can increase the depth of the connotation of the works, but Arx Lee's cartoon works do not belong to this archetype, and there are not many feelings about pain in his paintings.


Arx Lee, The flying pyramids (2016)Gouache on paper, 59 × 47.5 cm

李超雄,飞行金字塔(2016),水粉画,59 × 47.5 cm

Arx Lee, Working day (2016), Gouache on paper, 46 × 66 cm

李超雄,工作日2016),水粉画,46 × 66 cm

On the contrary, Arx's works have an air of mystery and silence. If there is a core concept of his work, it should be childlike innocence– Arx Lee's work awakens people's inner childlike innocence, as well as the sincerity and courage contained in it.


Arx Lee graduated from the Department of Oil Painting of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. He has shown extraordinary talent in painting since he was very young. His solid basic skills and imagination have made him win many awards. And in 2017, he was invited by French comic legend Philippe Druillet to co-host a two-man exhibition.

李超雄毕业于广州美术学院油画系,从很小的时候就展现出了非凡的绘画天赋,扎实的基本功和天马行空的想象让他已经斩获许多奖项,并且在2017年受法国漫画界传奇人物Philippe Druillet的邀请共办了双人展。

Arx Lee, Blue planet (2016), Oil on canvas, 120 × 85 cm

李超雄,蓝色星球(2016),布面油画,120 ×85 cm

Arx Lee, Dream (2013), Oil on canvas, 170 × 200 cm

李超雄,梦乡(2013),布面油画,170 ×200 cm

Arx Lee, Praying (2013), Oil on canvas, 150 × 120 cm

李超雄,祷告(2013),布面油画,150 ×120 cm


Arx Lee, Reloaded (2013), Oil on canvas, 170 × 200 cm

李超雄,重新上路(2013),布面油画,170 ×200 cm


In the last decade or so, Arx's comics focus on three characters: Bilibi, the naive hero; Buda Pest, a fragile and thoughtful man who is also an amnesiac; and Bumi, the eternal explorer. Today we show the Bumi series, which he mainly created in the last four years.

近十几年间,李超雄的漫画创作主要专注于三位人物:天真的英雄“比里比”(Bilibi)、丧失记忆脆弱深思的“布达•佩斯” (Buda Pest)、永恒的探险者“布米” (Bumi)。今天我们展示的,是他用近四年时间来创作的布米系列。


"Bumi, when we sleep, he exists in everyone's dreams. Bumi is a dream walker who comes out when people are asleep and whose mission is to repair that person's mind." 


- Arx Lee 李超雄

Arx Lee, Travail aérien(2017), Oil on canvas, 85 × 120 cm

李超雄,辛劳与轻盈(2017),布面油画,85 × 120 cm

Arx Lee, Ready to fly, (2017), Oil on canvas, 120 × 85cm

李超雄,准备起飞(2017),布面油画,120 × 85cm

Arx Lee, The blue project (2016), Oil on canvas, 180 × 130 cm

李超雄,蓝色计划(2016),布面油画,180 × 130 cm

Bumi is a tireless little explorer who only appears in people's dreams. Bumi ( "Bumi" means "Land" in Sanskrit), based on the young Buddhist monk who often carries a Buddhist bamboo basket on his back and walks on the earth with his feet.


Arx Lee, Before Sunrise, (2018), Print, 42 × 32cm

李超雄,日出之前(2018),微喷,42 × 32cm

Arx Lee, Fantastic N°1, (2017), Oil on canvas, 97 × 128cm

李超雄,幻想 N°1(2017),布面油画,97 × 128cm

Arx Lee, Cleaning, (2017), Oil on canvas, 68 × 46c

李超雄,清洁中(2017),布面油画,68 × 46cm

In Arx's paintings, Bumi often appears as an astronaut on different planets and in space. The surging white clouds and the dark starry sky are the backgrounds of Bumi's journey. Little Bumi seemed to be forever on adventures.



The identity of the young Buddhist monk uses the concept of Buddhism, which may have something to do with Arx's contact with Buddhism and Buddhist scriptures. Bumi always seemed so calm, his pure heart had not changed by the tribulations of the adventure.



Arx Lee, Microcosm, (2016), Oil on canvas, 48 × 67 cm

李超雄,微宇宙(2016),布面油画,48 × 67 cm

Bumi is also easy to recognize because he also has a distinct feature– his eyes are always closed. On why Bumi kept her eyes closed, Arx said: "In fact, if one's eyes are closed at the beginning, his world will be much simpler and more real than others." In short, people's life needs to be felt with the heart.

布米也很容易辨认,因为他还有一个明显的特征——永远闭着眼睛。关于为什么布米一直闭着眼睛,李超雄说:“其实一个人如果一开始就闭着眼睛的话,他的世界会比其他人的世界简单、真实很多。” 简单来讲就是,人的一生,要用心去感受。

 Other works by Arx Lee


Childhood means innocence, piety, integrity, fearlessness, the pursuit of dreams and truth. It is a beautiful and vibrant part of life. These are the enlightenment that Bumi wants to bring to us, and it will awaken the part of us that is about courage and piety. Arx Lee did not intend to make Bumi into a narrative story with plots. For him, each painting is a small adventure that Arx and Bumi will continue to be in the future.




拾萬石家庄 | 开幕展 | 贺勋
香港狮語|迤型|诺亚·德莱达 x 杨扬 双人展|7月23日开幕
【SPURS 新展】惘事——耶鲁大学2024届绘画暨版画艺术硕士作品展
