
专著推荐 | 《功能语言学视角看待语言发展》

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Routledge,Bloomsbury,Springer,Multilingual Matters, De Gruyeter, John Benjamins, Equinox,Cambridge,Oxford.




A Functional Linguistic Perspective on Developing Language
作者:Anne McCabe
Copyright 2021
ISBN 9781032013572


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This volume offers a comprehensive account of language development from a Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) perspective, integrating theory and data from a wide range of research studies.The book begins by taking an in-depth look at SFL theory and its focus on texts, highlighting the metafunctional nature of language and the ways in which individuals’ repertoires of meaning-making resources develop as they interact with the world and with others. Grounded in an SFL approach, the successive chapters consider in turn the key stages of language development, from infancy to school settings to additional, second, and foreign language learning contexts. Each chapter incorporates a range of SFL studies to demonstrate shifts in language development across these stages, but also the discussion of other functional perspectives to examine the ways in which these different approaches inform one another. A concluding chapter considers the implications of these studies for future research as well as for pedagogical practices in literacy teaching.In its consideration of the relationship between SFL theory and its application to language development, this book will be key reading for students and scholars in Systemic Functional Linguistics, language and education, and literacy studies.

The immense attraction of understanding language development—that is, getting at the heart of how we learn language to effectively interact across a wide variety of contexts during our lifespan—is widespread. Parents eagerly latch on to their babies’ first words; teachers of all subjects spend classroom hours explaining terms which they hope students will then use effectively in assignments and exams; and people of all ages and from all walks of life invest substantial time, effort, and money into learning to communicate with others through additional languages. At the same time, perhaps because of the ubiquitous nature of language, we sometimes lose sight of the extraordinary opportunities it provides us for expression, cognition, and interaction throughout our lifetimes. The purpose of this book is to explicate language development from a functional perspective, Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), through its theory and accompanying research on how individuals develop their language abilities for meaningful interaction. Each chapter lays out the milieu in which the theory was developed, hand-in-hand with studies of how people develop language over time. SFL was conceived precisely with language development in mind, initially in the context of foreign language teaching; SFL’s founder and major architect, Michael Halliday, began developing the theoretical descriptions of first Chinese and then English when he was teaching Chinese to English speakers and English to Chinese speakers. He continued building on the descriptions through his work with mother-tongue English education in the United Kingdom, and through tracing the language development of his own son from an early age. The following three main sites of language development are included in this book: language development in infancy and early childhood, language development through school, and the development of additional language(s) once a first language has been learned. Along the way, other theoretical and research perspectives, often critical of SFL, are included to further illuminate language development from this functional perspective. These three sites of language development have had their impact on SFL theory, and their repercussions are highlighted. In the final chapter, both the criticisms of SFL theory as it has been applied to language development and the repercussions that the three areas of language development have had on the theory, are considered in order to prompt suggestions for areas of future research and theory-building for tracing and promoting language development from an SFL perspective.

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Anne McCabe teaches linguistics and academic writing in the English Department at Saint Louis University – Madrid Campus. She has published numerous book chapters and articles using a functional linguistics perspective applied to language development. She co-edited Language and Literacy: Functional Approaches and Advances in Language and Education


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