
【慢速广播30分钟】20200115_&_ 图片新闻

littleflute 红渡中学22班 2021-10-05



Day in Photos

January 15, 2020

A look at the best news photos from around the world.

January 15, 2020 03:44 PM

1) Members of Qatar's air sport committee perform during the Kuwait aviation show in Kuwait City.

2) A member of the Syrian Violet Oragnization carries an injured boy at a makeshift hospital following a government airstrike on a vegetable market in Syria's last major opposition bastion of Idlib.

3) Kangaroo and wallaby joeys that have been orphaned due to road accidents, dog attacks, bushfires and drought conditions are seen in a cart as they are treated at the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital in Beerwah, Queensland, Australia.

4) A riot policeman fires tear gas at anti-government protesters, during ongoing demonstrations against the Lebanese central bank's governor and the deepening financial crisis, at Hamra Trade Street, in Beirut, Lebanon, Jan. 14, 2020

5) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., speaks during a news conference to announce the impeachment managers, on Capitol Hill in Washington.

6) Police officers and local residents dig to search for the bodies of victims of avalanches in Doodnail village in Neelum Valley, Pakistan-administered Kashmir. Search teams aided by Pakistani troops have pulled out 21 bodies from this week's avalanches.

7) A member of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal team, EOD, examines a suspicious package after it was found on the doorstep of Kosher restaurant HaCarmel in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

8) A villager tries to control a bull during a bull-taming festival, which is part of south India's harvest festival of Pongal, on the outskirts of Madurai town, in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu.

9) Two Iceland stallions stand together in a paddock in Wehrheim near Frankfurt, Germany.

10) Swans gather on the shoreline of the Danube River in Belgrade, Serbia.


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【 TED演讲bl002】What obligation do social media platforms have...

【 TED演讲bl001】Our immigration conversation is broken...


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[tu]【TED演讲114】为什么我们失去了同情心?演说者:Daniel Goleman

[m]【TED演讲113】外表并非全部,相信我,我是个模特  演说者:Cameron Russell 卡梅伦·鲁塞尔

【TED演讲112】一切只需十分钟的专注 演说者:Andy Puddicombe

【TED演讲111】你不会受到情绪的影响 - 你的大脑创造了它们 演说者:Lisa Feldman Barrett

[w]【TED演讲110】内向性格的力量! 演说者:Susan Cain

【TED演讲109】未来的工作会是什么样子 演说者:Andrew McAfee

[w]【TED演讲108】我为什么研究世界上最危险的动物 —— 蚊子 演讲者:Fredros Okumu

【TED演讲107】休假的力量!演说者:Stefan Sagmeister

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[f]【TED演讲105】成功的 8 个秘诀 演讲者:Richard St. John

[m]【TED演讲104】教女孩勇敢,而不是完美 演说者:Reshma Saujani

【TED演讲103】如何更好倾听的5种方法 演说者:Julian Treasure

【TED演讲102】老师们需要真正的反馈 演讲者:Bill Gates

[su]【TED演讲101】骇客学习法使我快乐 演讲者:Logan LaPlante

【TED演讲100】为什么有的人比其他人更难锻炼?演讲者:Emily Balcetis

【TED演讲99】精神强大的人绝不会做的13件事情 演讲者:Amy Morin

【TED演讲98】寒门学子需要克服障碍 演说者:Anindya Kundu

【TED演讲97】当工作越来越复杂,给你6个简化守则 演说者:Yves Morieux

【TED演讲96】 相爱是很容易的事情 演讲者:Mandy Len Catron

【TED演讲95】为什么隐私很重要!演说者:Glenn Greenwald

【TED演讲94】如何保证宝贵时间不被琐事占据 演讲者:David Grady

[f]【TED演讲93】记得说谢谢 演讲者:Laura Trice

【TED演讲92】一年阅读来自世界上每一个国家的一本书 演讲者:Ann Morgan

【TED演讲91】连续熬夜会发生什么?演说者:Claudia Aguirre

【TED演讲90】金钱会让你变的更加刻薄吗?演说者:Paul Piff

【TED演讲89】一个简单的方式戒掉坏习惯 演说者:Judson Brewer

【TED演讲87】不要以沉默对待抑郁!演说者:Nikki Webber Allen

【TED演讲86】伟大的领袖如何激励行动!演说者:Simon Sinek


【TED演讲84】我从肥皂剧里学到的4个人生道理 演说者:Kate Adams

【TED演讲83】学校扼杀了学生的创造性!演说者:Ken Robinson

【TED演讲82】身体语言如何塑造你自己 演说者:Amy Cuddy

【TED演讲81】寻求帮助是一种能力,不是弱点!演说者:Michele l. Sullivan

【TED演讲80】应该突显出你的能力,而非经验!演说者:Jason Shen

【TED演讲79】真诚赞美,才是最高级的情商!演说者:Laura Trice

【TED演讲78】如何取得成功,重新拥有热情?演讲者:Alain de Botton

【TED演讲77】为了更好的辩论!演说者:Daniel H. Cohen

【TED演讲76】有多少APP正在窥视你的隐私?演说者:Finn Myrstad

【TED演讲75】演说题目:怎样才是最健康的坐姿?演说者:Esther Gokhale

【TED演讲74】演说题目:谈话的艺术,怎样说话才动听?演说者:Julian Treasure

【TED演讲73】 双语对大脑的益处 演说者:Mia Nacamulli

【TED演讲72】毁灭梦想的五个想法!演说者:Bel Pesce

【TED演讲71】每天一秒钟!演说者:Cesar Kuriyama

【TED演讲70】为什么无聊能带给你无限创意?演讲者:Manoush Zomorodi

【TED演讲68】创业公司成功的最大要素!演说者:Bill Gross

【TED演讲69】我们的那些烂学校,我受够你们了!演说者:Geoffrey Canada

【TED演讲67】扑克冠军:做决定的三个策略 演说者: Liv Boeree

【TED演讲66】你对“吸毒成瘾”的认知其实是错的!演说者:Johann Hari

【TED演讲65】我们为什么会相爱,一个哲学迷思。演说者:Skye Cleary

【TED演讲64】3种方法建立幸福的婚姻!演说者:George Blair-West

【TED演讲61】演说题目:最好的结婚对象,其实是你自己!演说者:Tracy Mcmillan

【TED演讲60】让别人知道你的价值,进而获得它!演说者:Casey Brown


【TED演讲58】中国如何改变购物的未来!演说者:Angela Wang

【TED演讲57】关于爱情,你们全搞错了!演说者:Yann Dall'Aglio 中英对照演讲稿(演讲:法语版)

【TED演讲56】上瘾是一种疾病,但是很少得到治疗!演说者:Michael Botticelli

【TED演讲55】当医生们犯错误的时候!演说者:Brian Goldman

【TED演讲54】细节是设计的灵魂所在!演说者:Paul Bennett

【TED演讲53】指纹透露的信息,超乎你的想象!演说者:Simona Francese

【TED演讲52】不可挥霍的时光!演说者:Meg Jay

【TED演讲51】席卷世界的致命饮食习惯!演说者:Dean Ornish

【TED演讲50】生活之美:少点用具,多点乐趣!演说者:Graham Hill

【TED演讲49】让我们来猜想一下狗狗的内心!演说者:Billy Collins

【TED演讲48】停止寻找你的热情!演说者:Terri Trespicio

【TED演讲47】揭秘多语言学习者的奥秘!演说者:Lýdia Machová

【TED演讲46】不要害怕被拒绝,拒绝并不可怕 演说者:Jia Jiang

【TED演讲45*】如何培养创造力和自信心?演说者:David Kelley

【TED演讲44*】谈谈世界的英语热!演说者:Jay Walker

【TED演讲43*】通过音乐,找到真实的自己!演说者:Anika Paulson

【TED演讲42*】创造幸福的七条定律 演说者:Stefan Sagmeister

【TED演讲41*】每个孩子都是冠军!演讲者:Rita Pierson

【TED演讲40*】假期里,一定要睡个好觉!演说者:Jeff Iliff

【TED演讲39*】大人能从小孩身上学到什么?演说者:Adora Svitak

【TED演讲38*】珍惜你的想象力,生活更加美好 演说者:Janet Echelman

【TED演讲37*】你所见过"最好的"幼儿园!演说者:Takaharu Tezuka

【TED演讲36*】如何高效学习?演说者:Scott Young

【TED演讲35*】语言如何塑造我们的思维方式? 演讲者:Lera Boroditsky

【TED演讲34*】如何让"选择"变得更容易?演讲者:Sheena Iyengar

【TED演讲33*】越主动,越幸运!演讲者:Tina Seelig

【TED演讲32*】如何在网上讨论性侵行为?演说者:Ione Wells

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