
四六级 · 听力 | 新闻听力练习- N20170527

2017-05-27 蔡雷英语
四六级 · 往期回顾 


  • A.To fight for a 45 percent discount.

  • B.To kick off £6 billion six-day spending spree.

  • C.To leave businesses desperate to shift a build-up of stock.

  • D.To flock to the High Street to buy last-minute presents.


  • A.Because Christmas falls on a Friday.

  • B.Because Christmas falls on a Thursday.

  • C.Because Satyrday is the most strssful shopping day of this year.

  • D.Because the autumn is mild and Black Friday is unecpectedly low


Discounts are expected to average 45 percent on what some see as the most stressful shopping day of the year,according to Deloitte.

 Bargain-hunters are expected to flock to the High Street to buy last-minute presents on the busiest day in the Christmas shopping calendar(日历,日程表).Around 12.6 million Britons are expected to hit the sales in search of cut-price buys,according to the Center for Retail Research.

 A mild autumn and unexpectedly low Black Friday sales have left business desperate to shift a build-up of stock,industry experts said.And thanks to Christmas falling on a Friday this year,Panic Saturday is expected to kick off(开始) a £6 billion six-day spending spree--23 percent more than the same period last year when Christmas Day fell on a Thursday.

  • 1.What are the bargain-hunters expected to do?

  • 2.Why is Panic Saturday expected to kick off six-day spending spree?



