
四六级 · 听力模考 | 四级听力模拟考试- Model Test 01 - [ 试题+mp3+答案+录音文本 ]

2016-11-07 蔡雷英语
四六级听力 · 往期 

2016 Nobel Prize for medicine

CNN NEWS Zika virus [ 习题+答案 ]

CNN NEWS EU [ 习题+答案 ]

VOA NEWS - Hot Drinks Link to Cancer

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新闻听力 - 20161102新闻听力 - 20161103

新闻听力 - 20161104、听力练习 - 20161105

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听力练习Listening Practice

Section A

Questions 1 and 2 based on the following news items


  1. There are more coffee drinkers around the world.

  2. Drinking coffee helps people live longer.

  3. People have different coffee drinking habits.

  4. Coffee can protect against all diseases. 


  1. Brain diseases, heart disease and obesity.

  2. Brain diseases, type 2 diabetes and obesity.

  3. Heart diseases, brain diseases, and depression.

  4. Heart diseases, brain diseases, and type 2 diabetes.

Questions 3 and 4 based on the following news items


  1. A hurricane came along. 

  2. An earthquake suddenly happened.

  3. A fire broke out in a hotel.   

  4. A snowstorm attacked the city.


  1. It’s the world’s tallest building. 

  2. It has 62 stories.

  3. The flames of the hotel moves quickly. 

  4. It is burned to the ground.

Questions 5 and 7 based on the following news items


  1. To show respect for low-paid factory workers.

  2. To show people’s hopes of a better life.

  3. To show the strength f labor organizations.

  4. To celebrate the effort and love for work.


  1. On September 5, 1889.  

  2. On May 1, 1889. 

  3. On September 5, 1882.   

  4. On May 1, 1882.


  1. May 1.           

  2. September 5.

  3. September 7.  

  4. The first Monday in September.

Section B  Conversation One 

Questions 8 and 11 based on the following conversation.


  1. Before finishing school.       

  2. After finishing university.

  3. During her university course.   

  4. Between high school and university.


  1. She is ill.                

  2. She will get new job.

  3. She will go to university.  

  4. She has no money.


  1. International children’s projects.     

  2. Social and environmental projects.

  3. Projects for people with no money.   

  4. Projects involving sports and languages.


  1. Mainly from London.  

  2. Mainly from England.

  3. From different countries.  

  4. From charity organizations.

Conversation Two  

Questions 12 and 15 based on the following conversation.


  1. 8.1 million. 

  2. 12 million. 

  3. 20 million 

  4. 26 million


  1. Health care and housing problems.

  2. Education and transportation problems.

  3. Transportation and employment problems.

  4. Education and employment problems.


  1. It is expected to be the eighth biggest city in the world.

  2. Its size is expected to be three times in 75 years.

  3. It is about 12 million in 2025.

  4. It won’t be in the top ten of Asia.


  1. Tokyo in Japan. 

  2. Shanghai in China.

  3. Beijing in China.

  4. Seoul in South Korea.

Section C  

Passage 1  Questions 16 and 18 based on the following passage.


  1. They don’t like English food.

  2. Restaurants in Britain serve foreign food only.

  3. English food can’t be found in large towns.

  4. They get few chances to eat English food.


  1. They think that people live to eat, but not eat to live.

  2. They think that people should eat the best food when living.

  3. They think that people eat to live, but not live to eat.

  4. They think that people eat to live and live to eat.


  1. Unfair  

  2. Ridiculous    

  3. Reasonable  

  4. Objective

Section C  Passage 2  

Questions 19 and 21based on the following passage.


  1. The Red Cross workers are in many countries.

  2. The Red Cross only exists in the developing  countries.

  3. The Red Cross is another name for world hospital.

  4. Many people who are in need work in Red Cross.


  1. Supplying blood for people who need.

  2. Providing a number of services for the public.

  3. Helping the sick and wounded during the war.

  4. Aiding people who were injured in an earthquake.


  1. The protection of prisoners of war.

  2. The prevention of the outbreak of war.

  3. The signing of Geneva Convention.

  4. The popularity of fist aid knowledge.

Section C  Passage 3 

Questions 22 and 25 based on the following passage.


  1. The workers on the underground platforms were replaced by machines.

  2. It became the first completely automatic railway in the world.

  3. A completely automatic line was added to its network.

  4. Its trains became computer-controlled.


  1. The platform workers. 

  2. The command spots.

  3. The computers.   

  4. The machines.


  1. To drive the train after it is started automatically.

  2. To start the train and to drive it when necessary.

  3. To take care of the passengers on the train.

  4. To send commanding signals to the command spot.


  1. It will stop automatically.

  2. It will move on at the same speed.

  3. IT will gradually slow down.   

  4. It will keep a safe distance from the other trains.

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