
I'm living 120% of my childhood dreams, so can you

Crystal祉迎 万物爱人 Juicy Medicine 2023-10-25

This morning, a beloved friend invited us to look back at our childhood dreams and see what inspiration we can draw from them at this stage of our lives. 

I have to admit I'm already living my dreams. Actually, my life is way better than the wildest imagination I could have as a child. 

My first dream about "who I want to be" was a kindergarten teacher. I was in kindergarten, and the most powerful role I could see was the teacher. My parents laughed and told me I would change my mind later, but I insisted, "I do want to be a kindergarten teacher, no matter what!"

The secret of finding treasure in all dreams is looking at the essence, not the surface.  

I wanted to be a kindergarten teacher because I wanted to be powerful, embody leadership, hold space for people to explore and grow, and share my knowledge, wisdom and care. 

I'm so in awe of myself for staying loyal to the essence of my dream. 

I've never become a kindergarten teacher. Instead, I now teach personal growth and holistic sexuality to adults, and the daily feedback I get from my students are like this:

"I feel ease in my lower back during menstruation and no longer see it as a trouble as before. Thanks to Crystal, I'm gradually embracing my body and  my identity as a woman, which inspired me to teach my daughter to honor her female body too. 

I made peace with my sexual desire which I used to be ashamed of. I realize my vagina is honorable, my desire is normal and love-making is glorious. There is no place that is ugly in the body. Menstruation deserves love and care as much as creativity does. 

I feel my body is whole again, no longer separated into upper, middle and lower, and it's free from the judgement of clean and dirty."

It always feels like a heart orgasm when I read feedback like this. 

I actually didn't even "plan" to teach something like this. It just happened-a group of friends were complaining about their sex lives and I felt I could give a talk to contribute, and why not make it accessible to more people and make some money too? 

Then people loved it, and more people loved it.   

The universe has heard my childhood dream and helped me find the most juicy topic to teach. 

I no longer wanted to be a kindergarten teacher after graduating from kindergarten. My dream job through primary school to high school was a writer. 

The essence of that dream is to inspire a wide range of people. 

I started fiction writing at nine years old, and even created a trend in my class. Many girls started to write stories on their cute notebooks too, and after a while all of them gave up. A girl told me "I bet you will give up soon too", and I never did. 

I kept writing and finally got my work published in magazines and books, after being rejected hundreds of times. At the age of 20 I shifted to non-fiction writing, because my real life became more fascinating than fantasies. 

I thought I would be writing fictions that touch and inspire people, but I ended up writing non-fiction articles that influence people in a more direct way. 

Many of my readers experienced transformation after getting a new angle of looking at things and following the suggestions and exercises I suggested. Many of them told me "your articles helped me to accept and love myself more". 

How does it get any better than catalyzing more love on this planet? 

I didn't get too attached to my original dream of writing fictions, instead, I stayed loyal to the essence-inspiring people. 

Oh, and I actually never thought I could ever write in English when I was a teenager. 

I would have given up easily after a few rejections from magazines, if I were only writing because it seemed cool and everybody else was doing it. 

Before doing my first online class on holistic sexuality, I never did any formal study or research about building an online teaching business, and I just went for it without worrying.  

According to a research, public speaking ranks first among people's biggest fears, even ahead of death, but I've barely experienced fear in public speaking since very young age, why?

Because I just always know what I have to say is a gift to the world. If I have to speak to get praise, I might get really scared too, but my focus is on the contribution I can bring, and I feel supported by the whole universe, who needs and loves that contribution. 

So, my secret of living my childhood dreams 120% is, staying loyal to the essence of them, which is about contributing- to me and to the world. 

What I would like to contribute at the end of my article, is a few magic questions. Just ask them without seeking answers in your mind right away. Just let the questions open doors for you and see what happens later. 

What are your childhood dreams? 

What's the essence of them? 

What are the possibilities to live that essence now? 

Who can you contribute to if you live that essence? 

What kind of contribution can you receive in order to live that essence? 

What would you choose differently if you were being 120% loyal to real you instead of trying to validate anybody else' reality? 

-Thank you-

About Crystal Dai

A mirror of yourself, a lover of the whole universe.

After realizing one day I'm going to die at the age of 8, I started to explore what kind of life is worth living, and I embarked on the spiritual journey at the age of 16. 

After experiencing various forms of spiritual practice and healing art, such as in vipassana meditation, shamanism, traditional yoga, energy healing, tantra, dreamwork, conscious dance and more, I developed my unique approach of empowering people to be 100% creator of their lives. 

Read/listen more:

Ignite the magic of feminine productivity

The Atomic Bomb of Love, Your Highest Achievement

Sexual turn-ons, your compass for soul expansion

How I make love with my PMS

Cervix, the neglected sacred spot

Podcast: Build Your Internal Compass

Crystal's Miracle Valley

Your catalyst for being the creator of your life 

and making love with the universe

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