
Graduates | 王修齐:以专业之眼洞察生活,用人文之心感知食品

广以君 广东以色列理工学院 2023-04-29




王修齐  2018级本科生







高考后填报专业时,不少人选择了 IT、金融这类“热门”专业,对生化环材等“天坑专业”避而远之。大学四年回首,学习生物技术的这个小众决定,反而让修齐不断收获意外的惊喜。“当大家的目光都集中在主流专业时,如果能遵循自己的兴趣爱好,跳脱出‘主流与天坑’的思维定势进行决策,在学习中对小众学科有自己的耕耘与收获,可能会有更多机遇。”











修齐是生活中的“佛系少年”,闲时做饭看书,游山玩水;他也是学业上的“内卷大王”,学术、科研和实习都交出了亮眼的成绩单。本科绩点92/100,免疫学、食品化学等专业课程满分;在可持续食品系统与基因组学实验室担任研究助理,参与研究课题、基金申请;代表实验室参加省高校科技成果转化路演;以共同作者身份在知名学术期刊上发表学术论文;在Plug & Play农业食品部门实习······他在认定的赛道上奋力冲刺,在自己的节奏里张弛有度。





Class of 2022 / Graduates

Time flies and the second cohort of students graduate from Guangdong Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT) this year. In the series of interviews with the graduates from the Class of 2022, we will show their stories at GTIIT in the past four years.

Here is the story of Wang Xiuqi, a student of the Class of 2022 from the Biotechnology and Food Engineering Program.

Wang Xiuqi  Class of 2022

High school: Shantou Jinshan High School

Awards: GTIIT Chancellor's Scholarship, GTIIT Academic Excellence Scholarship, GTIIT Dean's List

Received offer from: European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) 

We can see the professional and rational insights about his major, Biotechnology and Food Engineering, and feel his careful observation of the environment and life from Xiuqi. He knows how to work hard and fulfils his spare time. He has his own ideas and moves forward on the track he determined.

Wait for a chance with the "niche" area

Many people flocked to popular programs like IT and finance while avoiding biology, chemistry, environmental science, and materials science after the college entrance examination. However, Xiuqi thought that when most people focused on the so-called "mainstream track", if he could think out of the box and work hard in the "niche" area of his interest, he would have more chances.

Four years ago, Xiuqi was attracted by GTIIT's vision of "promoting innovative research, environmental protection and social prosperity", which coincided with his interest in "sustainable development". Finally, he started his new journey at GTIIT.

Food is so important for people that Xiuqi was very determined about his choosing biotechnology and food engineering program. "Food is probably the industry that's closest to daily life. Meanwhile, it is also enduring. The current boom in the food sector offers a wide scope for biotechnology students to grow. Artificial meat, alternative proteins, precision nutrition - one industrial windfall after another is emerging," shared Xiuqi. "I feel lucky to be able to witness and be part of this dramatic industrial innovation."


"Many internet giants had layouts in the agri-food sector. When the 'niche' meets the 'mainstream' , the competition within the latter is often extremely fierce. If you take an alternative path, you could break through with unique insights, and the cross energy between the two can propel you to a higher level."

"Don't worry if you are studying a currently unpopular program. Being mainstream or not is not perpetual," said Xiuqi. He suggested the students learn more, find out their own competitiveness, and wait for the opportunity to overtake others.

Humanistic thinking from the non-typical science student

Xiuqi loves wandering around the food market in Shantou in his spare time. "I think students who study food or biology program are fortunate because what we learn is closely related to daily life, which gives me a very realistic sense of reward. There is a category of food sociology in food studies. Although my program was more technically oriented, I gradually cultivated a sense of mission in the connection of market vendors, food and cooking. I think about how I can change the food system I'm exposed to and serve society through my knowledge."

"Sustainability is a big concept and promise. I hope to keep working on it in academic and in real life. I often think about in the age of abundance, what does diet mean to people? How will the food industry change with the times?" In his opinion, the taste of food means a lot to people. It bears the imprint of culture and the memory of a certain period. "Wine making, for example, is a romantic discipline. Condensing a period of time into a glass of liquid is a story in itself, while the people who drink it will have a more unique interpretation of the flavour in combination with their own experiences. It's a fantastic connection."


Xiuqi said that Biotechnology and Food Engineering was a program that combined both rationality and sensibility. "Food is a subject that often leads to emotional thinking on the basis of science. Your local complex, your understanding of food culture and social structure push you to think about this industry with more than scientific thinking. How to make technology really benefit people's lives is a topic worth exploring for a lifetime."

Xiuqi (left 5) with members of the lab

Be firm in his goal 

Xiuqi lives an easy life in his spare time, cooking, reading and travelling; while makes great performance in academic, scientific research and internship. He got the GPA 92/100 and full scores in courses like immunology and food chemistry. He worked as a research assistant in the Laboratory of Sustainable Food Systems and Genomics, participated in research projects and fund applications. He participated in the 2020 Guangdong University Research Findings Commercialization Roadshow Contest on behalf of the laboratory; published academic papers on a famous international journal as the co-author; worked as an intern in the Agri-food Department of Plug & Play... He worked hard on the identified track at his own pace.




Four years later, Xiuqi chose a more interesting master's program. In the next two years, he will study in the University of Hohenheim in Germany, the University of Turin in Italy and Aarhus University in Denmark under the program of European Institute of Innovation & Technology. "It may not be the best choice in the eyes of others, but the universities ranked top among the areas of agriculture and food, and the academic network will give me access to more start-ups and food companies in Europe. I believe there will be more possibilities waiting for me in the future, so I don't regret my choice."

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Graduates | 宾馨:越努力,越幸运

Graduates | 成蕙池:当一个人想要变好时,潜力是无穷的

Graduates | 王雨欣:探索无限可能,诠释多面青春

Graduates | 严钟渝:坚持劳逸结合,保持积极乐观

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Graduates | 国奖得主林洽:仰望星空,脚踏实地


Text/Photos: Wang Xiuqi, GTIIT News & Public Affairs


