招募 | 联合国教科文组织驻华代表处信息与传播处招募全职实习生
Intern Recruitment
Position: Intern
Location: Beijing, China
Sector: Communication and Information
Duration: 22 February – 21 August 2021
Application Deadline: 31 January 2021
Under the direct supervision of the National Professional Officer for Communication and Information, you will carry out the following tasks:
Assist in the coordination and implementation of programme and project activities and provide administrative support;
Assist with drafting, translating and proofreading of project documents and reports.
Assist in coordination and organization of project-related events and meetings;
Assist with designing, drafting and proofreading public outreach materials and news items for the UNESCO website and social media platforms;
Any other tasks as assigned by the supervisor.
Must be at least 20 years old at the time of application.
Completed full-time university studies (bachelor's degree or equivalent) at a university or equivalent institution prior to commencing the assignment; or enrolled in a graduate program (second university degree or Master's degree or equivalent, or higher), at the time of application; or recently graduated with a university degree (first or second degree as defined above), within the last 12 months.
Major in communication studies, information science, or other CI related fields;
Excellent command of English and Chinese (oral and written);
Strong strategic and analytical skills;
Good computer and IT skills and experience in using office software packages;
Ability to work effectively in a multicultural context and maintain a commitment to international public service.
Other Mandatory Requirements
Visa: You should obtain any necessary visas.
Travel: You must arrange and finance your travel to Beijing.
Medical insurance: You must show proof of a comprehensive health insurance valid in China.
Medical certificate: Before the beginning of your internship, you must provide a medical certificate indicating that you are fit to work.
ID and Certificate of Enrolment/Diploma (if you have just recently graduated)
The duration of the internship is six months, at least four days each week, full-time preferred;
The aim of the internship is to give you professional experience in an international organization which relates to and supplements your studies;
UNESCO does not remunerate or pay interns. Costs and arrangements for travel, visa, and accommodation and living expenses are the responsibility of interns or their sponsoring institutions;
As the internship programme is not connected with the recruitment process, the grating of an internship should not be interpreted in any way as a preliminary step towards employment at the Secretariat.
To apply, please submit your English and Chinese CVs to Ms. Siqi Wei (s.wei@unesco.org) by 31 January 2021.
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