
期刊动态 | 社会翻译学Translation in Society2023年第2期

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Translation in Society

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编者按:“Translation in Society 社会翻译学,Johen Benjamins的一本新刊物

本期看点Translation in Society是John Benjamins出版社2022年创刊的一本社会翻译研究新刊物,1年2期。主编是国际翻译学术界大名鼎鼎的Luc van Doorslaer教授,他是爱沙尼亚的塔尔图大学和比利时鲁汶大学翻译研究中心的特聘教授。他与Yves Gambier联合主编John Benjamins的重量级翻译研究读本5卷本的Handbook of Translation Studies。2023年TiS第2期有6篇实证研究论文,其中1篇出自华人学者。第一篇文章出自英国埃克塞特大学的张文倩博士。该文关注了社会翻译学的“人本转向”,提出了“译者品牌”的概念,提出品牌建设的三个层次来分析文学译者的个人发展。结合品牌的相关文献和布迪厄的文化生产社会学,本文提出一种译者品牌可以从场内(品牌输入)、场际(品牌投资)、跨文化(品牌接受)三个层面。第二篇文章出自布鲁塞尔自由大学的Anja van de Pol-Tegge,这篇文章反思了文化转向与社会翻译学之间的继承关系,指出在分析翻译的社会维度的时候需要考虑文化迁移,即翻译与文化的互动。第三篇文章出自蒙特利尔大学的Anne-Marie Gagné,研究翻译的修订,旨在揭示翻译修订过程中的动机、目标以及涉事者的意识等多重影响因素。研究方法上采用了半结构访谈和文本比较分析。第四篇文章提出新闻翻译承担了意识形态守门人的角色。通过内容分析和批判性话语分析,本文研究乌克兰的新闻巨头UNIAN的翻译决策,翻译起到了“重建”意识形态议程的功能。根据乌-俄罗、乌-美等新闻话语翻译的分析表明就国际事务,UNIAN倡导的意识形态面向乌克兰的国家利益。然而,在国内,UNIAN报道的乌克兰本国的重大社会问题被淡化了。第五篇文章讨论了数字化进程和原生数字资源在译者研究,特别是档案在数字化背景下为未来研究翻译史和译者研究带来新的机遇,本文提出了新的概念。第六篇文章有点脑洞大开,翻译与登山(不是夏登山哦)的奇妙关系。本文介绍了翻译家和登山家珍妮特·亚当·史密斯和尼亚·莫林合作翻译和女性友谊,本文认为登山研究可以得到翻译学的受益,以便更加了解其传播过程和国际动态,以及翻译学也可以从登山研究中受益,以更全面地理解和捕捉其参与深度,依赖性以及与非文学世界的互动(还是觉得有些不可思议,感兴趣的可以看看全文吧)。

本文编辑:王峰 山东大学


Constructing the literary translator as a brand Methodological considerationsWenqian Zhang | University of Exeter 摘要:Recent attention to the human aspects of translation and translators (e.g., Pym 2009; Kaindl et al. 2021) has resulted in a possible “human turn” (Bergantino 2022, 7) in translation studies, which brings new questions and avenues for researchers working in the subdomain of translator studies. Against this backdrop, this article first constructs the concept of ‘the translator’s brand’ for investigating the evolution of literary translators into prominent status. It then outlines a three-level framework of brand-building to analyse the personal development of individual literary translators. Combining the transferrable points from the brand-related literature with the Bourdieusian sociology of cultural production, it argues that the formation of a literary translator’s brand can be analysed from intra-field (brand input), inter-field (brand investment) and inter-cultural (brand reception) levels. Lastly, the application of this methodological framework is demonstrated in a case study of a prominent Chinese-English literary translator in science fiction, Ken Liu, in the twenty-first century. Keywords: Bourdieusian sociology, brand input, brand investment, brand reception, Ken Liu, literary translator, the translator’s brand
Cultural transfer and the sociology of translation A processual approach Anja van de Pol-Tegge | Vrije Universiteit Brussel  | Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf 摘要:The sociology of translation has opened up a broad field of research in recent years. Nevertheless, the autonomy of this research line has been relativized since this ‘sociological turn’ was preceded by the ‘cultural turn’ in translation studies (TS). Consequently, the focus of research should be on the interaction between translation and culture when analyzing sociological aspects in TS. Therefore, in this article, the concept of cultural transfer is used as a processual basis for the study of sociological aspects of a literary transfer in tandem with the way a target culture influences a translation and subjects it to its own ideas. This allows for interpreting all activity regulated by various actors from the perspective of the receiving culture. Focusing on the reception of recent Dutch and Belgian literatures in Germany, the presented approach offers innovations in the study of literary transfer while also acknowledging methodological challenges.Keywords: cultural transfer, sociology of translation, cultural turn, sociological turn, imagology, Dutch literature, Belgian literatures, German literary translation
Multiple constraints, multiple avenues Exploring the sense of agency in a revision project through a multi-method approach Anne-Marie Gagné | University of Montreal 摘要:The abstract nature of human agency, as a capacity or a possibility to exert power, complicates its empirical examination. While translated and revised texts represent the cumulative result of the agents’ decisions, they offer limited information on their motivation, goals and sense of agency. In this paper, we employ a multi-method approach to examine the revised edition (Galeano rev. Sánchez 2013) of Mémoire du feu (Galeano transl. Couffon 1985; transl. Binard 1985, 1988), the French translation of Memoria del Fuego (Galeano 1982, 1984, 1986). Through a dialogue between semi-structured interviews (focused on the agent’s choices, motivations and sense of agency) and comparative textual analysis (focused on the result of her decisions), we investigate why Mémoire du feu was revised and how this project unfolded. The interaction taking place during semi-structured interviews allowed for the exploration of some dimensions of the reviser’s work that would otherwise have remained unarticulated discursively and helped us understand the textual results of her decisions. The revision appears as an agent-based process, as constraints were negotiated by the reviser, and resources were selected by her. Finally, the reviser’s sense of agency, widened by her multipositionality, emerged as a crucial factor in shaping the textual product.Keywords: multi-method approach, semi-structured interviews, sense of agency, methodology in translation studies, Mémoire du feuDetermining ideology through translationA case study of an ‘oligarchic’ news agency Angela Kamyanets | Ivan Franko National University of Lviv 摘要:Based on the premise that journalistic translation functions as a gatekeeping force, this study uses Thematic Content Analysis and Critical Discourse Analysis to analyse translation decisions of UNIAN, a leading news agency in Ukraine owned by oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky, in order to ‘reconstruct’ its ideological agenda. The findings indicate that, as regards international matters, the ideology promoted by UNIAN is oriented towards Ukrainian national interests. This conclusion follows from the dominant themes of the translated articles – such as the Russian aggression in the east of Ukraine, Ukraine’s relationship with the new US administration, and the EU’s attitude to Russia – and from ideological shifts in the target texts. Domestically, however, UNIAN appears to be at least partially pro-oligarchic, since the corruption and reform theme is downplayed in the translations, even though it was widely discussed in western press at the time when the corpus for the study was collected.Keywords: journalistic translation, ideology, gatekeeping, discourse analysis, content analysis
Peripheral vision and challenging invisibilities Theoretical and methodological reflections on the “digitized turn” and “born-digital” sources in archives of translation and translators Peter Jonathan Freeth | London Metropolitan University 摘要:This article presents a discussion of the theoretical and methodological challenges posed by digitization processes and born-digital sources within translation and translator studies research, particularly in archival contexts. It begins by demonstrating how the digitization of archives and source materials remains an undertheorized issue in translation contexts, as well as the need to understand how digitization allows new forms of “peripheral vision” across our research and publication processes. Subsequently, the article problematizes the archiving and use of born-digital sources to research translation and translators, particularly in terms of issues surrounding data collection, access and ethics. In doing so, this article argues that care must be taken to properly understand and preserve the digital sources that will enable archival research in the future, whilst emphasizing the new opportunities presented by digitized and born-digital sources to challenge the invisibility of translation and translators within many of the world’s archives and histories.Keywords: translator archives, translation history, digitization, digital turn, translator studies, social history, digital sources, archival research, research ethics
Translation and mountaineering, a first case study Nea Morin and Janet Adam Smith between collaborative translation and cordée féminine Anna Saroldi | University of Oxford 摘要:This article argues for a dialogue between translation and mountaineering studies and provides examples of how the two could successfully interact. It contributes to literary translator studies and translation history by bringing to the fore the careers of translators and mountaineers Janet Adam Smith and Nea Morin and by establishing links between their collaborative translation and cordée féminine, arguing that they played an active role as agents of both the literary and the mountaineering fields. Moreover, it provides instances of how the awareness of translation processes can expand and deepen the analysis of gendered dynamics in mountaineering non-fiction. Finally, it shows how mountaineering studies can benefit from translation studies in order to become more aware of its dissemination processes and international dynamics, and how translation studies can benefit from mountaineering studies to more fully comprehend and capture the depth of its involvement, dependence, and interaction with the non-literary world.Keywords: translation history, collaborative translation, translator studies, gender studies, mountaineering literature, women mountaineers, life-writing, Annapurna, cordée féminine , feminist translation studies


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