海外平行课 | 城市代谢—港口的复兴
连接(Linking)学术(Academy)创新(Creation, 是LAC的由来,也是我们坚持的目标与初心;我们希望打破陈旧的设计教育, 帮助大家完成“中国学习模式”到“海外学习模式”的转变, 提前掌握国外院校的研究理论与设计逻辑。 我们希望挖掘学生个人潜力, 培养学员逐步拥有自己的设计思维, 在最擅长的领域延伸和放大。
基于教学需求, 经过半年的研发与筹备, 我们开始推出《LAC海外平行课》, 100%基于海外顶尖设计院校教案, 教学模式以及教学理念, 打造最具创意和颠覆的主题创作类课程, 引导学生从独特的视角解读场地, 探索研究相关理论, 切入设计, 逻辑性地发展深化至高质量的作品。
授课模式:1位导师, 限3-4名学生, 线上结合线下, 围绕一个典型学术理论/海外研究性设计课题/国际竞赛, 融合多种设计学科, 课程内容包含头脑风暴, 概念培养, 设计流训练, 图面表现等。
项目周期:8-10 周
项目成果:one project
命题导师:Qirui Liu
本设计课题针对建筑/ 城市设计/ 景观建筑专业学生
本设计课题强调在设计过程中在不同尺度 上对方案的思考、表达和深化
| 课程导师 |
| 课题任务书 |
Entrance of Coal Bridge
The main task is to make an overall plan for the transformation and development of the South Harbour District in Aarhus,Denmark and a more detailed master plan for the northern part of the district.
The overall assignment takes its departure in the ongoing debate for the area and is informed by the work already executed by the municipality.
The work is presented in two documents. I encourage students to follow requirements showed in the documents. I will also offer some other documents and websites which can help your design development.
‐ ‘Sydhavnskvarteret Aarhus C – Udviklingsplan, September 2017’ (The development plan)
‐ ‘Sydhavnskvarteret Aarhus C – Værdi‐ og kvalitetskatalog, September 2017’ (The value and quality catalougue)
‐ ‘Højhuspolitik for Aarhus Kommune
‐ For et område i midtbyen’ (A proposal – an addendum to the Municipality plan 2013)
‐ www.debynaerehavnearealer.dk
In terms of realism versus idealism
| 平行课题要求 |
具体提案必须考虑/ 遵守一些要求:
1. 基础设施
- 自由地重新设计未来的基础设施元素,重新定位接入点等。
- 沿着Sydhavnsgade 的繁忙交通不会消失。这些项目必须切实应对这一困难的基础设施挑战。
- 项目必须符合弯曲的火车轨道。
- 在重点区域内需要遵循文件中提供的占地比例。在未提及的区域之外,学生可以自由探索不同的密度。
3. 高度
- 允许建造高于6 层/ 25 米的高度。
4 基地中及周边已建成建筑
- Danske Bank 的新总部(由Arkitema 设计)
- Filmbyen(由Aart 设计)
- Jyllands-Posten(由HLT 设计)
The specific proposals must consider/comply with a number of non‐negotiable and negotiable constraints:
‐ Kulbroen (the coal bridge). The winning proposal (by Transform) is not a limiting fact. You have the freedom to redesign the future infrastructural element, to resituate the access points, etc.
‐ The heavy traffic along Sydhavnsgade will not disappear. The projects must deal with this difficult infrastructural challenge, realistically.
‐ The projects must comply with the curving train track.
‐ The northern part of the South Harbour District includes sub‐area 1, 2 and 3 (as indicated at page 25 in the development
plan). The plot‐ratio for these sub‐areas is described at page 17 in the quality catalog). The project should strive to comply with these densities. Outside these areas, you have the freedom to explore different densities.
‐ As mentioned in the development plan it is allowed to build higher than six stories/25 meters.
‐ The new main office of Danske Bank (Designed by Arkitema) is a fact and must be taken into consideration.
‐ The future extension of Filmbyen (Designed by Aart) must be included in the plan.
‐ The future headquarters for Jyllands‐Posten (Designed by HLT) must be included in the plan.
1. 前期调研(mapping /diagram 显示对城市背景的解读及主要概念)
2. 总图1:2000/1:500 (不同比例尺下的图纸表达侧重点和内容不同)
3. 节点平面图1:200 (侧重表达内外空间过渡节奏与尺度变化)
4. 剖面图(workshop mode) 1:500/1:200/1:50
5. 轴测图/ 分析图 ( 表达手法不限,表达逻辑清晰即可)
6. 效果图 3-4 张
1. An overall plan diagram/mapping showing the main concept(s)
2. An Overall (Strategic) Plan of the South Harbour Area in its whole. Scale 1:2.000
3. A Spatial Master Plan of the Northern part of the South Harbour District. Scale 1:500
4. One or two detailed plan which show your main concept
5. ‘East‐West’ Section. Scale 1:500 /1:200/1:50
A section from the quay to for instance Frederiks Plads. You decide the exact position of the section.
丹麦事务所针对coal bridge(位于基地中)的投标方案文本
| 平行课题周期 |
背景/mapping/ 阅读/ 初步概念
第1-2 周【group】
根据所提供的资料(文字/3d 模型/cad)对场地进行认知与解读。主要分析方式为mapping。在海外教学中,mapping 不再止于一种表现方法,不是一种按图索骥的再现,他除了具有图解式的能力外,更是一种探索事物或设计潜能的方式。
(学习文章:James Corner 的<The Agency of Mapping>。)
在本阶段,鼓励同学大致确定设计概念或方向,针对兴趣点进行深度分析与发掘,并通过多样的方式表达概念(mapping/ 分析图/ 拼贴等)。
体量研究/ 强化概念/ 总图与剖面的交叉推进
第3-5 周【group/individual】
Section Workshop(1:500—1:200—1:50/1:20)
设计的整体表现(效果图/ 分析图等)
为了加强学生对剖面的理解以及其重要性的领悟,我们将安排为期一周的section workshop,并以专题讲座的方式进行讲解如何绘制与表达。
2. 如何清晰的表达概念与场所的关系(Concept vs Context)
3.Section Workshop
4. 绘图技巧与工作流
| 海外项目范例 |
Concept Diagram
Master Plan 1:2000
Mapping A shows the boundary along main road in Aarhus. Most of edges shows a radioactive trend, however this boundary is different, to some extent, it cut Aarhus into two pieces.
Mapping B focuses on this barrier and the inaccessibility of the harbour area. Compared with Aarhus Ø which has been activated, I think the districts closed to sea are prepared to active.
Sydhavn is the reflection on the boarderline between entity A (city) and entity B (harbour), perceived as being of medium to connect two sides in the future. Mapping C shows that there are different grades of barriers in the site.Instead of attempting to erase this seemingly permanent border, I proposed to work on and exploit the DNA of a limit separating two worlds that, at times, have to engage in dialogue and at other times stands in opposition with each other. And so it was that the limit was dilated, widened, but also destructured in order to extract from it all its latent possibilities. Sydhavn which can be regarded as the largest borderline between the city and harbour thus become a space negotiating the attraction of the city for the seaside, as well as its repulsion for the port, and vice versa.
In order to create the dialogue and fusion of two entities, I try to conclude thte DNA of two sides.
The first DNA of inner city is this kind of enclosed urban structure, which not only reflect on the existing neighborhood area, but also the new Aarhus Baneaardsgade designed by cobe and transform.
As for the entity B, which is industrial area and harbor area.
My strategy is to merge two entities together, in order to break the barrier and make harbor work.
Master Plan 1:500
Plan 1:200
Diagram of Diversified Squares
Section A 1:200
Section B 1:50
Section F 1:100
Section E 1:100
Street Section 1:50
View from Parking Building
urder of Coal Bridge
To conclude,
My aim is not only to grab the chance and make the most innovative and creative business area in Denmark, but to make south harbour district as a catalytic agent, linking city center and industrial area. When people come here, they can feel the passion of the city center and the heavy history of south harbour.
Life between buildings is crucial to the vision of southern harbor district as a living quarter can be met. Sydhavn quarter as urban spaces and open spaces must differentiate themselves from each other so as to create a natural hierarchy and interaction between. So there are diversified open spaces in my project. Hope for that everybody come here, they can have place they are found of to stay and enjoy.
The recreational connection is designed through Sydhavn, featured as a distinctive and highly structuring element - and in line with the vision for the overall deployment of the connection between city and industrail area which is unaccessible now. The course of the recreational connection is finally determined in the extension of the development plan.
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