
恒光保险代理|美国IPO市场.更新招股书 20230307

Ryanben Capital 港澳IPO上市 2024-02-17

2023年3月7日,来自四川成都的四川恒光保险代理有限公司的实质控股股东 Hengguang Holding Co.,Limited (以下简称:恒光保险代理)在美国证监会(SEC)更新招股书,拟在美国纳斯达克上市,其股票代码为 HGIA 。其于2021年6月28日在SEC秘密递表。




恒光保险代理,来自四川成都,作为一家保险代理公司,于 2016年获得中国全国保险代理资质、互联网保险代理牌照。2019年推出数字化销售应用“恒快保”,2020年9月率先在恒快宝推出车险一键系统。截至 2022年6月,在中国16个省份拥有54家分支机构。

恒光保险代理,经销多种各保险公司的保险产品,主要两大类:(1) 财产和意外伤害保险,如汽车保险、商业财产保险、意外伤害保险、建筑工程保险和责任保险;(2) 人寿和健康保险。恒光保险代理的收入主要来自合作保险公司支付的佣金和费用,通常按客户向保险公司支付的保费的百分比计算。



张久林Jiulin Zhang及其配偶毛春玲,持有全部持有89.9298万股A类股票、350万股B类股票,持有43.99%的股权、拥有86.50%的投票权;

Yao-te Wang,持有40万股A类股票,持有4%的股权、拥有0.96%的投票权;
Haosong Zhang,持有40万股A类股票,持有4%的股权、拥有0.96%的投票权;
白海波 Haibo Bai,持有226.594万股A类股票,持有22.66%的股权、拥有5.46%的投票权;
黄学凤Xuefeng Huang,持有135.9762万股A类股票,持有13.60%的股权、拥有3.28%的投票权。





Mr. Jiulin Zhang has served as the Chief Executive Officer of Heng Guang Insurance, the operating company in China, since January 2017 and the Chief Executive Officer of the Company since 2021 and is one of the key founders of Heng Guang Insurance in 2004. Since then, Mr. Zhang served various positions at Heng Guang Insurance and a few insurance agencies. Mr. Zhang has more than 20 years of experience in property and life insurance marketing and management and has achieved outstanding records of insurance sales. For example, in 2015, Mr. Zhang served as the Sales Director of the Department of Special Representative Business of the Sichuan Branch of Zijin Property Insurance Co., Ltd., and helped the performance of the entire team to reach more than RMB 50 million in annual premiums. Mr. Jiulin Zhang graduated from Sichuan Correspondence Institute for Officers in 2004 and Guang’an Guantang High School in 1985.

Mr. Yao-te Wang has been the Chief Financial Officer of the Company since July 13, 2021 and has served as an independent director for AiXin Life International, Inc., a public company in the United States, since 2018. From February 2015 till now, Mr. Yao-te Wang has served as the CEO of Ivy Service Group, a business consulting company based in Shanghai, China and was a consultant to Ivy Service Group from July 2012 to January 2015. Previously, Mr. Wang was a brand consultant for the Hong Kong Swire Group from 2015 to 2016, and served as a public affairs officer and instructor at the Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan from 2006 to 2012. He has substantial experience and knowledge of operating public companies in the United States with respect to the accounting and financing, regulatory compliance, industrial development, strategic planning, and domestic and cross-border mergers and acquisitions. Mr. Wang has earned a Master’s Degree from Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, a Master’s Degree from University of Denver Korbel School of International Studies, and a Bachelor’s Degree from National Defense University in Taiwan.


Mr. Yi Wang has served as the Chief Technology Officer for Heng Yun Da since May 2018 and will be appointed as the Chief Technology Officer for the Company prior to the effectiveness of this registration statement. From July 2015 to April 2018, Mr. Yi Wang was the Chief Technology Officer at Sichuan Times Joint Venture Capital Co., Ltd. Mr. Yi Wang has implemented its information automation strategy, and led the research and development of Heng Kuai Bao. He has more than 10 years of mobile Internet product design and development experience, worked for large and medium-sized Internet companies, and participated in the development of municipal financial systems, corporate management and other systems. Mr. Yi has obtained a Bachelor’s Degree of Software Engineering from Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology.


招股书显示,在过去的2020年、2021年和2022年前六个月,恒光保险代理的收入分别为 2,188.34万、2,244.53万和 1,320.96万美元,相应的净利润分别为 4.57万、-112.36万和 -57.56万美元。


恒光保险代理是次IPO的的中介团队主要有:磊拓金融证券为其独家承销商;KCCW Accountancy Corp.为其审计师;竞天公诚、Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP分别为其公司中国律师、公司美国律师;锦天城、VCL Law LLP分别为其承销商中国律师、承销商美国律师。





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恒光保险代理|美国IPO市场.更新招股书 20230307

Ryanben Capital 港澳IPO上市

